
第20章 古印度——青铜时代的城市(3)

In ancient India conventional mathematics termed Ganitam was known before the development of algebra. This is borne out by the name — Bijaganitam, which was given to the algebraic form of computation. Bijaganitam means the other mathematics (Bija means 'another'or'second'and Ganitam means mathematics).Some scholars have interpreted the term Bija to mean seed, symbolizing origin or beginning. And the inference that Bijaganitam was the original form of computation is derived. But whatever the origin of algebra, it is certain that this technique of computation originated in India and was current around 1500 years back.

But even in the area of Geometry, Indian mathematicians had their contribution. There was an area of mathematical applications called Rekha Ganita (Line Computation). The Sulva Sutras, which literally mean "Rule of the Chord" give geometrical methods of constructing altars and temples. The Buddhist Pagodas borrowed their plan of construction from the geometric grid of the Mandala used for constructing temples in India.





Indian Medicine:The imperial physician Sravaka andSurgery expert Susruta

In medicine, the Atharva Veda recorded 77 kinds of diseases, and their symptomatic drugs. Of course, those records were mixed with witchcrafts. The most famous medical writings were Sravaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita. The two books are still valuable today.

According to legend, Sravaka is an imperial physician in Kaniska, and his book discussed the classification of disease and the system of diagnoses, and regarded nutrition,sleep and diet as the three elements for a healthy body. The book mentioned 500 different drugs. So it is known as the medical encyclopedia.

Susruta was younger than Sravaka. His book is more extensive. In addition to anatomy, physiology, pathology, he also studied as many as 1120 diseases, including internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and pediatrics. It reached a very high level especially in the surgical operation. The book mentioned 120 kinds of surgical instruments, and the operation methods of removing cataract, hernia and bladder stones. There were up to 760 kinds of drugs in the book.





The pure hymn“Raga”and the olddance“Natyam”

The base of the traditional music of India is"nature". It praises the relation between person and person, man and nature, and man and god. The melody of the four seasons are reflected in the traditional tune of "Raga" —according to legend, the ancient people gained inspiration from the sound of the birds and the voice of the burning branches in the forest, and created the first song of "Raga". The content of the song originated from the religious ceremony in North India. The song remains a style of a concise and pure hymn.

The Natyam is one of the oldest dance in India. It means "the art of dance" in Indian. In addition to its emphasis on dance rhythm, it also emphasizes that the accompaniment music must be melodious, composed by formal poetry and simple music. Being a ritual dance, it was initially by the devadasis in the temple. The key poses of the dance lie in maintaining the upper body straight, the legs half-bent, the knees apart, and the feet like a semi-open fan and all these can fully reflect the dancer's emotions.


