
第4章 流年岁月,与你共赴夕阳(4)

Sometimes I really doubt whether there islove between my parents. Every day they are verybusy trying to earn money in order to pay the hightuition for my brother and me. They dont act inthe romantic ways that I read in books or I see onTV. In their opinion, “I love you” is too luxuriousfor them to say. Sending flowers to each other onValentines Day is even more out of the question.

Finally my father has a bad temper. When hesvery tired from the hard work, it is easy for him tolose his temper.

One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. Isilently sat down beside her and looked at her.

“Mom, I have a question to ask you, ” I saidafter a while.

“What?” She replied, stilldoing her work.

“Is there love between youand Dad?” I asked her in a very lowvoice.

My mother stopped her workand raised her head with surprisein her eyes. She didnt answerimmediately. Then she bowed herhead and continued to sew thequilt.

I was very worried because Ithought I had hurt her. I was in agreat embarrassment and I didntknow what I should do. But at lastI heard my mother say the following words:

“Susan,” she said thoughtfully, “look atthis thread. Sometimes it appears, but mostof it disappears in the quilt. The threadreally makes the quilt strong and durable. Iflife is a quilt, then love should be a thread.

It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime,but its really there. Love is inside.”

I listened carefully but I couldntunderstand her until the next spring. Atthat time, my father suddenly got sickseriously. My mother had to stay withhim in the hospital for a month. Whenthey returned from the hospital, they bothlooked very pale. It seemed both of themhad had a serious illness.

After they were back, every day in themorning and dusk, my mother helped myfather walk slowly on the country road. Myfather had never been so gentle. It seemedthey were the most harmonious couple.

Along the country road, there were manybeautiful flowers, green grass and trees. Thesun gently glistened through the leaves. Allof these made up the most beautiful picturein the world.

The doctor had said my father wouldrecover in two months. But after twomonths he still couldnt walk by himself.

All of us were worried about him.

“Dad, how are you feeling now?”Iasked him one day.

“Susan, dont worry about me.” Hesaid gently. “To tell you the truth, I just likewalking with your mom. I like this kind oflife.” Reading his eyes, I know he loves mymother deeply.

Once I thought love meant flowers,gifts and sweet kisses. But from thisexperience, I understand that love is just athread in the quilt of our life. Love is inside,making life strong and warm.














My Very First Love

Yes, this may be surprising. Iwas only 13 years old at that time.

But, I dont know how or whyit happened to me so early. I felldeeply in love with a guy, who Iused to think was annoying twomonths ago.

It was 1997, in Chittagong,Bangladesh, I and my family havejust moved to a new apartment ina new area. So, after a few weeks, Istarted going back to school, sinceit was during Ramadan we moved.

Well, I made some new friends inthe neighborhood. This girl whowas always hanging out with mewas Ivy.

One day when I was going toschool, I bumped into Ivy on theway out of my building, and shewas standing next to this guy. Helived in the building right besidemine. He said “Hi” to me, and wejust asked each other “how areyou” and blah blah, then I had toleave. But I noticed that guy waslooking at me. It was a differentkind of look, look with love in hiseyes. A fewdays later, I noticedwhenever I go to school and comeback from school, he was standingin his balcony, and smiling at me.

If he was not around, and one ofhis friends saw me, they started toyell out his name. Oh yeah, by theway, his name was Mamun.

So, I was very annoyed bythose things. And I even toldIvy to tell Mamun to stop suchfoolishness. After my exams wereover, I had a break. So I used togo to the roof and read books tospend my time. Mamun used tocome to their roof also and bothroofs where so close to each otherthat you can just jump from one toanother.

Once I was reading a book,and I noticed Mamun come totheir roof and he looked at me,and smiled. OH MY GOD! I dontknow what happened to me.

That sweet smile just took meaway. I smiled back at him, forthe first time. I could never forgetthat moment. We used to smileat each other whenever we saweach other, but never had a chat.

I was sure that he liked me a lot,because, anytime he saw me on theroof from his balcony, he would come up to theroof right away. I fell in love with him very deeply.

I was surprised by what I did. The feelings I hadwere so beautiful and made me so happy.