
第6章 前言(6)

A government watchdog is calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate at least 13occasions of alleged improper use of FBI surveillance,including searches and seizures of e-mail and bank records.(CNN)

shell [Fel]炮弹;炮轰、射击

The tank shell that smashed into the Palestine Hotel sent bits of concrete pouring down onto the roof of a tent,where I’d been sitting,urgently discussing with my friend Ismail how we could stay safe on this,theheaviest day of the fighting we‘d seen in Baghdad(.NBC)

Lebanese Hezbollah militants shell Israeli forces in a disputed area on theborder with the Golan heights(.BBC)

signal [5sIgn[l]信号Sheikh Ahmad said on Tuesday that the cartel’s decision to call a meeting next month may have given the market a signal that it would cutoutput if demand appeared to be slackening(.Reuters)

stretcher [5stretF[]担架Blake,New York‘s second-leading scorer with 24points on 13goals and 11assists,left the ice on a stretcher and was taken to North Shore UniversityHospital in Manhasset.Team doctors and trainers were with him(.NEWS)

supervise [5sju:p[9vaiz]监督、管理

supervision [5sjup[5vIV[n]监督、管理Volcker said this was far less than the nearly $11billion Saddam made in smuggled oil sales outside of the program.Some of this was with the knowledge of the U.N.Security Council which was supposed to supervisethe operation(.REUTERS)

The Irish Republican Army has fully disarmed under the supervision of international inspectors,the Canadian general who has supervised theprocess said(.THE WALL STREET JOURNAL)

survive [s[5vaiv]幸免、幸存survivor [s[5vaiv[]幸存者survive the accident 事件中未遇难The troubles were triggered by the deaths of two teenagers electrocuted in a power substation where they hid to escape police whom they thought were chasing them.A third was injured but survived.Officials have saidpolice were not pursuing the boys,aged 15and 17(.CNN)

Rivals India and Pakistan agreed on Sunday to open the border dividing earthquake-hit Kashmir to allow survivors and relief supplies to cross.(Reuters)

Peterson said two passengers were killed,and seven were in critical condition.Another four were moderately injured.One of the dead was apregnant woman,whose fetus did not survive the crash(.ABC)

terrorist [5ter[rIst]恐怖分子terrorism [5ter[rIz[m]恐怖主义、恐怖行为Australia has recent,specific information about a possible terrorist threatto the country,PM John Howard warns(.BBC)

U.S.Defense Secreary Donald Rumsfeld has told Congress a big budget increase in military spending is needed to fight the current war on terrorism.(VOA)

threaten [5Wretn]威胁After crossing the Florida peninsula and entering the Gulf of Mexico,Katrina was expected to turn north and threaten the Panhandle early nextweek,forecasters said(NBC)

Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry threatened legal action Monday against a British comedian who wins laughs by portraying the central Asian state asa country populated by drunks who enjoy cow-punching as a sport.(Reuters)

tide [taid]潮水tidal wave 潮汐Nearly three months after Hurricane Katrina forced tens of thousands from their homes,bureaucracy is creating a new tide of trouble for victimsof the storm(.CNN)