
第3章 中国个人慈善捐赠行为及影响因素——基于随机调查数据的实证分析(3)








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Individual Charitable Giving and Determinants in China:

An Empirical Study Based on the Latest Random Survey

Abstract:In this paper,we use a latest individual random survey data ofdonations through employing Binary Logit model and(Generalized)Ordered Logitmodel.We empirically analyze the determinants of individual charitable participationand charitable expenditure. We find that personal,regional and donation channelfactors all affect individual charitable giving.Whether people give and how much togive depend on individual utility.Current study provides a prominent implication tocharitable policies,moreover,charitable organizations can form desirable strategies toprompt charitable participation and expenditure from this paper.

Key Words:Individual Charitable Giving;Charitable Participation;CharitableExpenditure;Determinants.