
第123章 地球上的低地(4)

farther and farther into the plain. The depletion of Napoleon"s army, due to the extent of territory which must be held in his rear, the distance from his base of supplies and the rigor of the Russian winter, forced him to begin that disastrous retreat, the fatal results of which probably led to his final overthrow.

The effect of plains on the distribution of population is shown in the early settlements on the coastal plain territory south of Philadelphia. Here there were almost no towns containing as many as twenty houses until the colonies had been settled for nearly two hundred years, and even now cities of considerable size are rare, but on the more rugged lands to the north the tendency to build towns began at the beginning of settlement.

189.Plains in History. -Plains

have always played an important part in history. Here armies can march and countermarch with comparative ease. Large bodies of men can easily be assembled. Military stores can be readily col- lected and all the operations of war carried on without naturalobstructions. Thus it happens


that certain plains have been the seats of almost innumerable wars. The great plain of the Tigris and Euphrates was the gathering ground and battlefield of vast ancient monarchies. The plains of the Po have been the arena in which embattled Europe has settled some of its deadliest strifes, while the level lands of Belgium have been dyed again and again with the blood of thousands and thousands of Europe"s bravest sons.

Summary. -Level areas are called plains when low, plateaus when high. When a coast has been elevated and part of the continental shelf becomes exposed, this is called a coastal plain, as the east coast of the United States from New York to the Gulf of Mexico.

Coastal plains have little mining and manufacturing; their agricultural products vary. Their large cities lie either at tide water or at the fall line of the rivers. The best drinking water on coastal plains usually comes from artesian wells.

Besides coastal plains there are lake plains, like those of northern New York and eastern North Dakota, and river plains, of which the Mississippi is the best example. The prairies have a fine, rich, treeless, fertile soil, a result of ancient glaciation. The great plains of the United States have an irregular surface usually barren of trees.


How does the drainage of a coastal plain develop? What kind of a shore line will a coastal plain have? What are the usual industries of a coastal plain? Where are the largest cities on a coastal plain situated?

Describe the kind of coast line that results from the depression of a dissected coastal plain.

In what way are lake plains formed? How are river plains formed?

What natural condlitions made its possible for the pioneer settlers tobecome quickly prosperous on the prairies?

How have plains affected the welfare of their inhabitants?

How have plains influenced history?


180.平坦地区--在地球表面的不同区域,存在着范围广阔的平坦陆地 区。在这里,水流系统不是特别发达,而且还有面积不小的低洼地区。大雨过 后,浅浅的积水便长时间存留在这些低洼处,直到最后全部蒸发,或者全部浸 入土壤。而在那些有排水渠道的地方,浅浅的水流则会顺着沟渠缓缓流淌。

如果对这些地区进行挖掘,会发现土壤下的岩石层会接近水平状,或者几 乎完全就是水平状分布。当这类地区的海拔相对较高时,这些水流最终会导致形 成深深的峡谷,将地表切割开来。而当这类地区海拔很低时,它们就叫做平原; 在高一点的地方,尤其是周围全是向下的坡面的时候,就叫做高原。俄罗斯的 北部大平原就是海拔较低的平坦区的典型例子,科罗拉多河畔的亚利桑那高原 则是海拔较高的例子。


实验130:在一只玻璃广口瓶中加满水,然后慢慢向里面加入一些细沙和 泥土粉末的混合物,注意观察水的颜色变化。然后将其静止放置几天,在仔细 观察瓶底的沉淀物,现在细沙和泥土粉末还像它们被加入瓶中时那样混合在一 起吗?水对混合物产生了什么作用?

我们已经知道,地球的表面其实并不稳定,而是一直处于运动变化之中。 当海岸的陆地抬升,或者海底发生沉降,海水便会从陆地上撤退一定距离,之 前位于海底的条状地带现在就成了干燥的陆地。

这一新生地带由粘土、沙石和碎砾石构成,而且常常有许多和邻近海滨上 相似的贝壳。这一地区表面整体会非常平整,也会有一些轻微的不规则,且水 流渠道还没有完全形成。雨水降落到这一地区以后,那些既没有蒸发掉,也没 有浸入土壤的部分则会流到这些轻微洼地,形成浅水湖。水满之后,它们又会 寻找出口流向更低的地方,直到最终流入海洋。

这些顺着出口流走的水流不断壮大,在沿途广阔平坦的地域上形成了不 断靠近海洋的水流干线和池塘。形成规模之后,这些水流便立即开始不断冲刷 河床,池塘则不断被进入其中的淤泥慢慢填充起来,直到最后池塘的水全部流 走,河流则将所有的地表径流水全部带进海洋。

一般而言,海岸平原的干燥陆地总是显得很平整且很有规则,但在很长的时间里,其范围内的土地并没有多少利用价值。这样的荒废,有时给海洋带来 的影响和平时显得不同。海岸平原地质构造成分的特性与状况,由此也千差万 别,但所有底层一般都会轻微地向海洋倾斜。软硬地质材质之间的分界线也与 原来的海岸线大致平行,这样的也就形成了分带平原。

由于河流在软质河道中比在硬质河道中能更迅速地冲刷河床,因此柔软地 层上的支流也一般比坚硬地层上的要长许多,同时较长的河流的流向也会与先 前的海岸线几乎保持平行。这些情况都让这些河流从原先陆地上流出的出口, 全都横向地陈列在平原上,这样一来,整个地区的河流网线便像一个纵向分布 的栎树枝干图一样。

当水流中的混合杂质不断沉淀的时候,最粗糙的沉淀得最快,最细微的沉 淀得最慢。这样我们便可以想象,河流带来的沉淀物会出现明显的层次,粗糙 的土石沉积物会在离海岸较远的地方沉淀下来。这的确是事实,人们常常在原 先背向海岸的陆地边界处,发现一个极易侵蚀的带状地带,以及由于这些河流 的侵蚀效应形成的低地。从特伦顿流向威明顿的特拉华河,以及蒙哥马利与塞尔 玛之间的亚拉巴马河,就流淌在这一类型的低地上。这些地区也叫做内部低地, 这里一般都有肥沃而纹理分明的土壤,是海岸平原上最好的土层区域。

这一内部低地与原来的陆地接壤,并且位于分界线内侧,由挤压得很紧 的岩石构成,这些岩石一般都含有非常有价值的矿物成分,也是很好的建筑石 材。在分界线外则,即靠近海洋的一侧,平原中尚未被转运的粗糙土质层会突 然升高,因此从分界线的顶部看去,便会出现一个平缓的斜坡,地势逐渐降低 一直进入海洋。由于原来陆地的内侧地带较高,且高于海平面并经受了更长时 间的侵蚀,因此地面上就比靠近海洋的地方显得更加纵横斑驳高低不平,到处 的小山也让这一地带更加没有规律。

海岸平原本来就是海底逐渐暴露形成的,因此也会有一些浅浅的水域会 在海岸平原上延伸一段距离。沿着这样的海岸,海洋一侧的地带存在着不少沼 泽地和环礁湖,再外侧一些便是许多沙质礁石,这是风将海浪带来的沙在这里 不断堆积的结果。有些地方这类沙礁的规模很大,因此成了非常适合人居的地 方,比如新泽西州的大西洋城就是如此,这里已经逐渐成为人们夏季的旅游胜 地。如果再沿着海岸线往南走,还会发现少数居民在一些较宽的沙礁上生活。

从纽约到整个海湾地区,宽度向南不断增加的这一地带也是一个海岸平 原。整个欧洲的西部海岸地区也差不多是如此。荷兰的土地就既经历了晚近地质时代的海洋再造,也经历了近代以来的大规模人工开垦,其南部区域的开垦 利用在很大程度上就得惠于莱茵河带来的土石沉积。