
第40章 军事(5)

U.S.Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice voiced concern on Sunday over Lebanon‘s military build-up,saying that the United States hoped to keep abalance in the region(.ABC)

missile [5mIsail][5mIs[l]导弹anticraft missile 防空导弹cruise missile 巡航导弹long-range missile 远程导弹medium-range nuclear missile 中程核导弹surface-to-air missile 地对空导弹surface-to-surface missile 地对地导弹intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际(弹道)导弹Unknown assailants fired at least three missiles from Jordan early Friday,with one narrowly missing a U.S.Navy ship docked at port,an attack that killed a Jordanian soldier.One missile fell close to an airport inneighboring Israel,officials said(.FOX NEWS)

“We have 14highlights in the aerospace section,including a radar village,anti-craft missile,planetarium booth,and unmanned aerial vehiclesde-monstration,”she said(.the Star)

In August,al Qida attacked two US embassies in East Africa.Following the attacks,the United States responded militarily with cruise missileattacks on al Qida facilities(.NBC)

Pakistan says it has fired its first cruise missile,describing the launch asa“milestone”in its history(.BBC)

North Korea shocked Tokyo and other nations when it test-fired a ballistic missile over northern Japan in 1998.Analysts say North Korea is developing long-range missiles capable of reaching Alaska,Hawaii orperhaps America’s West Coast(.CNN)

High on the fleet‘s list of concerns is North Korea,which is developing nuclear weapons,improving its long-range missile capabilities and periodically test firing ground-to-ship missiles into the Japan Sea,mostrecently in May(.NBC)

Both men were convicted in 1995of violating federal export rules aimed at stopping the spread of nuclear weapons.A jury found that Lachman andSubilia had sold equipment that helped India improve its Agni medium-range nuclear missile(.AP)

A federal grand jury indicted two Southern California men Wednesday with conspiracy to smuggle surface-to-air missiles into the United States.

Such missiles are designed to bring down aircraft(.FOX NEWS)

The achievement is considered significant because medium-and long-range ballistic missiles typically have at least two stages.Intercepting such missiles after they separate is difficult because sensors must be able todistinguish between the body of the missile and the warhead(.AP)

Army Tactical Missile System:ATACMS is a ground-launched missile system consisting of a surface-to-surface guided missile for hitting concentrations of military personnel and equipment.Each missile carries950bomblets(.NBC)

The Lake Erie is equipped with technology that allows it to detect and track intercontinental ballistic missiles.Since last year,U.S.warships the ICBM tracking technology have been patrolling the Sea of Japan,on thelookout for missiles from North Korea(.CNN)

mission [5mIF[n]使命、任务、使团、代表团The U-2,a single-seat jet able to fly at high altitudes on surveillancemissions,has been flown by the U.S.Air Force for over 50years(.CNN)

nautical mile [5nC:tIk[l]海里The Boeing 777-200LR entered the Guinness Book of Records covering 11,664nautical miles from Hong Kong to London -or 13,422statute miles as the earth-bound measure it.A total of eight pilots made the flight,takingturns two at a time across the world(.International Herald Tribune)

navy [5neivI]海军

Australia’s navy denies its ships were behind the mysterious deaths ofmore than 100whales in Tasmania(.BBC)

neutron bomb [5nju:trCn]中子弹China successfully tested its first nuclear device in 1964,a feat that took less than ten years to achieve,and which was followed in 1967by the detonation of its first hydrogen bomb.By the early 1970s,China launched its first satellite into space orbit and had developed its first nuclear submarine.A decade later,the Chinese military was in possession of theneutron bomb and small nuclear weapons technology.Now China‘s missile technology,crucial to its nuclear weapons development,has matured enough to have put its own astronauts in space.A moon landing mission iswell on schedule for 2017(.The Jamestown )

occupy [5Ckjupai]占领occupation [Cju5peiF[n]占领Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon’s decision to leave the Likud Party is termed ‘mould-breaking’by the papers.The Guardian and Daily Telegraph agree the move will see him trying to occupy the centre ground of Israelipolitics(.BBC)

Saddam Hussein‘s lawyer blamed U.S.-led “occupation forces”Wednesday for the slaying of a second colleague in the trial and urged Arab leaders to “shoulder their responsibility”to combat disorder here thatthreatens the proceeding(.AP)

package plan 一揽子计划、综合计划

Package Plans are available at all Gettysburg Tour Center and mostmuseums and attractions.They are also available at most of the leadingHotels,Motels,and Campgrounds in the Gettysburg Area(.Tour Center)The Gettysburgpoison [5pCizn]毒药、毒物Argentine police officers suffer food poisoning at a regional summit to beattended by George W Bush(.BBC)

position [p[5zIF[n]立场,地位Venezuela’s president has repeatedly accused Fox of being a“puppy”of American interests and of disrespecting him after the pair took opposingpositions during this month‘s Summit of the Americas(.AP)

prisoner of war(POW)战俘Since the terror attacks on New York and Washington four years ago,Cheney and others in Bush’s close circle of advisers have argued that requirements under the Geneva Convention treaties on prisoners of war areoutdated in a war without defined fronts or enemies(.FOX NEWS)

radar [5reid[]雷达early warning radar plane 预警雷达飞机Vessels are now warned to stay at least 150miles off the coast of Somalia.Ships in the area are told not to use radio communications as pirates are monitoring such communications,and are using radar to identify potentialtargets(.NBC)