
第73章 职场应对(14)

我们公司是根据员工的工作表现支付工资的。 Pay depends on performance. Our company pays according to performance.

我喜欢这样的系统。 I like this system. I'd like this system.

今年你工作做得很好。 You did a good job this year. You have been doing a great job this year.

我非常满意你的工作。 I'm proud of your work performance. I am very satisfied with your work.

基于你的贡献,我想要给你加薪。 Your contribution deserves your pay rise. Based on your contribution, I would like to give you a pay rise.

你每月的薪水涨800元。 You get a pay increase of 800 yuan per month. Your monthly salary will be increased by 800 yuan.

我真的很感激。 Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.

一定不是。 Absolutely not. Can't be.

没有试用期。 No probation is involved. We don't have probation.

我周末需要加班吗 Any overtime on weekends Do I have to work on weekends


1. performance [p‘f:mns] n. 演出,表演;表现,成绩

【例句】I like his performance in this movie.


2. candidate ['kndidit] n. 候选人;候补者

【例句】I would like to be a responsible candidate.


3. probation [pru‘bein] n. 试用;见习;试读

【例句】I will be a probation in this company.


4. insurance [in'urns] n. 保险金额;赔偿金

【例句】Our college students consider more about the insurance in the company.


5. allowance [‘launs] n. 津贴,补贴;零用钱

【例句】Everyday his mother gives him 5 yuan as allowance.




Work hard! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this.


Destiny takes a hand.


You know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice.


People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.


You know it's easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40.


Lesson 83 能力评价


Are you capable of handling this case 你能搞定这个案例吗

Do you speak fluent English 你能说流利的英文吗

She's proficient in this field. 她是这个领域的行家里手。

Good communication skill is the key to success. 良好的沟通技巧是成功的关键。

Annual evaluation will take place next week. 下一周就开始年度考评了。

What's your specialty 你的特长是什么

I don't think he's the right person for this program. 我觉得他不是这个项目适合的人选。

What's his previous boss's comment on him 他过去的老板对他评价如何

Based on his track record, do you think he can lead the team to win the deal 基于他过去的成绩,你觉得他能带领团队赢得订单吗

On execution level, he's perfect. 在执行层面,他很完美。

This position requires good consumer insight, and understanding of market trends. 这个职位需要很好的消费者洞察和对市场趋势的了解。

After your evaluation, we decide to give you a salary increase. 在对你考评完之后,我们决定给你加薪。

He deserves a promotion.他升职是实至名归。

John is the super star of our department. 约翰是我们部门的明星。

Firing him is a reluctant choice of the management. 解雇他是管理层不得已的决定。


Good evening, Jacky.


Good evening, boss.


Sorry to take your personal time for your annual review.


That's OK. We both are very busy at working time. And I'd like to talk with you deeply about my career path.


Well, first of all, I'd like to give you a positive feedback on what you've done in the past one year. “Fabulous”, I have to say.


Anything I need to reinforce


You perform very well on the execution level. However, on strategy level, I think you still have some space to enhance youself.


You're right, boss. That's exactly what I'm about to focus on in the next phase.


As you're among the potential staff, we will offer you special training on strategic thinking.


Thanks very much.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

你觉得他的能力怎么样 What do you think of his ability Can you share your comments on his ability

他是我们部门最好的员工。 He's the best guy in our apartment. He is the super star of our department.

这个项目是争取升职的好机会。 This project is a short cut for promotion. This project provides good evidence for promotion.

他能胜任这份工作。 He can do this job. He has no problem in doing this job well.

她的工作成果令人欣喜。 Her working is very fruitful. The delivery of her job is satisfying.

露西缺乏团队合作精神。 Lucy is not a good team player. Lucy needs improvement in team spirit.

员工绩效衡量应该科学化。 The measurement of staff performance should be scientific. The KPI matrix of employees should be scientific.

你的工作值得肯定。 You did a very great job. Your performance is satisfying and deserves a positive feedback.

很抱歉你被解雇了,因为绩效问题。 Sorry you're fired due to low performance. Sorry to inform you that the contract with you is terminated, which is caused by your poor performance.

请为我的职业发展提些建议。 Please share some suggestions on my career path. Can you propose some suggestions on my further career development


1. career [k‘ri] n. 职业

【例句】Girls nowadays value career more.


2. evaluate [i'vljueit] vt. 对……评估,评价

【例句】Our company will evaluate employee performance on a yearly basis.


3. strategy [‘strtidi] n. 战略,策略

【例句】For senior level persons, strategy is important.


4. junior ['du:nj] adj. 资浅的,地位较低的,晚辈的

【例句】She has demonstrated her potential although still in a junior position.


5. outstanding [aut‘stndi] adj. 显著的,杰出的,重要的

【例句】She's the most outstanding one in my team.


