
第74章 Stockholm University



Stockholm University is situated in the middle of the first National City Park in the world and is characterized by natural beauty, unique architecture and contemporary art and sculpture.In 1878, the university college Stockholms H.gskola started its operations with a series of lectures on natural sciences, open to curious citizens (a tradition still upheld by yearly publicly open lectures). In 1904 the college became an official degree granting institution. In 1960 Stockholm College became a state university and four years later the Faculty of Social Sciences was added. Since 1970 most of the university operations are pursued at the main campus at Frescati north of the city center. Stockholm is a cultural hub and economic centre, with many green areas and surrounded by water, making it an ideal place in which to enjoy a relaxed and exciting student life. Stockholm University is one of the largest universities in Sweden and one of the largest employers in the capital. People of many different nationalities, with contacts throughout the world, contribute to the creation of a highly international atmosphere at Stockholm University. A fascinating architectural mix, the campus contains both old and new, and many of the best-known contemporary architects have helped to shape the University environment.

System: At Stockholm University there are approximately seventy departments and centres within four Faculties. Faculty of Humanities: Ancient Culture and Society, Archaeology (with Numismatics, Osteology), Baltic Studies (Latvian, Lithuanian), Bilingualism, Child Culture, Cinema Studies, Classical Languages (Latin, Ancient and Modern Greek), Comparative Religion, English, Ethnology, French and Italian, German and Dutch, History, History of Art, History of Ideas, Journalism and Communication, Linguistics (with Logopedics, Languages of the Deaf), Musicology, Oriental Languages (Arabic, Chinese, Indology, Japanese, Korean), Philosophy, Portuguese, Spanish and Latin American Studies, Scandinavian Languages, Slavic languages (Czech, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian), Swedish Theatre Studies, and Women"s Studies; Faculty of Law: Administrative Law, Business Economics, Commercial Law, Comparative Law, Constitutional Law, European Law, Insurance Law, Jurisprudence, Law and Informatics, Legal History, Penal Law, Private Law, Public International Law, Tax Law; Faculty of Social Sciences : Business Administration, Computer and Systems Sciences, Criminology, Economic History, Economics, Education, Health Equity Studies, Human Geography, International Economics, International Education, International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Management in Graphic Production and Public Relations, Political Science, Psychology, Social Anthropology, Social Research, Social research in Alcohol and Drugs, Social Work, Sociology, Statistics, and Stockholm Center for Organizational Research; Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences : Mathematics-Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth-Sciences sections. Stockholm University offers several graduate programmes in Education, Law, Swedish Social Studies and Business Administration.


fascinating [.f.s.ne.t..] a. 迷人的;吸引人的

situate [.s.t..e.t] vt. 使位于;使处于

buzz [b.z] 嗡嗡声



1904年斯德哥尔摩大学建立授予学位制度,在随后的20年间创建了法律和人文科学学院。1960成为国立大学,四年后又增加了社会科学学院。斯德哥尔摩大学拥有四个学院,即人文科学学院、法学院、社会科学院和自然科学院。1970年,主校区迁至现在的校址,此后又陆续增建了6个分校区。多年的发展史使斯德哥尔摩大学成为名副其实的“大学城”。 今天的斯德哥尔摩大学已成为一所学科齐全、设施完备、在国际上享有盛誉的大学。





Men are more easily governed through their vices than their virtues.


Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery.
