
第14章 参考文献(2)


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5.欧盟首脑理事会(the European Council)网站及相关文件:


6.欧盟部长理事会(the Council of European Union)网站及相关文件:


7.欧洲委员会(the Council of Europe)网站:http://www.coe.int/




10.欧洲罗姆权利中心(European Roma Rights Center)网站:


11.欧盟罗姆政策联盟(EU Roma Policy Coalition,该联盟是Amnesty International、European Roma Rights Center、European Roma Information Office、Open society Institutite、European network Against Racism等10多个欧洲罗姆组织的联合)网站:http://roma.wieni.be/

12.欧洲罗姆信息中心(European Roma Information Office)网站:


13.开放社会研究中心(Open Society Institute)网站:



15.国际特赦组织网站(Amnesty International):http://www.amnesty.org/



17.欧盟入盟监测处(EU Monitoring Accession Program)网站:http://www.eumap.org。


19.欧盟基本人权专家署(EU Network of Experts on Fundamental Rights)网站http://europa.eu.int/comm/justice_home/cfr_cdf/index_en.htm.

20.欧盟基本人权组织(EU Fundamental Rights Agency或EU Agency for Fundamental Rights)网站:


21.欧洲种族主义与仇外行为监测中心(European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia,EUMC):

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Fundamental_Rights_Agency#Previous_work_of_the_EU MC。



23.少数民族人权工作组国际(Minority Rights Group International):


24.反种族主义信息中心(Anti-Racism Information Service):


25.欧洲罗姆基层组织(European Roma Grassroots Organisation):


26.罗姆教育基金会(Roma Education Fund):


27.欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会(European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance):


28.国际罗姆人联合会(International Romani Union):


29.欧洲民族联盟(Federal Union of European National-ities—FUEN):


30.欧洲少数民族权利中心(European Center for Minority Rights):







5.New York Times:http://www.rferl.org/

6.自由欧洲/自由电台(Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty):http://www.rferl.org/