
第57章 在图书馆(1)

Lesson 63 办理借书证


Good morning/afternoon/evening. May I help you 早上/中午/晚上好。需要我帮忙吗

Welcome to our library. Is there anything I can do for you 欢迎到我们图书馆来! 有什么我可以帮你的吗

Excuse me, where is the Circulation Counter Desk 打扰一下,流通服务柜台在哪里

Excuse me, could you please tell me how to apply for a library card 劳驾,请告诉我怎样申请一张借书证

Can I borrow a book without a library card 我没有借书证可以借书吗

I'd like to apply for a library card. 我想申请一张借书证。

Please inform one of the staff at the Circulation Counter Desk, and the staff will help you to apply for the library card. 请告诉流通服务柜台的工作人员,他会帮助你申请借书证的。

Please fill your information in the form. 请在表格内填入你的信息。

The library staff will send you an email about the instructions of the library card. 图书馆工作人员会给你发一封邮件告诉你借书证的使用方法。

Thank you very much for your kind help. 多谢您的帮助。

How many books can I borrow at one time 一次我可以借几本书

How long can I keep these books 这些书我能借多长时间

What do I need to apply for a library card 申请借书证我需要做什么呢

You have been of great help to me. 您对我的帮助真是太大了。


Good afternoon, may I help you


Good afternoon, what do I have to do if I want to borrow books from the library


It's very simple. You just need to have a library card and you can borrow books from library.


What do I need to do to apply for a library card


Are you a student from our university Only our students have the right to borrow books.


Yes, I am.


Please show me your student ID, and fill your personal information in the form.


Here you are.


Please wait a minute.


OK. Here is the form.


Everything is OK.You are all set. Here are your student ID and the library card.


Can you tell me how to use the library card to borrow the books


There is an instruction and you just follow the instruction, and you know how to use it.


Thanks a lot.


You're welcome.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天用语 正式场合聊天用语

中文 非正式场合聊天用语 正式场合聊天用语

我能帮你吗 May I help you Is there anything I can do for you

请出示学生证。 May I have your student ID, please Could you show me your student ID, please

申请借书证我需要做什么呢 How to apply for a library card What do I need to do to apply for a library card

请填写个人信息。 Please fill your personal information in the form. Please fill in the form with your personal information completely.

给你学生证。 Here is the student ID. This is your student ID. Please take it.

所有学生必须取得借书证才能在图书馆借书。 No student can borrow books without a library card. All students must obtain a library card before they can borrow books from the library.

一切手续办妥了。 Everything is set. All things have been completed.

请问学校图书馆在哪儿 Where can I find the campus library Excuse me, could you tell me where is the campus library

图书馆什么时候开/关门 When does the library open/close Could you tell me the working time of the library

什么时候可以申请借书证 When can I apply for a library card What are the service hours of applying for a library card

没有图书卡可以借书吗 Can I borrow the books without a library card If there is the possibility of borrowing books without a library card

流通服务柜台每天都开放吗 Is the circulation counter open every day Is the circulation counter available every day

借书证可以借所有的书吗 Can I with the library card borrow any books Is the library card valid for all books

对不起,我想补办一张借书证。 Excuse me , I want to reapply for a library card. Excuse me,can you help me to reapply for a library card

非常感谢。 Thanks a lot. Thank you very much.


1. staff [stɑ:f] n. 全体职员;教职员

【例句】The manager fired an old staff yesterday.


3. copy [‘kpi] n. 复制本,副本;一份,一册

【例句】I sent the letter, but kept a copy for my files.

我寄了信, 但留了份影印本存档。

4. library card ['laibrri kɑ:d] 借书证

【例句】Can I apply for a library card


【例句】Please apply for the library card at the circulation counter.


5. application form [pli‘kein f:m] 申请书,申请表,投保书

【例句】Please fill in an application form.



It well becomes a man who is no longer young to forget that he ever was.

——Charles de Saint-Evremond



It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.

——Woody Allen, Without Feathers

我不是害怕死亡, 我只是到时候不想在场。

——伍迪·艾伦 《不长羽毛》

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don‘t mind, it doesn't matter.

—Mark Twain




People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.

——Andrew Carnegie



Lesson 64 找书


May I come in and use the materials in the reading room 我可以进来翻阅阅览室的资料吗

Yes, come in, please. Please sign your name here, and we need to see your library card. 进来吧,请在这儿签上你的名字。我们需要看一下你借书证。

Please show me your library card. 请出示你的借书证。

May I take these books out of the room我可以把这些书带出阅览室吗

No, you may not. You can only read them here. 不,你不可以。你只能在这里阅读这本书。

How can I find the books that I want to borrow 如何才能找到我想要借阅的图书呢

What do I have to do to check out/return the books 借/ 还这本书要办什么手续

Please tell me how to find a book. 请教我怎样找书。

Please record all the necessary information in a call slip. 请在索书单上填上全部必需的资料。

Can you show me how to find books in the stacks here 您能教我如何在书架上找书吗

How can I get some help with finding a particular book 我怎样才能得到帮助找到某一本书呢

Could you check and see if you can get it back 您可以查一下,看看能否把它收回来吗

Have you checked in the catalogue using author and title 你查过作者和书名目录了吗

You can look up the book title, the author name, or the subject you are investigating. 您可以根据书名、作者或您研究的主题来查找书。

I could probably get the book through interlibrary loan. 或许我能通过馆际互借借到这本书。


Good morning, what can I do for you


Good morning, I'd like to borrow a copy of Hamlet by Shakespeare.


Please wait a moment. Let me go to the stacks to have a look. I'm sorry. All the copies have been checked out.