

1.Have you heard of the land called Fuss-and-fret,Where the people live upon woes .

2.‘Tis either too gloomy from clouded skies,Or so bright that the sunshine dazzles one’s eyes;Tis either so cold,one is all of a chill ,Or else ’tis so warm that it makes one ill.

3.The season is either too damp or too dry,And mildewor droughtis always nigh;For nothing that ever happened yetWas just as it should be in Fuss-and-fret.

4.And the children-it really makes me sad To think they never look happy and glad,It is,“Oh,dear me!”until school is done,And then,“There never is time for fun!”

5.Their teachers are cross,they all declare,And examinations are never fair;Each little duty they‘re aptto shirk ,Because they are tired,or ’tis too hard work,6.Every one is as grave as an owl,And has pouting lips or a gloomy scowl;The voices whine and the eyes are wet In this dolefulcountry of Fuss-and-fret.

7.Now,if ever you find your feet are setOn the down-hill road into Fuss-and-fret,Turn round and travel the other way,Or you never will know a happy day.

8.Follow some cheerful face;‘twill guide To the land of Look-at-the-pleasant-side.

There something bright you will always see,No matter how dark the day may be.

9.You’ll nsmile at your tasks and laugh in your dreams,And learn that no ill is so bad as it seems.So lose no time,but hurry and getAs far as you can from Fuss-and-fret.