
第24章 品牌服装(1)

1.(意大利)华伦天奴 Valentino




创始人:瓦伦蒂诺·加拉瓦尼(Valentino Garavani)





Established in 1960 by legendary fashion designer Valentino Garavani and his business partner Giancarlo Giammetti, Valentino S.p.A. recently celebrated an iconic cornerstone - its 50th anniversary - that further consecrates its heritage and success story.

One of the most storied brands in the world, Valentino offers a wide range of luxury products from Haute Couture and Prêt-à-Porter to an extensive accessories collection that includes bags, shoes, small leather goods, belts, eyewear, watches and perfumes.

The brand is available in over 70 countries thanks to a capillary retail network charted out over the decades of over 129 Valentino directly-operated stores located in the most elegant shopping streets in the world as well as in over 1,250 points of sale.

In October 2008, Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli were named Valentino Creative Directors, a choice that proved to be fruitful and insightful move as the design duo have been credited with rejuvenating the brand via highly-successful and well-received collections that stayed true to the brands legacy of half a century while moving the design aesthetic forward with designs that are at once feminine and contemporary.

Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli, who had worked under Valentino Garavanis for over a decade, contributing to the international success of the fledgling accessories project, displayed all the best assets to thrive an innate sense of leadership, a corporate-centric approach and an extremely talented in-house design team.

The duo debuted with their first Haute Couture collection in Paris in January 2009, demonstrating the ability to fully understand and interpret the Valentino world, a vision that was applauded unanimously. Hollywood stars, socialites and fashion leaders were immediately wooed by their creations.

Six months later, Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli consecrated their success with the July 2009 Haute Couture collection, which also fully expressed their vision for the Valentino woman: an unconventional idea of femininity and of extreme elegance that becomes a way of being, a dichotomy of a fragile yet dangerous nature mixed with an element of uniqueness and distinction.


In July 2012, Mayhoola for Investments S.P.C., an investment vehicle backed by a major private investor group from Qatar, entered into an agreement with Red &; Black Lux S.a.r.l. (a company indirectly controlled by the Permira Funds in partnership with the Marzotto family) for the acquisition of the entire stake capital of Valentino Fashion Group S.p.A. (VFG).

Through the acquisition of VFG, Mayhoola for Investments acquired Valentino S.p.A. and the M Missoni license business, while MCS Marlboro Classics was carved-out from VFG. Red &; Black continues to own a majority stake in Hugo Boss, which was not part of the transaction.

Valentino Haute Couture

Valentino Haute Couture offers a variety of collections that comprise of unique items exclusively handcrafted in the prestigious Roman atelier, where a team of about 40 seamstresses is entirely dedicated to handcrafting precious one-of-a-kind confections.

Valentino Prèt-à-Porter

Valentino Prèt-à-Porter presents sophisticated and exclusive lines for men and women that target a chic young clientele that belongs to the new generation of international jet setters. In January 2012, Chiuri and Piccioli unveiled their first mens wear collection in Florence as Special Guests of Pitti Uomo. The designer tweaked the notion of Italian sartorial tradition and classic attitude with a collection that combined voluminous and fitted shapes enriched with playful details.

cornerstone [‘knstn] n. 奠基石

at the helm of掌握着

in-house [n has] adj. 内部的

unanimously [junnmsl] adv. 全体一致地


voluminous [vlju:mins] adj. 大量的

具传奇色彩的时装大师瓦伦蒂诺·加拉瓦尼与他的商业伙伴 Giancarlo Giammetti 于 1960 年创立了华伦天奴。最近,Valentino S.p.A. 庆祝其成立五十周年,这无疑是一个具代表性的里程碑,象征着华伦天奴为其成功的品牌故事写下了光辉的一页。


经过几十年的零售渠道建设,品牌目前在 70 多个国家设有超过129 个直营店和1250多个销售点。

自 2008 年 10 月起,Maria Grazia Chiuri和 Pierpaolo Piccioli 成为华伦天奴的创意总监,这一决定富有成果且有远见。他们努力地令品牌年轻化,创造了十分成功和受欢迎的系列。他们的作品不但传承了品牌半个世纪的传奇,同时亦融合女性气质和现代设计的美感。

Chiuri 和 Piccioli 与 Valentino Garavani 共事逾 10 年,这些经验有助他们的配饰系列取得国际上的成功,同时亦展示了二人的领导才能、以企业为中心的方针和极具才华的内部设计团队。

Maria Grazia Chiuri 和 Pierpaolo Piccioli 在 2009 年1月在巴黎首度展示第一个高级订制系列,作品表现了二人充分掌握且能诠释 Valentino 风格特色的能力。不少好莱坞明星、社会名流和时尚名人都十分喜爱他们的作品。

六个月后,Chiuri 和 Piccioli 所创造的新一季2009年7月高级订制系列亦取得成功,系列完美地诠释了他们心中对 Valentino 女士的构思:非传统的女性气质和极度优雅的存在脆弱但危险的特质混合了独特元素的混合体。


2012年7月,Mayhoola投资公司(卡塔尔私人投资组织背景)Red&;Black Lux S.a.r.l.(由Permira基金与Marzotto家族合伙控股)签署协议获得Valentino Fashion Group S.P.A(VFG)的全部股权。

通过这次的收购,Mayhoola获得了 Valentino S.p.A.(“Valentino”)以及 M Missoni 的控制权。同时,MCS Marlboro Classics 从 VFG 剥离。 Red &; Black仍拥有Hugo Boss的多数股权,这部分并不包含在收购交易内。


提供多种款式,各具特色,每一件都在享有盛誉的罗马制衣工坊以手工缝制,由一组大约 40 人的精英团队专责打造出最高质量的创作;每一件都是举世唯一,绝无仅有。


提供洒脱而自成一格的男女服装,最适宜年轻、优雅而不拘传统的尊贵客户。2012 年 1 月,Chiuri 和 Piccioli 以 Pitti Uomo 的特别嘉宾身份,在佛罗伦萨展示了他们首个男装系列。设计师将意大利裁剪艺术的传统和对经典的态度与其系列相结合,玩味细节造型合身。

2.(意大利)康纳利 Canali





乔瓦尼·康纳利(Giovanni Canali)

贾科莫·康纳利(Giacomo Canali)


