
第41章 珠宝首饰(3)


战后经济复苏,珠宝再度盛行,珍贵的白金及珍贵宝石广泛运用于珠宝设计中,尤其是30年代占据统治地位的最时尚的宝石-钻石。顶级珠宝仍带有法国学院派风格,但与战前相比,图案更鲜明,线条也更柔软。50年代,电影《罗马假日》和《甜蜜生活》,画刊、电视、狗仔队风靡世界。与此同时Via Condotti 10号店取得了巨大的成功,这从无数名人进出店铺的照片中便可以看出。诸多明星,像Gina Lollobrigida, Sophia Loren 或Ingrid Bergman,都曾佩戴宝格丽珠宝出席各大公共活动。50年代末,宝格丽更加追求浑圆柔和的线条,开始研究蛋面切割法以代替多刻面切割宝石,树立了独特的宝格丽初期风格。




“你不能总沉浸在过去的荣耀中,这是很不明智的行为。要想获得成功,你必须反思过去、立足现在、展望未来。这不仅是一个严峻挑战,更是对所有人能力的重大考验”。这是Nicola Bulgari于1995年曾说过的一段话。

3.(法国)尚美 Chaumet




创始人:马里·艾蒂安·尼托(Marie Etienne Nitot)






The history of Chaumet dates back to 1780 and is closely interwoven with the history of France. Over five centuries, Paris has been celebrated for the magnificence of its jewelers. It was in this tradition that the founder of Chaumet, Marie Etienne Nitot, distinguished himself in the late 18th century.

The wedding of Napoleon and Josephine de Beauharnais, and later with the Archiduchesse Marie-Louise de Habsbourg-Lorraine, niece of Queen Marie-Antoinette, brought Chaumet numerous sumptuous orders. Nitot became the most famous jeweler in Europe and built up a loyal and prestigious clientele.

After the fall of the Empire, Nitots successors devoted themselves to Romantic jewelry inspired by the decorative arts of the Italian Renaissance and of 17th century France. All the appeal and expertise of the firm also attracted a clientele composed of painters, sculptors, writers and theater actors.

By 1853, Paris had regained its place as the center of the world for luxury and fashion. A propitious atmosphere reigned for the creation of jewelry to be worn by day and by night with sumptuous evening dresses.

With steamships offering a faster mode of travel, Indian princes developed a taste for the pleasures of Europe. They were great collectors of jewelry and brought their pieces set with gemstones to the Place Vendome to have them re-set in light, supple platinum settings.The most magnificent stones were primarily reserved for men, as indicated in the famous pair of pear-cut diamonds Chaumet purchased in 1911 for the maharaja of Indore.

Chaumet created simplified designs contained within rigid geometric outlines compatible with the boyish looks of the 1920s and the more feminine silhouette of the 1930s. This style called Art Deco from the Exposition des Arts Decoratifs held in Paris in 1925, is characterized by strong contrasts of materials, colors and the cuts of the precious and semi-precious stones used.

After the 30s, responding to the continuous social, economic and artistic changes, Chaumet has maintained its legendary reputation. Design is determined by the good taste of the contemporary Parisienne always in search of something new, different and gorgeous. Easy to wear, gold jewelry appears in a concept store.

This knowledge has continuously been passed down since two centuries, through every “chef datelier”. The Chaumet workshop located 12, place Vendome, bears witness to this expertise.

In 2013, French actresses decided to wear Chaumet jewellery and illuminated the 66th edition of Cannes International Film Festival, adorned with parures from the house: Audrey Tautou, host of the Opening & Closing Ceremony; Bérénice Bejo, awarded with the title of Best Actress for Le Passé (The Past), directed by Asghar Farhadi; Ludivine Sagnier, member of the Jury for Un Certain Regard; Laetitia Casta, while she handed over the Best Actor award; Alma Jodorowsky, actress from the Palme dOr movie La Vie dAdèle, directed by Abdellatif Kechiche.

by day and by night日日夜夜

maharaja [,mɑ(h)rɑd] n. (印度的)王公


拿破仑一世及其两任皇后:约瑟芬·德博阿尔内与玛莉安东尼皇后的侄女玛莉露易丝·阿斯部洛林,为 Chaumet 带来了可观的珠宝订单。从此,尼托(Nitot)成为了全欧洲最知名的珠宝商,也同时赢得了许多忠实的顶级珠宝客户的青睐。

帝国结束后,尼托的继承者延续其灵感来源于意大利文艺复兴运动和法国 17 世纪装饰艺术的浪漫主义珠宝风格。尚美作品独有的文化和精湛的工艺吸引了大批文艺界的忠实顾客:画家、雕塑家、作家和明星。

从 1853 年起,巴黎重新变成五彩不夜城,成为国际奢侈品和时尚的高地。当时的环境十分有利于珠宝的创作,为美丽的舞裙锦上添花。

蒸汽轮船加速旅行的进程,印度王子飘洋过海来到欧洲游玩。他们是珠宝收藏大家,把自家的宝石带到芳登广场,让珠宝师们在上面添加铂金框架。最美丽的宝石通常是由男人带走的——比如 1911 年,尚美就为印度王子特制了一对梨形钻石。



位于芳登广场 12 号的尚美高级珠宝工作坊,自1780 年开始便不断将独家技艺代代相传,守卫着尚美的百年历史传承。

2013年,多位法国女演员均佩戴尚美的珠宝出席第66届戛纳国际电影节。柯德莉塔图(Audrey Tautou)担任电影节的开幕及闭幕礼主持。Bérénice Béjo 凭《Le Passe》 荣获本年度康城最佳女主角大奖。Ludivine Sagnier 担任电影《 一种关注》(Un Certain Regard)的评审团成员之一。Laetitia Casta 担任最佳男主角的颁奖嘉宾。Alma Jodorowsky 为Abdellatif Kechiche 执导的金棕榈电影La Vie dAdèle 担任女主角。

4.(英国)杰拉德 Garrard




创始人:罗伯特·杰拉德(Robert Garrard)





Gerrard was born in 1735 and has been given the good reputation “Crown Jeweller ” by queen Victoria. It has ever designed coronation crowns for the royal family for many times, which shows its importance. In recent years, Gerrard successfully marched into the youth market.