
第36章 军事(1)

abide [[5baid]坚持(意见);遵守(法律)abide by 遵守、依从If there is any doubt how fierce this debate might become,consider where it is already going.Politicians like mobsters and radio shock jacksgenerally abide by an unwritten law(.CNN)

On another issue,Bush ducked a question about the CIA leak investigation,declining to say whether he has lived up to his campaignpledge in 2000to abide by the spirit of federal ethics laws(.FOX NEWS)

agenda [[5dVend[]议事日程

Trade,bird flu and democracy are expected to top the agenda as PresidentBush begins an eight-day tour of Asia(.BBC)

aggression [[5greF[n]侵略“I preserve my constitutional rights as the president of Iraq,”Saddam said.“I do not recognize the body that has authorized you and I don‘t recognize this aggression.What is based on injustice is unjust ...I do not respond to this so-called court,with all due respect.”(NBC)aircraft carrier 航空母舰Japan is to allow the US to station a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier inits waters for the first time(.BBC)

alliance [[5lai[ns]联盟、联合Japan’s Sony Corp and Panasonic-brand owner Matsushita Electric Industrial,South Korea‘s Samsung Electronics and Dutch Philips Electronics formed the alliance because they want buyers of their productsto watch or listen to“appropriately licensed video and music on any device,independent of how they originally obtained that content,”they said in ajoint statement(.REUTERS)

ambush [5AmbUF]伏击;伏兵Thursday’s violence came a day after a suicide attacker in Baghdad killed at least 10people in a car bombing near Iraqi government headquarters and insurgents assassinated a provincial governor in anambush of his convoy(.NBC)

ammunition [Amju:5nIF[n]军火,弹药U.S.Marines and Iraqi soldiers have uncovered a half-million-square-foot underground insurgent hideout in central Iraq containing large stores ofweapons,ammunition and supplies(.CNN)

approach [[5pr[UtF]接近、靠近;着手处理A U.S.military spokesman said Iraqi soldiers shot at the car as itapproached the checkpoint,which is near a coalition military base(.CNN)

“I come before this committee with no agenda,no platform,”said Roberts in his brief opening remarks.“I will approach every case with an open mind.”(CNN)armistice [5B:mIstIs]停战、休战George W.Bush marked the 60th anniversary of the May 1945signing of the Berlin armistice that ended the war in Europe in a solemn remembrance at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial,where 8,301U.S.veterans are buried(.CNN)

Millions of people across Britain remember those who have died in waras a two-minute silence marks Armistice Day(.BBC)

armor [5B:m[]装甲部队;盔甲;装甲车But I want to add to this,ifI can,that remember,this is the president and vice president who sent about 40,000American troops into this war without the kind of body armor that they needed,without the armored vehicles thatthey needed(.NBC)

The Army says it is spending more than $4billion to make sure vehiclesused in Iraq have the armor to protect troops against insurgents‘bombs(.AP)

armory [5B:m[rI]兵工厂、军械库At the Armory,these puppies spend all week learning how to become guide and bomb-sniffing dogs.But on the weekend,New York City volunteers help these service-dogs-in-training get used to the sights,soundsand smells of everyday life(.CBS)

armored vehicle 装甲车An Australian armored vehicle was knocked off the road by the blast.Police cordoned off the area and Australian soldiers guarded their vehicles.The Australian military could not immediately be reached for comment.(NBC)

arms [B:mz]武器arms control talk 武器控制谈判arms race 军备竞赛arms-sale 军火出售Even as he acknowledged some intelligence shortcomings in Iraq,Tenet listed other work that he said represented great successes.He credited U.S.intelligence on Iran and nuclear programs in Libya with recent decisions bythose countries to cooperate with international arms inspectors(.AP)

A U.S.official disbelieved Israel’s assurances during the Cold War that it would avoid acquiring nuclear weapons and feared the United States‘main ally in the region would spark a Middle East nuclear arms race,documents from that time show(.CNN)

Bidding for the largest-ever arms sale,top Indian defence officials on Friday held high-level talks with the Chilean armed forces personnel on the proposed sale of 20-30advance light helicopters (ALH)to Chile.(Financial Express )

arsenal [5B:sInl]兵工厂、军械库This week,U.S.President George W.Bush launched his general election advertising campaign.Many see it as an integral tool in Mr.Bush’s arsenal and a way to go above the press,taking his message straight to the public.(CNN)

artillery [B:5tIl[rI]大炮;炮兵部队The Pentagon policy currently prohibits women from serving in infantry,armor,artillery or special forces units,but it allows the services to open some positions to women in combat zones as needed as long as theyinform Congress of the change(.NBC)

ashore [[5FC:]在岸上The body of a missing man washed ashore Thursday,two days after he was reported missing by a friend after their fishing boat sank off the coast.(AP)

attack [[5tAk]进攻、攻击

Rumsfeld and Pace talked at length about the deadly homemade bombs-called improvised explosive devices -that have become a growing threat in Iraq,including killing seven service members in three separateattacks Monday(.AP)

balance [5bAl[ns]平衡;力量均势When I met with President Hu in New York earlier this year,he said that China would bring more balance to our trade and protect intellectual property rights.I welcomed those commitments,just as I welcomed China‘s announcement in July that it would implement a flexible market-basedexchange system for its currency(.FOX NEWS)