
第13章 文科类(10)

②Which paragraphs of the passage are the deions of thestudy?

③Which paragraphs of the passage present the result of the study?

④ What does D r.M cClearn m ean in the last paragraph?

⑤ Use asentence to sum up the research by D r.M cClearn and hiscolleagues and the result of this research.


(2)Reading m aterial two :

Q1.What are som e of the results produced by the study of heredityas m entioned in the passage?

Q2.What are the two view sheld by hereditarians?

Q3.How are these two view sclosely connected?

Q4.Can you think of som eother linking words or expressions toreplace “Further”?

Q5.How does the writer quote (引用) Galton's views to supportthe view of hereditarianism?

Q6.What is the opposite view of hereditarianism?

Q7.How is this paragraph connected with the previous paragraphs?

Q8.What are som eof the other linking words or expressions thatw ecan use here?

Q9.Whose views or theories are used to support behaviorists orsocial determ inists?

Q10.What words are used to quote L ocke’s and Waston’s theory?

问题1可以巩固学生阅读学术文章的技巧,问题3和问题7是为了让学生注意到两个连接手段(Further,On the opposite side...),问题4和问题8 让学生有机会复习学过的类似的连接词,为写作中连接词的运用奠定基础。问题5和问题10旨在让学生熟悉一些用来引述别人的观点或研究成果的用语(如:note,believe,state,assume,argue,claim等),为写作中语言的运用做好准备。

2.Where can we possibly get these supplem entary reading materials?

3.Dem onstrate the processes of locating the two passages on theInternet and encourage them to surf the Internet to get necessary information after class.


Step4:Debate (10minutes)

1.Organize students in two big groups to debate.

What determ ines the developm ent of hum an “intelligence”,heredity(genetics) or environm ent?

2. Within the two big groups, students are again divided intosm aller groups (four students ina group ). Each group will be giventhree m inutes to prepare.Then som estudents are asked to debate.Theyare encouraged to use what they have learnt to support their points.


3.Sum up students’argum ents in atable.


Step5:Writing (4minutes)

1.Suppose you are asked tow rite to an English new spaper or m aga‐zine to introduce today’s debate objectively.U se the table on the screento help you.

2.How can we join the tw o opposing views of our debate in ourw riting?

3.What expressions can we use to link our supporting points?

4.When we want to quote (use) others’ views or research resultsto support us,what words can we use?

5.Write the letter and you may begin with the follow ing sentence:

Iam writing to tellyou about the debate we’ve had about whether itis heredity or environm ent that determ ines the developm ent of hum anintelligence...


Step6:Hom ew ork

1.Finish writing the letter and hand it in today.

2.Finish reading tw o reading com prehension passages from 2004and2005NMETpapers.


课外作业把语言知识的巩固、阅读和写作技能的培养以及学习策略的运用有机地结合起来,有利于学生综合语言能力的发展。作业还安排了阅读理解训练,所选的两篇文章为高考全国卷2004年的E 篇和2005年的D 篇,让学生明白科研文章的读写能力是他们应该掌握的英语素养之一。




Role of Genes in Shaping Intelligence Is Lifelong,Study SaysBy M alcolm W.B row ne

(N.Y.T im es,June 6,1997)

Psychologists have long assum ed that the relative im portance ofgenes in shaping a person's intelligence declines over the years,becausethe other determ inant of intelligence,experience,increases asa personages.

Buta new study of 240pairs of tw ins,all older than 80,dem onstratesthat genes are just as im portant for cognitive function in old peopleas they are in m iddle‐age adults.

The investigation,which is being published Friday in the journal Science,found that the genetic contribution to an old person sintellect isabout 50percent,the balance being attributable to education,stress exposure,occupation,socioeconom ic status,geography,nutrition,diseaseand all the other environm ental factors that shape life.

The two‐year study was carried out bya team of Sw edish,Britishand Am erican scientists under the leadership of Dr. G erald E. Mc‐Clearn,director of the Center for Developm ental and H ealth Genetics atP ennsylvania State University,under a grant from the National Instituteon Aging.

Dr.McClearn and his collaborators at the University College ofH ealth Services in Jonkoping, Sw eden, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm,the Institute of Psychiatry in London and Penn State chosetheir subjects from the Sw edish Tw in Registry.

Of the240pairs,110were of identical tw ins and 130w ere fraternal(兄弟的) same-sex pairs,whose genes w ere only as sim ilar to eachother as those of ordinary siblings.A llthe tw ins were born before WorldW arI,and their average age w as 83.

Each tw in in every pair was individually tested bya different nurseand was subjected toa dem anding 90‐minute battery of exam inationsaim ed at measuring not only generalintelligence,but also specific cognitiveabilities.

Those included tests of how long it took to com plete various cognitivetasks,synonym matching,manipulation of colored cubes to m atchpatterns presented on cards,identifying like and unlike figures,mem orizingstrings of num bers and recognizing pictures that had been show nearlier.