
第59章 名酒(5)

The Group has a wholly owned trading company based in Shanghai, Pernod Ricard China, with a strong distribution network covering more than 100 cities across China. The companys six regional offices are located in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan and Chengdu. Pernod Ricard also holds majority stakes in two joint ventures in China. Pernod Ricard Helan Mountain (Ningxia) Winery Management Co., Ltd. is responsible for managing the vineyards and winery and supervising the production of Helan Mountain wines by leveraging the Groups global expertise in winemaking, while Sichuan TCX Liquor Sales Co., Ltd. aims to develop a portfolio of premium baijiu brands in China.

As Pernod Ricard continues to enjoy healthy growth of its business and key brands in China, it also maintains its commitment to contributing to Chinas sustainable development. Through a series of anti-drink-driving public education activities since 2005 as well as two years of research on the effects of alcohol on minors and pregnant women, Pernod Ricard China has achieved significant results in terms of promoting responsible drinking in China. Additionally, Pernod Ricard China has also been continuously contributing to the countrys arts and culture education as well as cultural exchange with countries around the world through various initiatives, such as the annual Martell Artists of the Year Award and the Martell Art Fund.

In recognition of Pernod Ricard Chinas positive contribution to Chinas sustainable development, the Company has received a significant number of awards. In June 2011, Pernod Ricard China was awarded the “Good Enterprises Fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility Award” for the second consecutive year at the China CSR Annual Conference. Additionally, the Company received “Top 10 Wine Importers in China” at the “2011 Top 100 Competitive Global Alcohol Business Event in China”.

propel [prupel] v. 推进;驱使;激励

entrepreneurial [,ntrprnrl] adj. 企业家的,创业者的

consecutive [knsekjutiv] adj. 连贯的;连续不断的







目前,保乐力加在中国拥有一家独资贸易公司 —— 保乐力加(中国)贸易有限公司,总部位于上海。公司分销网络遍布全国100多个城市,6个分公司分别设在上海、北京、广州、厦门、武汉和成都。此外,保乐力加还是两家合资公司的大股东。保乐力加贺兰山(宁夏)葡萄酿酒管理有限公司凭借集团世界领先的葡萄酒酿造工艺,负责管理合资企业的葡萄园和酿酒厂,并指导贺兰山葡萄酒的生产。而四川天成祥酒类销售有限责任公司则旨在开发一系列高档白酒品牌。


保乐力加为推动中国社会可持续发展所做的努力得到了社会各方以及业界的认可,并因此屡获殊荣。公司在2011年6月举行的“2011中国企业社会责任年会”上荣膺“2011年中国社会责任优秀企业”,这也是公司连续第二年获此殊荣。此外,“2011第二届TOP 100中国竞争力——全球评选”中,保乐力加中国还荣获“中国十强进口酒商”称号。