
第19章 世界名表(9)

(5) Breguet numerals

Some Breguet watches display the distinctive numerals that A.-L. Breguet designed. Although he himself was no calligraphist, Breguets Arabic numerals show his flair for combining function with elegance. Still used today particularly on watches with enamel dials, Breguet numerals first appeared before the French Revolution when they shared the dial with tiny stars to mark the minutes and stylised fleur-de-lys at five-minute intervals. By 1790 they had assumed their definitive form.

(6) Lugs

Although essential only to wristwatches, the lugs that link the strap to the case bear all the hallmarks of authentic Breguet styling. Screw-pins, rather than the more usual sprung bars, hold the strap between the horns, a solution that is not only better looking but also more secure. The lugs have to be welded onto the caseband as much for the technical reasons of rigidity and strength as for aesthetic consistency. Equally exacting is the drilling of the hole for the winding stem. Only absolute precision ensures a watertight case.

(7) Caseband fluting

The fluting (fine grooves enhanced with double beading) on the caseband of Breguets watches is another of the discreet decorative details that constitute what has become known as the Breguet style. In common with many period Breguet timepieces, most of its modern wristwatches have fluted case bands - one of the features that set them apart from other watches. The fluted pattern is cold-rolled into the caseband then finished by hand on a mechanical workpiece-holder.

breakthrough [‘breikθru:] n. 突破;突破性进展

escapement [iskeipmnt] n. 擒纵机构棘轮装置

bourgeoisie [,bwɑzi] n. 资产阶级;中产阶级

ingenuity [,indinju:ti] n. 心灵手巧,独创性

hollow [‘hlu] n. 中空

distinctive [distiktiv] adj. 有特色的,与众不同的

discreet [diskri:t] adj. 谨慎的;小心的






宝玑成为当时科学、军事、金融以及外交才俊不可或缺的制表大师。他的钟表大受欧洲王室欢迎。宝玑为其最为尊贵的顾客设计了多款匠心独具的作品,例如,他于1801年就已经为那不勒斯王后卡洛琳·缪拉构想腕表。荣誉随之而至。他得到经度委员会(board of longitude)委任,作为海军的精密计时器制造大师,加入了科学院,并荣获国王路易十八亲授的荣誉勋章(Legion of Honor)。


宝玑在法国和外国的文学作品中频频出现,也是宝玑公司及其创始人极高声望的佐证。现在,宝玑已深深扎根于欧洲文化,成为描述贵族、资产阶级或奢华优雅生活时不可或缺的重要代名词。 司汤达、梅里美、普希金、巴尔扎克、亚历山大·杜马、萨克雷和维克多·雨果都曾在作品中提及宝玑表,而继其之后,还有现代作家库普林、马克斯·雅各布和派特里克·欧布莱恩等。




世界各地表迷都认同每块宝玑表均体现一种不同凡响的制表工艺标准,且值得流传后世。宝玑自创始至今,所制作的每块钟表均带有独立编号,可供收藏家确定其真伪与来历。 这项优良传统延续至今。每一块宝玑表均附有独一无二的生产编号,将明证品牌世代相传的制造技艺和心血。













10.(日本)精工 Seiko




创始人:服部金太郎(Kintaro Hattori)



Seiko的品牌标志就是一个简单的“SEIKO”,是日本晶振制造商Seiko Instruments Inc.的缩写,也称为SII。


The story of SEIKO began in 1881, when Kintaro Hattori opened a clock repair shop in central Tokyo. Only after 11 years, the company produced the first clock and produced the first wrist watch in 1895.

SEIKO has launched many epoch-making products in the world. SEIKOs cutting edge innovations make it possible to create wonderful worlds first products. In 1929, SEIKO pocket watch was appointed as Japan National Railways official “Railway Watch”. In 1964, the worlds first portable quartz chronometer QC-951 was introduced. This year, SEIKO served as official timer of the 18th Tokyo Olympic Games. It introduced the worlds first six-digit LCD quartz watch cal.0614 in 1973 and the worlds first TV watch cal. T001 in 1983. It also served as official timer at the 25th Olympic Games held in Barcelona, Spain in 1992. In 2006, it introduced the worlds first watch with electrophoresis display module cal. G510.


SEIKO believes that the wristwatch is an intimate accessory. The best watches live in harmony and interact with the wearer, and their functions offer a reassuring and emotionally satisfying bond. SEIKOs technological development is focused on the creation of‘emotional technologies. Emotional technology creates the interaction between the wearer and the product.

(1) Kinetic

Like mechanical and quartz, Kinetic is a platform. Over the past 20 years, SEIKO has created on this platform a suite of Kinetic movements, each bringing unique features to the consumer.