
第17章 一生牵挂,不忘寸草春晖(3)



















My Mothers Gift

I grew up in a small town where theelementary school was a ten-minute walkfrom my house and in an age, not so longago, when children could go home for lunchand find their mothers waiting.

At the time, I did not consider this aluxury, although today it certainly wouldbe. I took it for granted that mothers werethe sandwich-makers, the finger-paintingappreciators and the homework monitors.

I never questioned that this ambitious,intelligent woman, who had had a careerbefore I was born and would eventuallyreturn to a career, would spend almostevery lunch hour throughout my elementaryschool years just with me.

I only knew that when the noon bellrang, I would race breathlessly home. Mymother would be standing at the top of thestairs, smiling down at me with a look thatsuggested I was the only important thingshe had on her mind. For this, I am forevergrateful.

Some sounds bring it all back: the high-pitched squeal of my mothers teakettle,the rumble of the washing machine in thebasement and the jangle of my dogs licensetags as she bounded down the stairs togreet me. Our time together seemed devoidof the gerrymandered schedules that nowpervade my life.

One lunchtime when I was in the thirdgrade will stay with me always. I had beenpicked to be the princess in the school play,and for weeks my mother had painstakinglyrehearsed my lines with me. But no matterhow easily I delivered them at home,as soon as I stepped onstage, everyword disappeared from my head.

Finally, my teacher took measide. She explained that she hadwritten a narrators part to the play,and asked me to switch roles. Herword, kindly delivered, still stung,especially when I saw my part go toanother girl.

I didnt tell my mother whathad happened when I went home forlunch that day. But she sensed myunease, and instead of suggestingwe practice my lines, she asked if Iwanted to walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day andthe rose vine on the trellis wasturning green. Under the hugeelm trees, we could see yellowdandelions popping through thegrass in bunches, as if a painter hadtouched our landscape with dabs ofgold. I watched my mother casuallybend down by one of the clumps. “Ithink Im going to dig up all theseweeds,” she said, yanking a blossomup by its roots. “From now on, wellhave only roses in this garden.”

“But I like dandelions,” Iprotested. “All flowers are beautiful,even dandelions.” My mother lookedat me seriously. “Yes, every flowergives pleasure in its own way,doesnt it?” She asked thoughtfully.

I nodded, pleased that I had wonher over. “And that is true of peopletoo,” she added. “Not everyone canbe a princess, but there is no shamein that.”

Relieved that she had guessedmy pain, I started to cry as I told herwhat had happened. She listenedand smiled reassuringly.

“But you will be a beautifulnarrator,” she said, reminding meof how much I loved to read storiesaloud to her. “The narrators part isevery bit as important as the part ofa princess.”

Over the next few weeks,with her constant encouragement,I learned to take pride in the role.

Lunchtimes were spent reading overmy lines and talking about what Iwould wear.

Backstage the night of theperformance, I felt nervous. A fewminutes before the play, my teachercame over to me. “Your motherasked me to give this to you,” shesaid, handing me a dandelion. Itsedges were already beginning to curland it flopped lazily from its stem.

But just looking at it, knowing mymother was out there and thinkingof our lunchtime talk, made meproud.

After the play, I took home theflower I had stuffed in the apron ofmy costume. My mother pressed it betweentwo sheets of paper toweling in a dictionary,laughing as she did it that we were perhapsthe only people who would press such a sorry-looking weed.

I often look back on our lunchtimestogether, bathed in the soft midday light. Theywere the commas in my childhood, the pausesthat told me life is not savored in premeasuredincrement, but in the sum of daily rituals andsmall pleasures we casually share with lovedones. Over peanut-butter sandwiches andchocolate-chip cookies, I learned that love,first and foremost, means being there for thelittle things.

A few months ago, my mother came tovisit, I took off a day from work and treatedher to lunch. The restaurant bustled withnoontime activity as businesspeople madedeals and glanced at their watches. In themiddle of all this sat my mother, now retired,and I. From her face I could see that sherelished the pace of the work world.

“Mom, you must have been terribly boredstaying at home when I was a child,” I said.

“Bored? Housework is boring. But youwere never boring.”

I didnt believe her, so I pressed. “Surelychildren are not as stimulating as a career.”