
第50章 在邮局(2)

Shall I give this letter to you or drop it in the mailbox outside. 我是把这封信交给您还是投放在外边的信箱里呢

The parcel can be sent as printed matter. 这个包裹可当作印刷品邮寄。

Is there any way to mail this letter faster 是否还有别的更快的寄信方式呢

You can send it by Global Express Mail Service. 你可以发全球快递。

It should reach anywhere in the mainland of China within three days. 在三天内,信件可以到达中国大陆的任何地方。

What is the least expensive way to mail some books to America 把这些书寄到美国,最便宜的方法是什么

You can do it by surface mail. 你可以采取平邮的方式。

We have a one-destination mailbag delivery service. 我们提供单一目的的邮袋配送服务。

What's in your package 你的包裹里面是什么


What are you doing Are you writing a letter


Yeah, it's not so easy. My aunt Barbara sent me a gift for my birthday. I can't remember which one is from her. But I want to thank her for it.


That shouldn't be so hard. Just say:“Dear aunt Barbara, thank you very much for such a nice birthday gift. How do you know that's exactly what I want Wish you good health.Sincerelyyours, Bill.”


Thanks, Rose. That's a smart idea.


OK. Now I'm going to send this letter.


Did you write your return address on the envelope


Yes, I did.


How do you want to send it


By airmail.


Dose it have anything valuable inside


Yes, I enclosed some photos.


Then you'd better send it by registered mail.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式聊天用语 正式聊天用语

那你最好用挂号信寄。 Then you'd better send it by registered mail. Then you'd better mail it in a register way.

里面有贵重物品吗 Dose it have anything valuable inside Does it carry with valuable things

你想怎么寄这封信 How do you want to send it What way would you prefer to mail this letter

你在信封上写了回复地址了吗 Did you write your return address on the envelope Did you mark your return address on the envelope

您是怎么知道我想要这个的 How do you know that's what I want How do you know that's exactly what I wish

你可以采取平邮的方式。 You can do it by surface mail. You could adopt the surface mail.

把这些书寄到中国,最便宜的方法是什么 What is the cheapest way to mail some books to China What is the least expensive way to mail some books to China

请使用这种信封。 Please use this envelope. Please employ this kind of envelope.

这封信的邮费是多少 How much should I pay to mail this letter What's the postage of the letter

如果有我的信,请将信转寄到我家来。 Please send on my letters to my home. If there are any letters, please forward them to my home.

这有点超重。 It is quite a bit overweight. The weight has passed the limitation.

多重 What's the weight How heavy is it

信寄哪 Where do your want to send this letter to What's the destination of this letter

是否还有别的更快的寄信方式呢 Is there any way to mail this letter faster What's another faster way to mail this letter

现在我去寄出去这封信。 I'm going to send this letter. I will mail this letter immediately.


1. registered post [‘redstd pust] n. 挂号邮寄,挂号投递

【例句】May I send this letter by registered post


2. insurance rate [in'urns reit] 保险费率

【例句】What insurance rate do you suggest we should get


3. deliver [di‘liv] vt. & vi. 递送,交付 vt. 发言;助产;发动,提出

【例句】Do you deliver


4. receipt [ri'si:t] n. 收据,发票;收到;收入

【例句】You have to sign here and acknowledge receipt.

你得在这儿签名, 表示已收到。

5. overweight [,v‘wet] adj. 超重的

【例句】1.Your suitcase is five kilograms overweight.


6. airmail ['emel] n. 航空邮件 vt. 航空邮寄 adj. 航空邮件的;航空邮递(用)的

【例句】I told her to send the letter by airmail.



In politics women type the letters, lick the stamps, distribute the pamphlets and get out the vote. Men get elected.

——Clare Boothe Luce



There's no evidence whatsoever that men are more rational than women. Both sexes seem to be equally irrational.

——Albert Ellis



The labor of women in the house, certainly, enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could; and in this way women are economic factors in society. But so are horses.

——Charlotte Perkins Gilman



They say that women talk too much. If you have worked in Congress you know that the filibuster was invented by men.

——Clare Boothe Luce


——克莱尔· 卢斯

Women like to sit down with trouble - as if it were knitting.

——Ellen Glasgow



Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.

——Timothy Leary



There are two things that will be believed of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he has taken to drink.

——Booth Tarkington



The fundamental defect of fathers, in our competitive society, is that they want their children to be a credit to them

——Bertrand Russell : Sceptical Essays


——伯特兰·罗素 《怀疑论文集》