

1.We sailed all night on a sapphire Under the crystal moon,sea,Over the waves as they danced in glee,And sang to the sea-wind’s tune;Away,when the town was sound asleepAnd the land was lulled to rest,Where the silvery spearsof the stars sink deepDown into the ocean‘s breast.

2.And far as we sailed,a line of light Led from the shadowy shore,In links of phosphorusfalling brightFrom the blade of the guiding oar.And on to the silvery smile that played On the lips of the slumbering sea,The moonbeams an angel pathway made Like the spray on the hawthorn tree.

3.Round and round did the wavelets croon In the deep delight of dream,And the wind sang songs of the seas that swoonIn the summer sun’s sultrybeam.

It sang of the morning and rosy dawn,And the wakening smile of love,When the curtains of dreamland and night are drawn,And the sun rises radiantabove.

4.All night long we sailed and sailed Over the slumbering sea,Till the eastern sky into amethystpaled,And the gulls screamed loud in their glee.Such songs and such scenes no poet hath sung,Nor pictured with passionatepen;But when in the heavens God‘s star-lamps are hung,We’ll hear them and see them again.