
第65章 职场应对(6)

Also tiring. My team has been working on this for 2 months and we're all exhausted.


But it's worth trying. This product will definitely be the talk of town by the time it's launched.


I hope so. What I'm happy about is that the management pays great attention to this project.


True. Our best players in the team joined your project to provide support.


They really do a good job. Happy to have you all.


You and your team deserve it.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

你们的项目进展还顺利么 Are you doing well with your projects Is everthing all right on your projects

项目正在进行中。 The program is ongoing. The program is undertaking.

我们得到了很多支持。 We've got a lot of support. We're greatly supported.

我们需要更多的资源。 We need more resources. More resources are required for us.

项目一切顺利。 The project goes well. Everything is fine in this project so far.

流程太过繁琐,消耗精力太多。 There are too manyprocedures and they take too much energy. The procedures are complicated and energy-consuming.

审批是这个工作很重要的一环。 Approval is important for this project. Getting approval plays a key role in this project.

你需要对项目负责。 You're responsible for the program. You're the one to be responsible for the program.

我们遇到的瓶颈。 We're meeting some troubles. We're encountering a bottleneck.

尽快解决问题才能进入下一个阶段。 Solve the problem, so you can go on. You have to overcome the obstacle before moving to next phase.


1. undertake [,nd‘teik] vt. 承担,接收,进行,从事

【例句】The project was undertaken by her.


2. process ['pruses] n. 过程,进程

【例句】We have to go through lots of processes to get the final approval.


3. bottleneck [‘btl,nek] n. 瓶颈,障碍物

【例句】Once you overcome the bottle neck, everything will be easier.


4. collaboration [k,lb'rein] n. 合作,共同作业,协作

【例句】Collaboration plays a key role in modern society.


5. overtime [‘uvtaim] n. 加班,加班时间,加班费

【例句】Overtime is not rare in this industry.




axe to grind 生气;找人理论;别有用心

The girl has an axe to grind with her boyfriend, because he is always late for the dates.



这个短语最常见的搭配是“have an axe to grind with sb.”。此用法最早于18世纪出于本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)所写的一则故事。富兰克林幼年时,在自家院子里遇到一个带有斧头的陌生人,那人称赞院子里的磨石(grind stone)很好,想看看好不好用,便让富兰克林转动磨石,而他自己在上面磨斧子。

back to square one


Just the minute I almost finished my essay, the computer crashed and everything went back to square one.




ballpark figure


The elder I become, the more books I should read, so I have listed a ballpark figure for the next three years.




ball's in your court 该是你采取行动的时候了

All the documents needed are put on your desk. Ball's in your court.




barking / bark up the wrong tree 找错对象

Our boss has barked up the wrong tree. Jerry should not been blamed for the loss.




Lesson 73 产品介绍


This model of computer is efficient, durable, economical and practical for high school students. 这个型号的电脑对高中生来说,高效、耐用、经济、实惠。

The typewriter we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact size and energy saving. It is also easy to learn and easy to operate. 我们生产的打字机其特点是质量好、体积小、节能,而且易学好用。

They are not only as low-priced as the goods of other makers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects. 它们不但和其它厂家的产品一样低廉,而且在以下几个方面有其独特的优性。

You will get a 15% increase in production using this machine and also it allows one person to perform the tasks of five people. 一旦使用该机器,你们将会增产15%,而且一个人可以顶五个人使用。

This product will pay back in eight months. 该产品八个月就可收回成本。

This machine will pay back your investment in a year. 该机器一年就可收回投资。

The new type of car designed by engineers is very ingenious and practical. 工程师设计的新款车非常精巧、实用。

This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and is handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling. 这种自行车可以折叠,携带方便,在旅行中特别实用。

The maximum speed of this type of car is 100 km/hour. 这种车最大速度可以达到每小时100千米。

These machines have few breakdowns and are easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure. 这些机器由于机械的构造简单,所以很少故障,易于保养。

Compared with the other brands, this kind of tyre costs less per mile and lasts much longer due to its rubber. 与其它牌子相比,这种轮胎每公里损耗较少,并且因为它的橡胶质地,轮胎更耐磨。

This kind of computer operates very easily. 这种电脑的特点是易于操作。

This material is very durable. 这种材料非常耐用。

This kind of air conditioning system is practical and economical for the needs of your family. 这种空调系统实用、经济,能满足你家的需要。

Our products are of superb quality as well as typical oriental style. 我方产品质量优良,具有典型的东方特色。


I'm glad that you can meet me today.


Don't mention it. You are a very important supplier to me.


Mike, the reason I'm here today is this:Our company has imported a new product from China. I wonder if you would like to have a look


Frankly speaking, the product you supplied to us before wasn't that satisfactory. A lot of our customers have complained about it.


Mike, let me assure you one thing. This new product is really much better than the previous one. You have to try it.
