
第16章 公共服务(1)


0960:请给我看看你的ID卡。Please show me your ID card.

0961:我给你查一下。I’ll look it up for you.

0962:根据规定,这些东西不能寄往国外。According to the regulation,these are not permited to send abroad.

0963:请讲得慢一点。Would you please speak slowly.

0964:请到那边的柜台办理。Please go to the counter over there.

0965:请将信投到信箱里。Please drop the letter into the letter-box.

0966:营业时间是上午9点到下午5点。Business hours are form 9a.m.to 5p.m.

0967:全天营业。Whole day service.

0968:你最好用特快专递,只要三四天就可到法国了。You’d better mail it by EMS.It will take only 3-4days

to reach France.

0969:超重了,请把他们包装成两件。It’s overweight.

Please repack it into two pieces.

0970:请填写详情单,并将内件放入这只封套内。Pleasefill in the Handing Airway Bill and put the contents intothis packet.

0971:请在这里签名并在下面写上证件号码。Please signhere and write down the papers number.

0972:根据规定国际包裹每人每次限1000元。According tothe regulation,the value limit of articles sent abroad is1000yuan.

0973:紧急的文件、资料、样品和商品等均可按特快专递交寄。Urgent business papers,materials,samples andmerchandise can be set by E.M.S.

0974:根据规定,小包邮件内不准附寄信函。Accordingto the regulation,no letter can be enclosed in a smallpacket.

0975:请详细填写内装物品的名称。Please write the namesof the contents in detail.

0976:请填一下这个查询表。Please fill in this inquiry form.


Sorry,you have to ask the sender to make an inquiry atthe office of origin.

0978:特快专递的最大重量限度是20千克。The max weight of an E.M.S is 20kg.

0979:凡超过重量限度的包裹应分为几个小包裹邮寄。Any parcels over the max weight should be repacked into small ones.

0980:如果您邮寄明信片,请不要加任何封装。If you send postcard,please don’t use any packing.

0981:如果邮寄很多书,您最好装入邮政专用箱内邮寄。If you mail many books,you’d better put them into a postal box.有疑必问0982:我要寄些信到法国。I want to send letters to France.

0983:我想寄些小东西到加拿大,该怎么办理?I want to mail some articles to Canada.Can you tell me how to do it?

0984:用小包邮寄怎么样?How about sending them by a small packet?

0985:这条丝头巾可以放在信内交寄吗?Can I put the silk scarf in my letter?

0986:请您把内装物品给我看一下好吗?Would you please show me the contents?

0987:星期天你们营业时间是几点到几点?What are yourbusiness hours on Sunday?

0988:按航空邮寄还是水陆路邮寄?By airmail or bysurface?


0989:我有些美国的邮票,能在这里用吗?I have someAmerican stamps with me.Can I use them here?


sorry,foreign stamps can’t be used in China.

0990:请问寄到法国大约得多长时间?Can you tell me howlong it will take to get to France?

大约7~10天。About 7to 10days.

0991:这封信不急,但很重要,怎样能够保证更安全到达呢?This letter is not urgent,but important.How can itbe safer?

您可以寄挂号信。You can send it by registered mail.


Excuse me,I need to send some books and documentsto Canada.

好的,你可以采用印刷品业务。OK.You may sendthem as printed matters.

0993:我要寄个包裹。I’d like to send a parcel here.

请填写报关章和发递单,并请用力书写,以使每页都清晰可辨。Please fill in the customs declaration and dispatch note.And please press hard to make every page clear.

0994:需要多少钱?How much does it cost?

超重500克为50元,续重每500克加20元。50yuan for the first 500g and 20Yuan for every additional 500g.

0995:劳驾,帮我查一封航空挂号信件。Excuse me,would you please trace a registered airmail for me.

给我看看你的收据,并填写这张查询单。Please show me your receipt and fill in an inquiry form.

0996:国际小包邮件的重量限度是多少?What’s the weight limit for an international small packet?

一般来说,小包的最大重量限度为2千克。Generally speaking,the max weight of a small packet is 2kg.

0997:您这儿都有什么邮票?What kinds of stamps do you have?

这儿有样品,请随意挑选。Here are some samples,please choose as you like.



0998:我想停用这里的账户。I want to close my account withyou.

0999:请到大厅开放式柜台办理。Please go to the opencounter.

1000:请收好单据。Keep your receipt please.

1001:这是您的存折,以后存取款时请带来。Here is yourpassbook,Please bring it back when you deposit orwithdraw money any time you like.

1002:请保管好存折银行卡,若遗失请告诉我们。Keep thepassbook magcard well and inform us whenever youlose it.

1003:请输入密码。password please.

1004:请签名。please sign your name.

1005:请清点一下现金。please check carefully.

1006:支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。There’s a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings.

1007:最低存款额是5元。Five yuan is the minimum original deposit.

我想要开个定期存款账户。I think I’d like a deposit account.


1008:我想把这张100元人民币换成小面值的钞票。I’d like to break this 100RMB.

你能给我兑一些小票吗?Could you give me some small notes?

1009:能否帮我兑换一些零钱吗?Can you change me some money please?

1010:您的卡号是多少?Do you remember the number of the magcard?

1011:你想开一个活期存款账户吗?Do you like to open a current account?

1012:你想开哪种账户?What kind of account did you havein your mind?

1013:能说说储蓄存款与支票存款的区别好吗?Could youtell me the difference between a savings account and achecking account?

1014:我开个储蓄账户需要什么手续?Please tell me theprocedure for opening a savings account?

1015:你有多少钱要存入呢?How much cash do you plan todeposit in your account?

1016:美元今天的售价是多少?What’s the dollar going fortoday?


1017:您好,请问您要办理什么业务?Hello,what can I dofor you?

请帮我查询一下账户余额。Please tell me my balance.

1018:我的银行磁卡出现故障了,能帮我看一下吗?Mymagcard does not work,Can you help me take a look?

没事,您的银行磁卡被锁住了,请出示护照输入密码就可以给您解开。No problem.The magcard islocked.Show me your passport.I will help you out.

1019:您有多少钱要存入呢?How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account?

我想在我的户头上存300元。I want to deposit 300yuan in my account.

1020:请填张存款单写明数额、姓名地址和工作单位。Please fill in the depositing form the sum of money,your name address and professional unit.

1021:我要从我的账户支取8000元人民币。I want to withdraw 8000RMB from my deposit account.

对不起,您户头上余额不足,只有6000元。Sorry,your balance is not sufficient.It’s only 6000RMB.

1022:要换哪种货币?What kind of currency do you want to change?

请帮我把账户里的美元兑换一些人民币。Please change some RMB from my U.S.dollars’account.

1023:请告诉我你要换多少?Please tell me,how much do you want to change?

我想兑换出3000人民币。Please change 3000RMB.

1024:今天的兑换率是多少?What’s the exchange rate today?

美元和人民币的兑换率是1:7左右。The rate ofexchange is about 1:7.

1025:你要什么面额的?How would you like it?

请给我3张20元,几张10元和5元的。Three 20s,some10s and 5s please.

1026:对不起,我忘记卡的密码了。Excuse me,I forget thepassword of my card.

请办理挂失手续费。Report loss of the magcard,please. 1027:汇款你们收手续费吗?Do you charge for remit?

是的,我们按照金额收取最低1元最高50元。Yes,we do 1of the sum from 1yuan to 50yuan.