
第17章 世界名表(7)

1996年俄亥俄州克利夫兰市(Cleveland, Ohio)举行该湖上城市创立二百周年庆典,并且表扬克利夫兰市过去功勋卓着、成就显赫的伟人和英雄,细说他们的丰功伟绩。在这些克利夫兰伟人当中,WEBSTER CLAY BALL先生的成就,不单遍惠国民,在钟表制造学上的贡献,亦受世人推崇,蜚声国际。

Webster C elay Ball于1847年10月6日在俄亥俄市费达力镇(Fredericktown)出生。当1883年标准时间制度被采用,W. C. Ball成为克利夫兰首位采用报时信号为克利夫兰发布准确时间的珠宝商。1891年7月19日,湖岸铁路线的总监委派W. C. Ball出任湖岸线首席检察官,他的手表检查系统日后发展成庞大的网络,覆盖全美国75%的铁路,超过175,000英里铁路。之后,系统亦扩展至墨西哥及加拿大。




发生意外后,湖岸铁路的官员立即任命W. C. Ball负责调查湖岸铁路全线的计时系统及时钟运作状况,并订定实施的检查系统。

W. C. Ball也立刻开始行动,并对所有铁路员工配戴的手表进行隔周检查,所有检查工作都由经过审查的手表制造商来完成。W. C. Ball为此设立了严格的标准,严禁时钟误差超过30秒钟。

W. C. BALL所创立的系统是首个获得广泛接受和称许的成功铁路时计系统。他的系统为铁路开创标准,协助确立准确及统一的计时方法,亦让铁路计时系统及铁路时钟成为人们心中计时标准典范。总而言之,如果普通市民向铁路员工查问时间,他们都会确信这个时间是准确的。


在W. C. Ball最初的详细标准中,包括手表表盘都需要严格遵从他的铁路手表设计原则,每一个细节,从指针的形状到数字的形式,都按他准确计时的要求被制定出来。



8.(瑞士)豪雅 Tag Heuer




创始人:爱德华·豪雅(Edouard Heuer)



豪雅表的品牌标示是由一个棱角感非常强的图案以及“Tag Heuer”构成。图案中上半部分是绿色的TAG字样,下半部分是红色的Heuer字样。


In 1860, Edouard Heuer set up a watchmaking workshop in St. Imier in the Swiss Jura region. In 1876, he established a subsidiary in London.

Major improvement in the chronograph industry: TAG Heuer invented the famous “oscillating pinion” for mechanical stopwatches. In 1887, the Oscilating Pinion was patented. It is still used to this day by leading manufacturers in the production of mechanical chronographs and for example in the Calibre 1887, the fourth movement developed and produced in-house by TAG Heuer. In 1889, TAG Heuer won a silver medal at the Universal Exhibition in Paris, for its collection of pocket chronographs. The patent for one of the first water-resistant cases for pocket watches was granted in 1895. The company obtains a patent for a Pulsometer dial still used today by doctors in 1908.

The introduction of the brands first wrist chronographs was in 1914, with a silver case, enamelled dial and luminous hands. This large wrist chronograph was fitted with the same mechanics, powered by a pocket watch movement. Its crown and integrated button for start, stop and reset were located at 12 oclock.

Paris Olympic Games: TAG Heuer split second pocket chronographs were selected as official stopwatches used at the Olympic Games on 3 consecutive occasions: Antwerp in 1920, Paris in 1924, and Amsterdam in 1928.

In 1945, General Eisenhower bought a TAG Heuer chronograph with a steel case. In 1957, the ‘Ring Master stopwatch was lauuched- a world first interchangeable rings of scale for timing various sports with readings down to 1/5th of a second, central minute-hand.

In 1962, TAG Heuer became the first Swiss watchmaker to go into space. On February 20, John Glenn made the first manned American space flight, orbiting the Earth three times in five hours. On his wrist was a Heuer stopwatch.

During the 1960s and the 1970s, the legendary “Film-Master”model was used by Hollywoods most famous movie directors to time film sequences.

In 1995, TAG Heuer invented a prestigious and spectacular campaign based on the world of sports as never before portrayed, creating a firm foundation for the brands positioning in the luxury sector. This TAG Heuer campaign won 15 of the worlds most prestigious advertising awards. Sports figures are no longer seen as merely positive “subjects”, but also convey an up-to-date image of success.

In 2002, The “Mikrograph F1” won the Watch Design Award at the Geneva Grand Prix dHorlogerie. TAG Heuer reinvented the “Mikrograph”, the worlds first sports stopwatch with 1/100th of a second precision, patented in 1916.

In 2012, the brand launched the TAG Heuer Carrera Mikrogirder, a dual-assortment and ultra high-frequency watch that beats 7.2 million times every hour and has a flying central chronograph hand that rotates 20 times per second. This astounding machine - the first timepiece ever created with neither a balance wheel nor a hairspring, is accurate to an unprecedented 5/10,000 of a second. At the Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix ceremonies in November 2012, it was singled out as the best overall watch in all categories, taking home the prestigious Aiguille dOr, the most coveted distinction in the global watch industry. With this 8th Grand Prix de lHorlogerie de Genève award in just 11 years, TAG Heuer confirms its unrivalled mastery of extremely complex timepieces.

subsidiary [sbsidiri] n. 子公司

water-resistant [w:tri,zistnt] adj. 防水的

luminous [lju:mins] adj. 发光的;明亮的

consecutive [knsekjutiv] adj. 连贯的;连续不断的



计时秒表行业的重大改进:豪雅发明用于机械秒表的“振动齿轮”。1887年,振动齿轮获得专利。这一技术至今仍为机械计时秒表生产领域的顶级制表厂所沿用,豪雅自行研发和生产的第四款机芯Calibre 1887型就是其中一例。1889年,豪雅以其计时怀表系列获得巴黎万国博览会银奖。1895年,豪雅以一款最早的怀表防水表壳获得专利。1908年,豪雅公司的一款脉搏计表盘获得专利,这款表盘至今仍为医生所用。



1945年,艾森豪威尔将军购买了一枚精钢表壳豪雅计时秒表。1957年,推出“Ring Master”计时秒表,全球首创可更换刻度环,用于各种运动计时,精确度达1/5秒,中央分针。

