
第11章 从"贸易而非援助"到扩大发展援助——艾森豪威尔政府的发展援助政策(4)


【1】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Inaugural Address,January20,1953,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1953,Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1960,p.6.

【2】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953—1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.12.

【3】Editorial,"Aid or Trade?A Crisis Ahead,"Business Week,August 16,1952;"Trade not Aid,"Business Week,December13,1952.

【4】Thomas V.DiBacco,"American Business and Foreign Aid:The Eisenhower Years,"The Business Historical Review,Vol.41,Spring 1967,p.25.


【6】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union,February 2,1953,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1953,pp.15—16.

【7】Sergei Y.Shenin,The United States and the Third World:The Origins of Postw ar Relations and the Point Four Program,New York:Nova Science Publishers,Inc,1999,pp.116—117.

【8】"The Director of the Bureau of the Budget(Dodge)to the Director of Mutual Security(Stassen),February 3,1953,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.569—571.


【10】"Memorandum for the President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization,April7,1953,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.615—625.

【11】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Organization of the Executive Branch for the Conduct of Foreign Affairs.June1st,1953,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1953,pp.342—345.

【12】Sergei Y.Shenin,The United States and the Third World:The Origins of Postw ar Relations and the Point Four Program,New York:Nova Science Publishers,Inc,1999,p.118.

【13】Sergei Y.Shenin,The United States and the Third World:The Origins of Postw ar Relations and the Point Four Program,New York:Nova Science Publishers,Inc,1999,p.119.

【14】Sergei Y.Shenin,The United States and the Third World:The Origins of Postw ar Relations and the Point Four Program,New York:Nova Science Publishers,Inc,1999,p.121.

【15】"Paper Prepared in the Office of the Special assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs(Martin),"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.583.

【16】"The Secretary of State to the Director of Mutual Security(Stassen),March 7,1953,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.584—586.

【17】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Program,May5,1953,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1953,p.256.

【18】"Editorial Note,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.626.

【19】"Mutual Security Act of 1954,"American Foreign Policy,1950— 1955:Basic Documents,Vol.Ⅱ,pp.3116—3118.

【20】"Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State(Smith)to the Administrative Assistant to the President(Hauge),February10,1954,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.51.

【21】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on Foreign Economic Policy,March30,1954,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1954,Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1960,p.363.

【22】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Program,June23,1954,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1954,p.591.

【23】"Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs(Waugh) to the Secretary of State,October 28,1954,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.296.

【24】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.30.

【25】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan5 of 1953 Concerning the Export‐Import Bank of Washington,April 30,1953,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1953,pp.222—223.

【26】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.31.

【27】Richard A.Melanson and Divid Mayers,Reevaluating Eisenhower:American Foreign Policy in the 1950s,Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1987,p.164.

【28】查尔斯河学派是指20世纪五六十年代活跃在美国理论界和政界的一批经济学家和经济史学家,他们集中在波士顿查尔斯河两岸的哈佛大学和麻省理工学院,故而被称为查尔斯河学派。这一学派的代表人物除了罗斯托和米利肯外,还有林肯·戈登(Lincoln Gordon)、肯尼思·加尔布雷斯(Kenneth Galbraith)等人。该学派的代表作主要有《经济成长的过程》(1952年)、《一项建议——有效对外政策的关键》(1957年)、《经济成长的阶段——非共产党宣言》(1960年)等。

【29】三年后,即1957年,在这份报告的基础上,米利肯和罗斯托出版了《一项建议——有效对外政策的关键》(Max F.Millikan and W.W.Rostow,A Proposal:Key to an Effective Foreign Policy,New York:Harper&Brothers,1957.)一书,继续呼吁向发展中国家提供发展援助。

【30】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.49.

【31】W.W.Rostow,Eisenhower,Kennedy,and Foreign Aid,Austin:University of Texas Press,1985,pp.99—103.

【32】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.50.

【33】W.W.Rostow,Eisenhower,Kennedy,and Foreign Aid,Austin:University of Texas Press,1985,p.106.

【34】W.W.Rostow,Eisenhower,Kennedy,and Foreign Aid,Austin:University of Texas Press,1985,p.104.

【35】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Foreign Economic Policy of the United States,January 10,1955,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1955,Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1959,pp.33—37.

【36】Minutes of the Meeting of the Special Committee on Foreign Operation Administration,April6,1954,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.734—736.

【37】该法案于1954年8月26日由第83届国会批准,并与1955年7月8日由第84届国会修改通过。"Mutual Security Act of1954,"American Foreign Policy,1950— 1955:Basic Documents,Vol.Ⅱ,p.3130.

【38】"Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State(Smith)to the Secretary of State,September23,1954,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.752.

【39】"Review of U.S.Policy in the Far East,"FRUS,1952—1952,Vol.Ⅻ,pp.770—776.

【40】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.53.

【41】"Memorandum by the Director of Foreign Operations(Stassen)to the Secretary of State,October 21,1954,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.788—792.

【42】"Memorandum of Conversation,by the Secretary of State,November 19,1954,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.793.

【43】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Letter to Secretary Dulles Regarding Transfer of the Affairs of the Foreign Operations Administration to the Department of State,April 17,1955,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1955,pp.400—401.

【44】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Program,April20,1955,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1955,p.410.

【45】The President's News Conference of December 8,1954,Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1954,p.1088.

【46】Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Program,April20,1955,"pp.406—407.

【47】"M utual Security Act of 1954;Amended by Public Law 138,July 8,1955,"American Foreign Policy,1950— 1955:Basic Documents,Vol.Ⅱ,pp.3127—3128.

【48】"对外经济政策委员会"的成员包括国务卿、财政部长、商业部长、农业部长以及总统负责经济事务的助理、负责国家安全事务的特别助理等政府高级官员。"Edito rial Note,"FRUS,1952—1954,Vol.Ⅰ,p.104.

【49】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.55.

【50】美国政府提交的预算报告和国会批准的预算法案分别见:Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Program,March 19,1956,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1956,Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1958,pp.318—320;"M utual Security Act of 1956:Public Law 726,84th Congress,Approved July 18,1956,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1956,pp.1265—1280.

【51】"Congressional Review of the Foreign Aid Programs:Senate Resolution 285,84th Congress,2d Session,Agreed to July 11,1956,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1956,pp.1264—1265.

【52】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Second Inaugural Address,January 21,1957,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1957,Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1958,p.63.

【53】其他几个较为重要的研究报告分别是芝加哥大学经济发展与文化变迁研究中心(Research Center in Economic Development and Cultural Change of the University of Chicago)的《对外援助的作用:其他国家的发展》(The Role of Foreign Aid:the Development of Other Countries);布鲁金斯学会的《美国对外援助项目的管理概况》(Administrative Aspects of the United States Foreign Assistance Programs);哥伦比亚大学战争与和平研究所(Institute of War and Peace Studies of Columbia University)的《军事援助与美国安全:1947—1956》(Military Assistance and the Security of the United States,1947— 1956);经济与工业研究委员会(Council for Economic and Industry Research)的《共产主义阵营的对外援助活动及其对美国的启示》(Foreign Assistance Activities of Communist Bloc and Their Implications for the United States);全国计划协会(National Planning Association)的《对外援助计划与美国经济》(The Foreign Aid Programs and the United States Economic)。

【54】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.98.

【55】H.Field Haviland,Jr.,"Foreign Aid and Policy Process:1957,"The American Political Science Rev iew,Vol.52,September1958,pp.694—694.

【56】"Letter From the Acting Secretary of State to the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy(Randall),March 9,1957,"FRUS,1955—1957,Vol.Ⅹ,pp.139—140.

【57】"Letter From the Acting Secretary of State to the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy(Randall),March 16,1957,"FRUS,1955—1957,Vol.Ⅹ,p.170.

【58】"Comments on the Report of the International Development Advisory Board,"FRUS,1955—1957,Vol.Ⅹ,pp.171—174.

【59】"Letter From the President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(Black)to the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy (Randall),March11,1957,"FRUS,1955—1957,Vol.Ⅹ,pp.141—144.

【60】"Letter From the Secretary of the T reasury(Humphrey)to the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy(Randall),March 20,1957,"FRUS,1955—1957,Vol.Ⅹ,p.176.

【61】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.103.

【62】"Memorandum of Discussion at the320<span sup=1>th</span>Meeting of the National Security Council,Washington,April17,1957,"FRUS,1955—1957,Vol.Ⅹ,pp.181—185.

【63】W.W.Rostow,Eisenhower,Kennedy,and Foreign Aid,Austin:University of Texas Press,1985,pp.129—130.

【64】H.Field Haviland,Jr.,"Foreign Aid and Policy Process:1957,"The American Political Science Rev iew,Vol.52,September1958,p.696.

【65】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Programs,May 21,1957,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1957,p.372,p.381.

【66】H.Field Haviland,Jr.,"Foreign Aid and Policy Process:1957,"The American Political Science Rev iew,Vol.52,September1958,p.698.

【67】"Radio and Television Address to the American People on the Need for Mutual Security in Waging the Peace,May 21,1957,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1957,p.396.

【68】H.Field Haviland,Jr.,"Foreign Aid and Policy Process:1957,"The American Political Science Rev iew,Vol.52,September1958,p.707.

【69】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Letter to Eric A.Johnston on the Need for Public Information as to the Foreign Aspects of National Security,January 11,1958,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1958,Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1959,pp.16—17.

【70】"Memorandum for the Record by the President's Assistant(Harlow),January 30,1958,"FRUS,1958—1960,Vol.Ⅳ,pp.409—411.

【71】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Program,February 19,1958,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1958,p.165.

【72】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Remarks and Address at Dinner of the National Conference on the Foreign Aspects of National Security,February 25,1958,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1958,pp.176—177.

【73】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.136.

【74】Douglas Dillon,"Economic Activities of the Soviet Bloc in Less Developed Countries,"Department of State Bulletin,March24,1958,pp.469—475.

【75】"Editorial Note,"FRUS,1958—1960,Vol.Ⅳ,pp.418—419.

【76】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Statement by the President on the House Appropriations Committee Cut in Mutual Security funds,June27,1958,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1958,p.508.

【77】Dwight D.Eisenhower,"Statement by the President on Mutual Security and the Cost of Waging Peace,July 2,1958,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United S tates,1958,p.520.

【78】"Editorial Note,"FRUS,1958—1960,Vol.Ⅳ,p.467,p.520.

【79】联合国经济开发特别基金是1956年由联合国中的一些发展中国家倡议并推动成立的,得到了苏联及其他一些社会主义国家的支持。美国驻联合国大使小亨利·卡博特·洛奇(Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.)建议美国支持成立这一基金,但当时的财政部长汉弗莱极力反对。他认为,考虑到发展中国家的财政状况,联合国经济开发特别基金的主要启动经费将来自美国,而美国对这种多边经济援助的投入应该逐渐减少而不是增加。更为关键的是,由于苏联对成立联合国经济开发特别基金十分积极,美国政府内部对成立该机构疑虑重重,基本上一直持反对态度。


【81】Douglas Dillon,"Views on the Department of State on Proposal to Establish an International Development Association,"Department of State Bulletin,April 7,1958,pp.564—570.

【82】"Memorandum of Conversation,June 10,1958,"FRUS,1958—1960,Vol.Ⅳ,p.29.


【84】Participation in the International Development Association,February 18,1960,"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States,1960— 1961,Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1961,p.200.

【85】Harvey S.Perloff,Alliance for Progress:A Social Invention in the Making,Baltimore:Johns Hopkins Press,1969,p.12.

【86】Douglas Dillon,"The Prelude",in Ronald Scheman,eds.,The Alliance for Progress:A Retrospective,New York:Praeger,1988,p.63.

【87】Marvin R.Zahniser and W.Michael Weis,"A Piplomatic Pearl Harbor?Richard Nixon's Goodwill Mission to Latin America in 1958,"Diplomatic History,Vol.13,Spring 1989,p.171.

【88】Zahniser,Marvin R.and W.Weis,Michael,"A Piplomatic Pearl Harbor?Richard Nixon's Goodwill Mission to Latin America in1958,"Diplomatic History,Vol.13,Spring 1989,p.163.

【89】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.164.

【90】"Replies Made by the Vice President(Nixon)to Questions Asked at Conclusion of an Address Before the National Press Club,Washington,May 21,1958,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1958,pp.375—380.

【91】"Joint Communique Issued at Brasilia at the Conclusion of Talks Between the Secritary of State(Dulles)and the President(Kubitschek de Oliveira)and Foreign Minister (Negrao de Lima)of Brazil,August 6,1958,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1958,pp.402—403.

【92】"Statement Made by the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs(Dillion) Before the Inter‐American Economic and Social Council,Washington,August 12,1958,"American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1958,pp.408—409.

【93】Burton I.Kaofman,Trade and Aid:Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy,1953— 1961,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1982,p.166.

【94】"President Pledges U.S.Cooperation to Promote Social Progress and Economic Growth in the Americas,"Department of State Bulletin,August1,1960,p.166.

【95】"Editorial Note,"FRUS,1958—1960,Vol.V,pp.219—221.

【96】Melanson and Mayers,Reevaluating Eisenhower:American Foreign Policy in the 1950s,p.180.

【97】"Act of Bogota,"Department of State Bulletin,October3,1960,p.539.