
第25章 印加——没有书面语言的文明(2)

2. The culture is through word of mouth and the historical sites are on the land

Now the descendents of the ancient Incas still live in the plateau in South America and the Peruvian territory still retains some traces of the ancient Inca. One of the most famous sites is the ancient city Machu Picchu, an imperial city of Inca on the top of a high mountain.



Machu Picchu:A majestic city on the top of a high mountain

Standing on a mountain about 2500 meters high, the ancient city of Machu Picchu has already lost its former image of a prosperous city with its hubbub of voices and heavy traffic. Nevertheless, when you place yourself inside the city, you can’t help feeling amazed at the wisdom and tenacity of the Incas because it is hard to imagine how they managed to build such a majestic city on the top of a high mountain.

Built in the 15th century, Machu Picchu covers an area of 13 square kilometers, with nearly 200 buildings such as the temple of the sun, military fortresses, altars, noble compounds, civilian housings, markets, workshops, squares and bathhouses, including a staircase of about 3000 steps along the hillside. All these buildings along with the surrounding natural environment form one integrated mass. Along the ridge slope there are more than 100 layers of terraced fields used to grow cereals and vegetables. Inside the ruins of the ancient city spread many "satellite cities" with many magnificent buildings such as gardens, channels and palaces all around.

After the Spaniards conquered the Inca, they plundered the city wantonly and committed all manners of crimes. In 1536, the puppet emperor of Inca took advantage of an opportunity to unit an army in order to revolt against the invaders. After the army was defeated, the emperor fled to Vilka Bomba in Andean valley. Soon, the rumors about Vilka Bomba being the hideout of the Inca emperor's treasures spread like wild fire. In 1911, an American historian intended to look for the last refuge of the Incas in Vilka Bomba, however, by accident he found the more spectacular ancient city of Machu Picchu instead. Just like an ancient city that suddenly appeared on the earth, the true history of Machu Picchu has not yet been decided. It is also because of the uncertainty that the enigmatic Machu Picchu attracts countless visitors to get a glimpse into the magic of Incan civilization.





City of Cuzco and its castle buildings:The western colonizationthronged with pedestrians

Situated in the Peruvian Andes, Cuzco developed, under the Inca ruler Pachacutec, into a complex urban centre with distinct religious and administrative functions. Unlike Machu Picchu, it's still thronged with pedestrians because the invaders didn’t trash the city to bits but changed it into their own camp. As a result, there remains in Cuzco not only buildings of Inca empire but also buildings that are characterized with western colonization.

One of the famous buildings in Cuzco is the Sark Salman round castle. The round castle lies on a small hillside and it serves as a great defense system, overlooking the city. It is said that Inca emperor Pachacutec started the construction of the main part of the round castle in 1470s and the construction work lasted for over 50 years. The round castle was not completely finished even before the Spanish colonial invasion. From top to bottom, this huge compound of architectures has three layers of the fence walls. Every layer of the fence walls is 18 meters high and 540-metres long. The 800-meter long lower staircases of the castle are covered with flagstones.

At the top of the round castle, three towers form a neat triangle. The cylinder-shaped main tower is the palace of the Inca king and the other two square towers serve as garrisons. At the bottom of the castle lies a meshwork of stone tunnels that are connected with all the three towers. With its novel and complex structure, this compound of magnificent buildings indicates the might of the Incan empire.