
第19章 主要参考文献



1.Illuminations.ed.by Hannah Arendt,trans.by Harry Zohn。Fontana,1968.

2.One Way Street and Other Writings.trans.by Edmund Jephcott and Kingsley Shorter.NLB(New Left Books),1979.

3.The Origin of German Tragic Drama.trans.by John Osborne.NLB,1977.

4.Understanding Brecht.trans.by Anna Bostock.NLB,1973.

5.Moscow diary,ed.by Gary Smith.trans.by Richard Sieburth.Harvard University Press,1986.

6.Charles Baudelaire:A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism.trans.by Harry Zohn.NLB,1973.

7.The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin,1910—1940.ed。by Gershom Scholem and Theodor W.Adorno.trans.by Manfred R.Jacobson and Evelyn M.Jacobson.The University of Chicago Press,1994.

8.Theories of German Fascism.New German Critique 17(Spring 1979):pp.120 128.




1.Andrew Benjamin,ed.,The Problems of Modernity:Adorno and Benjamin.London and New York:Routledge,1989.

2.Andrew Benjamin and Peter Osborne,ed.,Walter Benjamin's Philosophy:Destruction and Experience.London and New York:Routledge,1994.

3.Norbert Bolz and Willem van Reijen,Walter Benjamin.trans.by Laimdota Mazzarins。New Jersey:Humanities Press,1991.

4.Terry Eagleton,Walter Benjamin or Towards a Revolutionary Griticism.London:Verso Editions and NLB,1981.

5.Susan A.Handelman,Fragments of Redemption:Jewish Thought and Literary Theory in Benjamin,Scholem and Levinas.Indiana University Press,1991.

6.Fredric Jameson,Marxism and Form.New Jersey:Princeton University Press,1971.

7.John McCole,Walter Benjamin and Antinomies of Tradition。Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1993.

8.Jeffrey Mehlman,Walter Benjamin for Children:An Essay on His Radio Years.The University of Chicago Press,1993.

9.Julian Roberts,Walter Benjamin.The MacMilan Press,1982.

10.Gershom Scholem,Walter Benjamin:The Story of a Friendship。trans。by Harry Zohn。The Jewish Publication Society of America Philadelphia,1981.

11.Gary Smith,ed.,On Walter Benjamin:Critical Essays and Recollections。Massachusetts and London:The MIT Press,Cambridge,1988.

12.Gary Smith,ed.,Walter Benjamin:Philosophy,History,Aesthetics.The University of Chicago Press,1989.

13.Bernd Witte,Walter Benjamin:An Intellectual Biography.trans.by James Rolleston.Detroit:Wayne State University Press,1991.

14.Richard Wolin,Walter Benjamin:An Aesthetic of Redemption.University of Califonia Press,1994.