
第12章 告别过去,重新开始(5)

And yet, our distress comes from nofailure of substance, we are stricken by noplague of locusts. Compared with the perilswhich our forefathers conquered, because theybelieved and were not afraid, we have so muchto be thankful for. Nature surrounds us withher bounty, and human efforts have multipliedit. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generoususe of it languishes in the very sight of thesupply. Primarily, this is because the rulers ofthe exchange of mankinds goods have failed,through their own stubbornness and their ownincompetence, have admitted their failure andhave abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulousmoney changers stand indicted in the courtof public opinion, rejected by the hearts andminds of men.


True, they have tried, but their effortshave been cast in the pattern of an outworntradition. Faced by a failure of credit, theyhave proposed only the lending of moremoney. Stripped of the lure of profit bywhich they induce our people to followtheir false leadership, they have resorted toexhortation, pleading tearfully for restoredconfidence. They only know the rules of ageneration of self-seekers. They have novision, and when there is no vision, thepeople perish.


Happiness lies not in the merepossession of money; it lies in the joyof achievement, in the thrill of creativeefforts, the joy and moral stimulation ofwork no longer must be forgotten in themad chase of evanescent profits. Thesedark days, my friends, will be worth all theycost us, if they teach us that our true destinyis not to be ministered on to, but to ministerto ourselves, to our fellow men.


Recognition of thefalsity of material wealthas the standard of successgoes hand in hand with theabandonment of a falsebelief that public officeand high political positionare to be valued only bythe standards of pride ofplace and personal profits,and there must be an endto our conduct in bankingand in business, whichtoo often has given to asacred trust the likeness ofcallous and selfish wrong-doing. Small wonder thatconfidence languishes, forit thrives only on honesty,on honor, on the sacrednessof our obligation, on faithfulprotection and on unselfishperformance. Without themit cannot live.


We face the arduousdays that lie before usin the warm courage ofnational unity, in the clearestconsciousness of seeking alland precious moral values,with the clean satisfactionthat comes from the sternperformance of duty by oldand young alike.


In this dedication, inthis dedication of a nation,we humbly ask the blessingsof God, may He protect eachand every one of us, mayHe guide me in the days tocome.


“9·11 事件”三周年广播讲话

President,s Radio Address on the Third 9·11 Anniversary


[George Walker Bush]

Good morning. This is a day ofremembrance for our country. And I amhonored to be joined at the White Housetoday by Americans who lost so muchin the terrible events of September the11th, 2001, and have felt that loss everyday since.

Three years ago, the struggle ofgood against evil was compressed intoa single morning. In the space of only102 minutes, our country lost morecitizens than were lost in the attack onPearl Harbor. Time has passed, but thememories do not fade. We rememberthe images of fire, and the final calls oflove, and the courage of rescuers whosaw death and did not flee.

We remember the cruelty ofenemies who murdered the innocent,and rejoiced in our suffering. Weremember the many good lives thatended too soon-which no one hadthe right to take.