
第15章 青春不老,理想不死(2)

On this day of my release, I extend mysincere and warmest gratitude to the millionsof my compatriots and those in every cornerof the globe who have campaigned tirelesslyfor my release. I extend special greetings tothe people of Cape Town, the city which hasbeen my home for three decades. Your massmarches and other forms of struggle haveserved as a constant source of strength to allpolitical prisoners. I salute the African NationalCongress. It has fulfilled our every expectationin its role as leader of the great march tofreedom. I salute our President, ComradeOliver Tambo, for leading the ANC even underthe most difficult circumstances.


I salute the rank-and-file membersof the ANC: You have sacrificed lifeand limb in the pursuit of the noblecause of our struggle, like SolomonMahlangu and Ashley Kriel, who havepaid the ultimate price for the freedomof all South Africans. I salute theSouth African Communist Party forits sterling contribution to the strugglefor democracy. You have survived40 years of unrelenting persecution. The memory of great communistslike Moses Kotane, Yusuf Dadoo,Bram Fischer, and Moses Mabhidawill be cherished for generations tocome. I salute General Secretary JoeSlovo, one of our finest patriots. We areheartened by the fact that the alliancebetween ourselves and the Party remainsas strong as it always was. I salute theNational Education Crisis Committee,the South African Youth Congress, theTransvaal and Natal Indian Congresses,and COSATU, and the many otherformations of the Mass DemocraticMovement. I also salute the Black Sashand the National Union of South AfricanStudents. We note with pride that youhave looked - that you have acted as theconscience of white South Africans. Evenduring the darkest days in the history ofour struggle you held the flag of libertyhigh. The large-scale mass mobilizationof the past few years is one of the keyfactors which led to the opening of thefinal chapter of our struggle. I extendmy greetings to the working class of ourcountry. Your organized strength is thepride of our movement. You remain themost dependable force in the struggle toend exploitation and oppression.


I pay tribute - I pay tribute to the many religious communities who carriedthe campaign for justice forward when the organizations of our people weresilenced. I greet the traditional leaders of our country - many among you continueto walk in the footsteps of great heroes like Hintsa and Sekhukhuni, I pay tributeto the endless heroism of the youth. You are the young lions….the young lions,have energized our entire struggle. I pay tribute to the mothers and wives andsisters of our nation. You are the rock-hard foundation of our struggle. Apartheidhas inflicted more pain on you than on anyone else. On this occasion, we thankthe world, we thank the world community for their great contribution to the anti-apartheid struggle. Without your support, our struggle would not have reached thisadvanced stage. The sacrifice of the frontline states will be remembered by SouthAfricans forever. My salutation will be incomplete without expressing my deepappreciation for the strength given to me during my long and lovely years in prisonby my beloved wife and family. I am convinced that your pain and suffering wasfar greater than my own.


Before I go any further, I willmake a more public statementonly after I had the opportunity toconsult with my comrades. Todaythe majority of South Africans,black and white, recognize thatapartheid has no future. It has to beended by our own decisive massaction in order to build peace andsecurity.


The mass campaigns ofdefiance and other actions of ourorganizations and people can onlyculminate in the establishmentof democracy. The apartheiddestruction on my continent is incalculable. The fabric of family lifeof millions of my people has beenshattered. Millions are homelessand unemployed. Our economy- Our economy lies in ruins and our peopleare embroiled in political strife. Our resort tothe armed struggle in 1960 with the formationof the military wing of the ANC, Umkhonto weSizwe, was a purely defensive action againstthe violence of apartheid. The factors whichnecessitated the armed struggle still exist today.We have no option but to continue.
