
第18章 青春不老,理想不死(5)


Pulitzer Prize winners SherylWuDunn and Nicholas Kristof assert thatthe fundamental moral challenge for ourcentury, it is oppression of girls and womenaround the world. Their book is a call toarms, to give women all over the world,women who are exactly like us except forthe circumstances into which they wereborn, basic human rights.


Compared to these women, we arelucky. In America, as in the entire developedworld, we are equal under the law. But thepromise of equality is not equality. As we sithere looking at this magnificent blue-robedclass, we have to admit something thatssad but true: men run the world. Of 190heads of two states, nine are women. Of allthe parliaments around the world, 13% ofthose seats are held by women. CorporateAmerica top jobs, 15% are women;numbers which have not movedat all in the past nine years. Nineyears. Of full professors aroundthe United States, only 24% arewomen.


So today, we turn to you. Youare the promise for a more equalworld. You are our hope. I trulybelieve that only when we get realequality in our governments, inour businesses, in our companiesand our universities, will westart to solve this generationscentral moral problem, which isgender equality. We need womenat all levels, including the top, to change thedynamic, reshape the conversation, to makesure womens voices are heard and heeded, notoverlooked and ignored.


Youre going to walk off this stage todayand youre going to start your adult life. Startout by aiming high. Like everyone here, Ihave great hopes for the members of this graduating class. I hope you find truemeaning, contentment and passion in your life. I hope that you navigatethe hard times and you come out with greater strength and resolve. I hopethat whatever balance you seek, you find it with your eyes wide open. AndI hope that you-yes, you-each and every one of you have the ambition torun the world, because this world needs you to run it. Women all aroundthe world are counting on you. Im counting on you.


I know thats a big challenge and responsibility, a really daunting task,but you can do it. You can do it if you lean in. So go home tonight andask yourselves, “What would I do if I werent afraid?” And then go do it. Congratulations.



The 2008 commencement address at Harvard University

[乔安妮·凯瑟琳·罗琳 / Joanne Kathleen Rowling]

On this wonderful day when weare gathered together to celebrate youracademic success, I have decided to talk toyou about the benefits of failure. And as youstand on the threshold of what is sometimescalled “real life”, I want to extol the crucialimportance of imagination.


Looking back at the 21-year-oldthat I was at graduation, is a slightlyuncomfortable experience for the 42-year-old that she has become. Half my lifetimeago, I was striking an uneasy balancebetween the ambition I had for myself, andwhat those closest to me expected of me.


I was convinced that the only thingI wanted to do, ever, was to write novels. However, my parents, both of whom camefrom impoverished backgrounds and neitherof whom had been to college, took theview that my overactive imagination wasan amusing personal quirk that could neverpay a mortgage, or secure a pension.


I know the irony strikes likewith the force of a cartoon anvilnow, but…


They had hoped that I wouldtake a vocational degree; I wantedto study English Literature. Acompromise was reached thatin retrospect satisfied nobody,and I went up to study ModernLanguages. Hardly had myparents car rounded the corner atthe end of the road than I ditchedGerman and scuttled off down theClassics corridor.


What I feared most for myselfat your age was not poverty, butfailure.


Now, I am not going to standhere and tell you that failure isfun. That period of my life was a dark one, andI had no idea that there was going to be whatthe press has since represented as a kind of fairytale resolution. I had no idea how far the tunnelextended, and for a long time, any light at theend of it was a hope rather than a reality.


So given a Time Turner, I would tellmy 21-year-old self that personal happinesslies in knowing that life is not a check-list of acquisition or achievement. Yourqualifications, your CV, are not your life,though you will meet many people of myage and older who confuse the two. Lifeis difficult, and complicated, and beyondanyones total control, and the humility toknow that will enable you to survive itsvicissitudes.
