
第62章 豪车系列(2)

2004: F430 - first car with electronic differential (E-Diff)

2006: 599 GTB Fiorano - first car with traction control (F1-Trac)

2008: Ferrari California - first car with F1 dual-clutch gear change with steering wheel mounted paddles

2011: FF - first car with 4RM (4WD) system

2013: LaFerrari - first car with HY-KERS hybrid technology

dealership [‘di:lip] n. 代理权;代理商

unrivalled [nrav()ld] adj. 无与伦比的;无敌的

configuration [kn,fiɡjurein] n. 配置

aluminium [,ljuminjm] n. 铝

hybrid [haibrid] adj. 混合的

法拉利是一家意大利汽车制造厂,1929年由恩佐·法拉利创办,主要制造一级方程式赛车、 赛车及高性能跑车。



法拉利的持续辉煌来自于两位拥有非凡领导力的传奇人物 - 恩佐·法拉利(Enzo Ferrari)和卢卡·迪·蒙特泽莫罗(Luca di Montezemolo),以及其具有才干和献身精神的员工团队。激情、勤奋、创新、坚定、专研、激励、卓越、投资、技术、才华、培训、独特、精粹、风格、荣誉以及团队精神,诸多品质和要素共同铸就法拉利品牌的精髓。秘诀在于和知识,将所有这些品质和要素在整个公司的每个方面实现完美的有机结合:从设计到生产,从公路跑车到赛车,从经销商网络维护到品牌研发,从培训到为员工提供服务,从关爱客户到个性化订制,从接收订单到最终交付。这就是伟大法拉利的成功秘诀。


法拉利为全球最具影响力品牌。这不仅是全球跃马热衷者的心声,也是那些年复一年从马拉内罗工厂购买法拉利的客户们的观点,全球知名品牌价值评估专家、英国品牌顾问公司Brand Finance的评级。


“在任何一项排名中能名列前茅总会令人倍感欢欣,尤其是评比对象囊括了一些世界最知名的品牌。这一成绩证明,即使是在非常艰难的经济时代,意大利仍然可以造就卓越的世界级企业。”法拉利主席卢卡·迪·蒙特泽莫罗(Luca di Montezemolo)表示,“这一卓越成就的背后是同样卓越的员工所创造的卓越的产品。是他们使这一切成为可能,为此,我对他们表示感谢”。



新一代车型配备三个8缸发动机(California 30,458 Italia,458 Spider)或两个V12(F12berlinetta和FF)发动机,充分体现了“特别的法拉利献给特别的你”的设计理念,每款车型都符合一个不同的标准。运动型12缸GT(Gran Turismo)跑车的主题在跃马家族首款四座四驱车型FF上得到了完美演绎。屡获殊荣的高性能F12berlinetta跑车,可以保证低速行驶时享受同样愉悦的驾驶乐趣。在8缸车型中,California 30是完美结合了运动感与实用性的敞篷GT跑车。458 Italia及敞篷版458 Spider,都是纯正的跑车,配有相同的中后置V8发动机,该发动机在2011和2012连续两年赢得年度国际发动机奖,延续了配置有该发动机的法拉利跑车的光荣传统。

在这些车型中,增加了特别限量版La Ferrari跑车,La Ferrari将只生产499辆,它代表了迄今法拉利最卓越的成就。该车型的研究与开发将为未来汽车领域的探索积累丰富的经验。





1997年:F355 —— 应用了F1电子驱动变速的第一款车型,方向盘上安装有拨片

1999年:360 Modena —— 底盘和车身完全为铝制成的第一款


2002年:Enzo Ferrari ——碳陶瓷刹车系统和主动式空气动力学的第一款公路跑车

2004年:F430 —— 带有电子差速器(E-Diff)的第一款车型

2006年:599 GTB Fiorano ——带有牵引力控制系统(F1-Trac)的第一款车型

2008年:Ferrari California —— 应用了F1双离合变速的第一款车型,方向盘上安装有拨片

2011年:FF —— 带有4RM(四轮驱动)系统的第一款车型

2013年:LaFerrari —— 使用了HY-KERS混合动力技术的第一款车型

2.(德国)宝马 BMW




创始人:卡尔·斐德利希·拉普(Karl Friendrich Rapp)





In March 1916, the engineer Karl Friendrich Rapp and a friend founded the Bayerische Flugzeugwerke in Munich, Germany.

On July 21st, 1917, Rapp-Motorenwerke was renamed Bayerische Motoren Werke GmbH. The ongoing war meant that the small company grew quickly. With expansion in mind, the firm built a spacious plant right next to the Oberwiesenfeld airfield in Munich and continued to build engines for army planes until 1918.

Developed on the drawing board in 1922, the first BMW R32 motorcycle caused a sensation when unveiled at the Berlin Exhibition in 1923. To improve air cooling, Chief Engineer Max Friz had positioned the flat motor crosswise in a double-tube frame and transmitted its power via a cardan shaft directly to the wheel - a construction principle that is still used in BMW motorcycles today.

The company made train brakes and retrofitting engines after the war: constructing aircraft engines was forbidden. In 1922 it sold its engine production and the name BMW to Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (“Bavarian Aircraft Works”) and moved into their factory. The aircraft-makers founding date, March 7th, 1916, thus became the new founding date of Bayerische Motoren Werke AG.

In 1925, BMW began working on the car, which laid a foundation for entering into the automobile industry. Afterwards, BMW bought the Eisenach automobile plant, where the Austin Seven was successfully produced under the name “Dixi 3/15 PS”. This vehicle was developed further, going on sale in 1929 as the BMW 3/15 PS DA 2 with a range of different bodyshells, a small car with a lot of appeal. Its popularity helped the company to survive the lean years of the Depression.

Air raids destroyed the Munich plant in 1944, but the Allach plant was virtually unharmed at the end of the war. In mid-1945 BMW received permission to start repairing US army automobiles in Allach. It could also make spare parts for farming machinery and bicycles. Motorcycles could also be made again, but BMW was initially not in a position to do so.

In the early Eighties BMW bought a former barracks in Munichs northern suburbs and set about turning it into a research and engineering centre (FIZ). It consisted of design, construction and test facilities, a prototype construction unit and pilot plant. The first teams started work in 1985. Officially opened in 1990, the FIZ continued to increase its range of activities.

BMW Motorsport

BMW group has long history and brilliant record in Motorsport, and remains to be a main competitive force in Formula One. Going one step further in the Formula One season 2006, BMW was competing independently in Formula One to continue the success in the top racing games.