
第25章 多元网络媒介环境中对外传播的偏向与路径:一个基于珠三角地区的考察(3)





那么,当我们“使用”网站,从网络媒介的内在符号世界中思考、感知、谈论或表现身边世界时,我们就正处于传播媒介的符号结构之中,遵循其内部的逻辑。一方面,个人在网络环境中扮演的虚拟角色,把与角色及其表现相关的预期和意义整合入自我之中,用角色身份(role‐based identities),彰显自己的个体特征,自我认同;另一方面,个人在网络环境中扮演群体身份(group‐based identities)(Schau HJ,Muniz AM.,2002),把自己归类入某个群体类别,自我类化。群体身份影响着一个人的文化认同,而媒介技术影响着群体身份的确定。“当我们简单地用我们是‘谁’的方式来考虑群体隶属时,我们身份的感觉也被我们在哪儿,以及‘谁’和我们在一起所改变。由媒介或其他因素的变化所造成的场景结构的变化,会改变人们对‘我们’和‘他们’的感觉。为了预测新媒介对群体身份的影响,有一个不可忽视的问题就是,新媒介如何改变‘谁同谁分享社会信息’。随着社会信息系统的融合与分离,群体身份也会随之变化。”(约书亚·梅罗维茨,2002)网络环境在塑造对外传播形象的同时也在不停地改变着我们分享社会信息的范围。


(本文系广东省哲学社会科学“十一五”规划2009年度项目《媒介融合趋势下广东新闻网站的国际传播路径研究》的成果之一,批准号:09 L‐03)













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The Inclination and Approach of International Cultural communication within the Framework of Diversified Network Media Ecology:Exploring the Pearl River Delta Region

Wang Bing

Abstract:The new media technology produced brand‐new symbol environment,perceptive and social environment.The exceptional status of Pearl River Delta Region contributes to the vivification and enrichment of the texture of international communication of China.In this article,the author is focused on the process,mechanism,technology and logic concerning the interaction between the new media ecology and the construction of the image of international communication,and tries to establish the connection between the externally communicated image of the region and the modes of production and life of people,social customs and even the social ideology,the efforts of which leads to the proposition of the integrated concept,namely the“Mega Media”from three perspectives,which are visually,culturally and ecologically involved.We sincerely urge the redefinition of the“production line”of international communication on the basis of the features and communication modes of the new platform,and quote the combined concept of“glocalization”in the submission of the characteristics of the international communication regarding the“Mega Media”.The concept themed with“glocalization”as described above would also become the core principle of international communication under the strengthened combination of global and regional traits.

Keywords:international communication,visual preference,cultural preference ecological preference,“Mega Media”.