
第25章 娱乐生活(1)


1710:我要买两张10月3号的票。I’d like two tickets for October 3rd,please.

1711:对不起,卖完了。Sorry,we’re sold out.

1712:我们这个位子真棒。We have great seats,don’t we?


1714:加油!Go for it!有疑必问

1715:有没有音乐会的票?Do you have any tickets for the concert?

1716:有什么时候的票?When do you have tickets?

1717:几点开始?What time does it start?

1718:我可以坐这儿吗?Can I sit here?

1719:您介意我坐在这儿吗?Do you mind if I sit here?

1720:这儿有人吗?Is anyone sitting here?


1721:在哪儿买票?Where can I buy a ticket?

在那个柜台。At that counter.

1722:这位子有人吗?Is this seat taken?

不,没人。No,it’s not.


1723:前边的人挡着,我看不见。I can’t see because of the person in front of me.

1724:我们到前面坐吧。Let’s sit closer up front.

1725:真太有意思了。That was interesting.

1726:这电影真没劲。That movie was boring,wasn’t it?

1727:太让人感动了。I was moved.

1728:这是一部感人的电影。It was a touching movie.


1729:你想去看电影吗?Whould you like to go to a movie?

1730:今天晚上放什么电影?What’s on tonight?

1731:这部电影在哪儿演?Where is this movie playing?

1732:这部电影演到什么时候?How long is this movieplaying?

1733:这部电影是谁演的?Who is in this movie?

1734:演多长时间?How long does it last?

1735:下一场几点开演?What time is the next showing?

1736:几点演完?What time will it be over?

1737:我们怎么坐得这么靠后呀?We are way in the back,aren’t we?


1738:你想去看电影吗?Would you like to go to a movie?

当然,我很想去。Sure,I’d love to.

1739:你想看什么电影?What movie do you want to see?

我想看《007》。I want to see 007.

1740:真太有意思了,是不是?That was interesting,wasn’t it?

确实。It sure was.

1741:芭蕾舞怎么样?How was the ballet?

太让人感动了。I was moved.


1742:这是一个惊喜派对。It’s a surprise party.

1743:那真是一个令人大开眼界的经历。That’s a real eye-opening experience.

1744:也给我一个这样的东西。Got to get me one of these!

1745:我买了一个这么大的蛋糕。I bought a cake about this big!

1746:把遥控器拿给我。Pass me the clicker.

1747:把这里当作自己的家一样。Knock yourself out.

1748:我明天就二十三岁了。I am turning 23tomorrow.

1749:她什么也没穿。She is in her birthday suit.

1750:你真是扫兴。You are a party pooper.

1751:祝你健康长寿。I wish you a long and happy life.

1752:你21岁了,这真是一件值得骄傲的事。You are 21.

That’s something to be proud of.

1753:亲爱的,生日快乐。Happy birthday,sweetheart.

1754:生日快乐!Many happy returns of the day!

1755:笑一笑,今天是你的生日。Smile,it’s your birthday!

1756:祝一个了不起的朋友生日快乐!Happy birthday to agreat friend.

1757:不要因为变老了而难过。我永远在你身边。Don’tfeel bad growing old.I am right behind you.

1758:我们也许会一起变老,但只要我们在一起,我就觉得年轻。We may grow old together,but as long as weare together,I feel young.

1759:我们今天要像侍候国王一般侍候你。We are going totreat you like a King today.

1760:让我第一个祝你生日快乐吧。Let me be the first towish you a happy birthday.


1761:你们是怎样庆祝生日的呢?What’d you do tocelebrate your birthday?

1762:你打算送他什么?What are you going to get him?

1763:也许是一个蛋糕吧?Maybe a cake?

1764:下次轮到谁办生日派对了呢?Who is going to organize the birthday party next time?


1765:这是送给你的生日礼物。Here’s your birthday gift.

谢谢,你真是太好了。Thanks.That’s very nice of you.

1766:今天是我的生日。It’s my birthday.

约翰,生日快乐!Happy birthday,John!

1767:生日快乐!happy birthday to you!

哦,谢谢!Oh,thank you!

1768:这是给你的礼物!Here is your present!

你太客气了。It’s very kind of you.



1769:我想点首歌。I’d like to request a song.

1770:你先唱。You sing first.