书城童书Snippy and Snappy


Now one day,as Snippy and Snappy were playing with Mother Mouse's big blue knitting ball,it rolled way outside of their cozy nook.

"Oh,let's roll it some more!"cried Snippy."Maybe it will lead us somewhere."

"Oh,yes,"cried Snappy,"maybe it will lead us to a kitchen cupboard full of cheese!"

So they rolled it and rolled it.

They rolled it up,they rolled it down,They rolled it up and up and down.

They rolled it up and DOWN and down,They rolled it up AND DOWN.

They rolled it over this and that.

And over things both round and flat.

And over things both small and tall.

Along a long,long garden wall.

But by and by they stopped.

"Let's sit down and rest awhile,"said Snippy to Snappy."I'm so hot and tired."

"Oh yes,let's,"said Snappy to Snippy."I'm so hot and tired too."

So they cuddled down under a tent of wild flowers and soon they were fast asleep.

But suddenly there was a rustle RUSTLE RUSTLE and a bustle BUSTLE BUSTLE,and before Snippy and Snappy knew what had happened,something pink and plump darted down among the flowers and snatched up the big blue knitting ball.

Snippy jumped up and Snappy jumped up.