
第16章 University of Liverpool: These days of peace foste



The University of Liverpool is a teaching and research university based in the city of Liverpool, England. The University was established in 1881 as University College Liverpool, admitting its first students in 1882. In 1884, it became part of the federal Victoria University. In 1894 Oliver Lodge, a professor at the University, made the world"s first public radio transmission and two years later took the first surgical X-ray in the United Kingdom. The Liverpool University Press was founded in 1899, making it the third oldest university press in England. Students in this period were awarded external degrees by the University of London. Following a Royal Charter and Act of Parliament in 1903, it became an independent university with the right to confer its own degrees called the University of Liverpool. It is also one of the six original "red brick" civic universities. The centerpiece of the campus remains the University"s original red brick building, the Victoria Building. It was the world"s first university to establish departments in Oceanography, Civic Design, Architecture, and Biochemistry at the Johnston Laboratories.

System: Teaching departments of the University have been divided into three faculties: Health and Life Sciences (School of Dentistry, School of Health Sciences, School of Life Sciences, School of Medicine, School of Psychology, School of Veterinary Science), Humanities and Social Sciences(School of the Arts, School of Histories, Languages & Cultures, School of Law & Social Justice, Liverpool Management School), and Science and Engineering (School of Engineering, School of Physical Sciences, School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science, School of Environmental Sciences).

City show: Liverpool is noted for its rich architectural heritage and is home to many buildings (such as the Pier Head, Albert Dock and William Brown Street) regarded as amongst the greatest examples of their respective styles in the world. Liverpool is also well known for its inventions and innovations, particularly in terms of infrastructure, transportation and general construction. Railways, ferries and the skyscrapers were all pioneered in the city. Liverpool is most famous as the birthplace of The Beatles and during the 1960s was at the forefront of the Beat Music Movement. The city is also home to the oldest Black African community in the country and the oldest Chinese community in Europe.


radio transmission 无线电广播

surgical [.s.:d..kl] a. 外科的;手术上的

external [eks.t.:nl] a. 外部的;外面的

parliament [.pɑ:l.m.nt] n. 议会;国会

confer [k.n"f.:(r)] vt. 授予;给予

centerpiece ["sent..pi:s] n. 中心装饰品

oceanography [......n.gr.fi] n. 海洋学

heritage ["her.t.d.] n. 遗产;传统

infrastructure [".nfr.str.kt..(r)] n. 基础设施;公共建设

ferry ["fer.] n. 渡船;摆渡

skyscraper ["ska.skre.p.(r)] n. 摩天楼;超高层大楼

oceanography [......n.gr.fi] n. 海洋学









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