
第53章 皮具(6)

As the source land of the Renaissance, the entire city of romance and art - Florence just looks like a glamorous museum which collects numerous art treasures. Satchi was right born in such an artistic land. In the early time, Satchi enjoyed high reputation for its high-ranking leather articles designed and produced for European royal families. With art inspiration and exquisite skills, the skilled craftsmen in Florence brought each Satchi product with unparalleled noble temperament.

The elegant and unconventional Logo of Satchi brand implies its essence basis and unusual nature. The graceful and refined brand image embodies innovative and diligent spirit of Florentine, which is the signature of trend label and quality assurance. Through decades of development, Satchi has now become a world renowned brand spreading in Europe and Southeast Asia, possessing a Series of products, including clothing, bags and luggage, leather articles, ect.

Hand craft,the symbolic quality,endows soul to suit. Satchis “superior handmade series” has received excellent Italian tailoring skills, which shows extraordinary status together with the fine fabric texture and cross-stitch brand mark.

Each suit is treated as a perfect art and craft, and each procedure and gesture are completed selectively and carefully to ensure the elegant posture of the suit, so that the wearer feels comfortable and suitable.

With more than 380 complicated production processes and hand-made key procedures, each Satchi suit is injected with a hundred years essence of crafts, just like bearing vital anima, passing through time and space and presenting glaring texture.

full-bodied [‘fulbdid] adj. 浓郁的;醇厚的

unconventional [,nknvennl] adj. 非常规的;非传统的

brand mark品牌标志;商标











创始人:迈克尔·克罗默 (Michael Cromer)





Founded in 1976, German brand MCM (Mode Creation Munich) crafts luxury leather goods, apparel and footwear for the worlds most seasoned travelers.

Through innovation and timeless design, MCM combines iconic German-engineered functionality with traditional craftsmanship, offering a heritage of elegance.

MCM establishes itself as a global luxury brand through European artisanship with a refined mastery of skills, handcrafting elegant products with flawless quality materials.

A long-time favorite of royalty and celebrities, MCM boasts architect-designed boutiques in chic cities such as Berlin, Dusseldorf, London, New York, Athens, Beijing, Shanghai and Seoul, and is sold by prestigious retailers all over the world.

First Lady

Handcrafted with original cow hide body &; trim, the iconic First Lady Collection boasts a minimalist aesthetic refined by exuberant tones, deep hues and vibrant shades. Boasting a voluminous natural canvas interior with gilded brass hardwares, the structured shapes are designed as daytime handbags for convenient and practical use. The classy First Lady Collection befits virtually any attire, affording style versatility for style mavens and tastemakers alike.


The smart &; urbane Urban Styler collection sports a refined minimalist multifunctional appeal. With an emphasis on practicality, this collection was designed for dexterous and versatile use, handcrafted with original cowhide. With a bevy of pockets &; compartments, this clever collection is built for the urban businessman on-the-go.

exuberant [iɡzju:brnt] adj. 繁茂的;充溢的

dexterous [‘dekst()rs] adj. 灵巧的;敏捷的

on-the-goadj. 忙个不停的;活跃的

成立于1976年的德国正统名牌Mode Creation Munich(MCM)针对极其睿智的顾客——全世界旅行爱好者而制作生产高级皮质物品、服装和鞋类产品。




First Lady 系列

经典的 First Lady 系列采用牛皮手工制作,融汇了丰富色彩、深邃色调和鲜明的明暗对比,呈现出精致亮丽的抽象派风格。该系列采用大量的天然帆布衬里和镀金黄铜配件,结构化外形设计,作为日间手提包方便实用。First Lady 系列可与任何服饰搭配,可以满足时尚达人或时尚先锋人士的需求。


精致都会感十足的URBAN STYLER精品系列呈现出洗练的极简主义。款式设计注重品质,高效及实用性,采用上乘牛皮手工加工而成。这一系列为日常工作和休闲提供可观的储物空间,专为都市精英打造。