
第46章 MY BOAT

1.Little waves,I’ve brought the boat Father made for me,For I want to see it float On your silver sea.Take it in your little hands.Bear it o‘ersands.

2.What a pretty boat it is,Sail and mast and all!Father made it just like his,Only very small.

And I’m going to call it Sun;That‘s the name of father’s one.

3.Little waves,come up and creep Round my little boat.

4.Tell me what you sing about,Tell me what you say,Coming in and going outAll the summerday.

Whisper to my boat and me Of the ships far out at sea.

5.While my boatie mounts and dipsWhere you break in foam ,Tell me how the big,big ships Sail so far from home ;What they bring,and where they go,⑥And the wondrous

things you know;

6.How they sail so brave and bold With the gentle breeze,Seeing islands laid with gold Set in silver seas,Where the skies are bright and clear,And there‘s summer all the year.

7.Now,my little boat you’ll bring Safely back to land.

I have heard the songs you sing Creeping o er the sand.

When I‘m older I’ll find out The lovely lands you sing about.


1.Name the nouns in verse 1.

2.Make sentences with the verbs in verse 3as predicate.