
第8章 家庭汽车


国际驾照是联合国为那些已具有本国驾驶执照而又需在其他国家驾驶的人员而制订的,为驾车者克服可能会在驾驶中碰到的困难,因为在这些国家对驾照有着不同的要求。拥有国际驾驶执照具有很多优势。1949年9月19日,联合国为在国外的驾车者们制订了国际驾驶执照,用若干种语言印制——联合国官方语言(英语、法语、西班牙语、俄语和中文)还有德语、阿拉伯语。该执照使人们有权在其他国家驾车。 国际驾驶执照容易申请,也不用参加驾驶考试。 国际驾驶执照还列出国家的名单,这些国家都签署过联合国关于道路交通条约,并且承认国际驾驶执照。



A:How do you get a driver's license? A: 怎么能得到驾照? B:Easy.You take a written test,then they give you a learner's permit. B: 很容易。先笔试,你就能得到一个学习驾照。 A: Then what? A: 然后呢? B: You can drive with somebody experienced next to you.After a while,you can take a road test,and get the real license. B:身边坐个有经验的司机,你就可以开车了。过一段时间,你考个路试,就有正式驾照了。 A: What if I already have a driver's license in China? A:要是我在中国就有驾照了呢? B:Then you can get an international driver's license from China,and change it into an American driver's license. B: 那你可以在中国换成一个国际驾照,到这里再换成美国驾照。


A:This is my fitness certificate and this is my trainee's permit, sir.A:先生,这是我的健康证,这张是我的受训许可证。B:OK. Come tomorrow to attend a lecture about driving rules. Then come here three times a week to learn basic skills of driving. Our course is from four to five every afternoon. Are Monday, Thursday and Friday convenient to you?B:好,明天来参加驾驶规则讲座,以后每周来这里3次学开车的基本技巧,我们每天下午4点到5点上课。星期一、四、五,你方便吗?A:Yes. That's a good time for me. What are you teaching me in addition to fundamental techniques of car operation?A:方便,时间很合适,除了基本的行车操作技巧外,你还要教我什么?B:Defensive driving, on the road driving, anticipation of possible dangerous acts by others, hazardous situations and special techniques to avoid them.B:防卫法,路面驾驶,司机危险动作预警,特殊情况及闪避的特殊技巧。A:I see.A:我知道了。


A:In this city you will be fined 200 yuan for a number of traffic violations.A:在本市内许多交通违规都要罚200元。B:What are they?B:哪些违规?A:Driving with no lights at night,failing to heed traffic lights and speeding in excess of 60 kilometers per hour.A:夜间驾驶不开灯;不看红绿灯;时速超过60公里/小时。B:How do they know that I am not following the speed limit?B:他们怎样知道我超速?A:They have installed radar on the road.A:在路旁装有测速器。


A:You must keep in mind these interrelated parts and systems:the engine, fuel system, cooling system, electrical system, transmission system and suspension system.A:你必须记住这些相关部分及各种系统:这是引擎,燃油系统,冷却系统,通电系统,传递系统和悬置系统。B:Where is the brake and steering gear?B:刹车和方向盘在哪里?A:This is the steering gear and this is the brake.A:这是方向盘,这是刹车。B:I see. Should I inspect each part carefully each time before I drive?B:我明白了。开车之前,每个部位都要检查吗?A:Yes. That ensures safety.A:对,这样可以确保安全。


A:Brian,I applied for the written test. A: 布莱恩,我登记考笔试。 B: Good,did they give you a booklet? B:好啊。给你小册子了吗? A:Yes,with traffic regulations,signs and example questions. A: 给了。有交通规则,信号,还有例题。 B:Memorize the numbers in the sample questions. B:记住例题里的数字。 A: What do you mean? A: 什么意思? B:Say the alcohol content in your blood can not exceed 0.1%. B:比如血液里的酒精含量不能超过0.1%。 A: Oh,those numbers. A: 噢,这些数字啊。 B: The rest are all common sense. B:其他的都是常识了。 A: Thanks. A: 谢谢!


A:Hello.Are you ready for your test? A:您好,准备好了吗? B:Yes. B: 好了。 A: Please show me the gestures for turning left,turning right. A:请演示一下左转、右转。 B:OK. B:好的。 A:Get into the car and start it. A:进车,发动。 B:OK. B:好。 A:Go forward and turn right onto the road.Do not speed. A: 往前走,右转上路,不要超速。


A: Stop here and make a three point turn. A: 在这儿停下来,三点掉头。 B:OK. B: 好的。 A:Parallel park in front of this car. A:在路边停在这辆车前面。 B:OK. B:好。 A: Congratulations! You have got your license.Go and have your picture taken. A: 祝贺你,通过了。去照相吧。 B:Thanks. B: 谢谢。


A: Let's see your learner's permit. A: 给我看一下你的学习驾照。 B: OK. B: 这里。 A: Could you read through the scope,the first line. A:你读一下镜子里第一行字。 B: E,A,B,F,G. B:E,A,B,F,G。 A: Good.You step over and look at the camera. A: 很好。站到照相机前,看这里。 B: Sure. B: 很好。 A:Your driver's license will be ready in ten minutes. A:你的驾照十分钟后就好了。





A: Brian,how do I learn how to drive? A:布莱恩,我怎样才能学会开车? B: You have got your learner's permit,right? B: 你得到学习驾照了,对吧? A:Yes,I passed the written test. A: 是啊,我考过了笔试。 B: You can either go to the driving schools or learn from friends. B: 你可以去驾校,或者跟朋友学。 A: Driving schools are expensive.I'd rather learn from friends. A:驾校太贵,我想和朋友学。 B: Most people learn from friends.Anybody with one year's driving experience can teach you. B: 大多数人都是和朋友学的。任何有一年以上驾驶经验的人都可以教你。


A:Can you teach me? A:你能教我吗? B: Sure.I've been driving for eight years. B: 能啊,我有八年经验了。 A:Great! I bet you're a good teacher. A: 太好了!你一定是个好老师。 B: I have taught quite a few people. B: 我教过很多人。


A: When do you want to start? A: 你想什么时候开始? B:How about today? B: 今天怎么样? A: Okay.Say 7:00 this evening? A:好的,晚上七点怎么样? B:Why in the evening? B: 干嘛晚上? A: I know a school with a huge parking lot.There'll be no cars in the evening,so we can practise there. A: 我知道有个学校,有个大停车场。晚上没车,我们可以在那儿练。 B: Sounds good.See you then. B:不错。到时候见。


A: Are you ready? A: 准备好了? B: Yes.I am.What do I need to do? B:好了。怎么做? A: You take the driver's seat,and I'll sit on the passenger's seat. A: 你开车,我坐在旁边。 B: Okay.How do I start the car? B: 好。怎么打火? A: This car has a manual transmission.Push the clutch all the way down with your left foot;step on the brake with your right foot;set the transmission at Neutral,then turn the key to start the car. A:这车是手动车,你左脚把离合器踩到底,右脚踩闸,挡放在中挡上,拧钥匙打火。 B:Okay.It sounds like having started. B: 好的,好像着了。


A:Shift into first gear with your right hand;hold the steering wheel with your left hand. A:右手挂一挡,左手把住方向盘。 B:I have got it. B: 好了。 A:Move your right foot to step on the gas pedal on the right of the brake,and slowly release the clutch.Step on the brake with your right foot if you want to stop. A: 把右脚挪到油门上,踩油门,慢慢地松开离合器,要想停时用右脚踩闸。 B: Wow,the car is moving. B: 哇,车走了。


A:Today we're going to practise backing up again.A:我们今天要再来练习倒车。B:I'll try not to weave around so much and make you throw up like yesterday.B:我会尽量不晃来晃去,让你又跟昨天一样吐出来了。A:Good.Now back up and stop as close to that orange cone as you can.A:很好。现在倒车,停得越靠近那个橘黄色交通锥越好。B:I can do that.Here we go, nice and slow.Easy does it, almost there...Hey, where's the cone?I can't see the cone anymore.B:这我会。开始了。不疾不徐。慢慢来,快到了……嘿,交通锥到哪儿去了?我看不到了。A:It's underneath the car.You ran over it.A:在车子下面。你辗过去了。


A: If you want to go faster,press the clutch down and shift into 2nd gear. A: 要想快可以踩下离合器,挂二挡。 B:What about the gas? B: 油门怎么办? A:Don't step on the gas when shifting,only step on it after shifting. A:换挡时不要踩油门,换完了再踩油门。 B:Should I stay in 2nd gear? B:我就一直开二挡? A: Use 3rd gear when driving locally,and 5th gear when driving on highway. A:市区内一般开三挡,高速公路一般开五挡。 B: I have learnt a lot today.Thanks. B: 今天学了好多,谢谢你。






A:Hello,are you interested in this Honda? A:你好,喜欢这辆本田车吗? B:Hi,I'm just looking. B: 您好,我看看。 A:It's a good car. A:是辆好车。 B: What year is it? B:哪年的? A:1999. A: 1999年。 B:How about the mileage? B: 里程数呢? A:60,000 miles,all highway mileage. A:60000英里,都是高速公路里程。


A:Hi,I'm Amy.This is Brian. A:您好,我是艾米,这是布莱恩。 B:Hi,I'm Tony.Who is the buyer? B: 您好,我是托尼,你们谁买车? A: Me.Toney,how old is your car? A: 是我。托尼,这车几年了? B: Three years old,with 35,000 miles on it.It has power windows,door locks,cassette player,AC,and new tires. B:三年,开了35000英里了。有自动车窗,自动门锁,录音机,空调,轮胎是新的。 A:There is a dent in the front.Is that from an accident? A:前面有点凹进去了,撞过车? B: No.Somebody hit it with something. B: 没有。有人砸了一下。


A: Can we take a test drive? A:可以试开一下吗? B:Sure.I'll come with you. B: 当然。我和你们去。 A:Okay.Let's go.The engine is quiet.The brakes are OK.The alignment is a bit off.I don't like the suspensions. A: 好吧。走。发动机挺轻的。刹车也可以。车轮有点偏。车弓子不好。我不喜欢这安全带。


A:Why is it such a high mileage? A: 里程数为什么这么高? B:The owner was commuting every day crossing the state line. B: 以前的车主每天跨州通勤。 A:Okay.Does this car have a warranty? A: 啊,你有保修吗? B:One month. B: 保修一个月。 A: How do I make sure I'm not buying a junk? A: 那我怎么知道我买的不是坏车? B:You can check it out any way you want.You can take it to a garage. B: 你可以检查,也可以送到车站检查。


A: Tony,how much are you asking for? A: 托尼,你要多少钱? B: $7,900. B: 7900美元。 A:I'll take it to a garage to have it checked over.If everything is fine.I will give you $5,000. A:我要到修车店检查一下,要是没毛病的话,我给你5000美元。 B: No way.$7,000 firm. B: 不行。一定要7000美元。 A:If that,I don't want to buy it. A:如果这样,我就不想买了。


A: Come on.There is a dent that's not pretty.I'm not sure if you had an accident.Let's make a deal.$5,200.That's it. A:你看,车前面撞了,这么不好看。不知道你是不是出过车祸。我们折中一下,5200美元。 B: I can't do that. B: 不行。 A:How about split the difference,

$6,100? A: 取中间值,6100美元? B:No.That's too much.I'll leave you my number.Give me a ring if you change your mind. B:不行,太多了。我给你我的电话号码,你要是改变主意了,给我个电话。 A: Okay. A:好吧。


A:Hey,you drive a Toyota? I thought you'd never buy a Japanese made car.A:嘿,你开丰田车啊?我以为你绝对不买日本车呢。B:Well,so far I've only driven American made cars,and I've had so much trouble with them,so I finally changed my mind and decided to buy a Japanese car.B:是啊,我一直是开美国车,但它们老是出问题,所以最后我改变心意决定买日本车了。A:I don't blame you.After all,the Japanese build better mousetraps,don't they?A:我能理解。毕竟,日本人制造出较好的产品,不是吗?B:They sure do.The American auto makers need to learn how to build better mousetraps than their Japanese competitors.B:是啊。美国汽车公司必须研发出比日本对手更好的车。A:You said it.A:你说得对。


A:I went to my class reunion today and I was ashamed of our cheap car.Why don't we buy a luxury car like everybody else?A:今天我去参加同学会,我们的烂车让我丢尽了脸。我们为何不也和别人一样买辆高级车?B:What are you talking about? What's wrong with our car?B:你在说什么呀?我们的车有哪里不好?A:Mrs.Liang drives a Mercedes,Mrs.Chen drives a BMW,and I drive a cheap....A:梁太太开的是奔驰,陈太太开的是宝马,而我的不过是廉价的……B:Will you stop complaining? We can't afford a luxury car.Period!B:不要发牢骚了好不好?我们买不起高级车!不用再说了!





A:Hello, I'm Jack. A: 您好,我是杰克。 B: Hi,I'm Amy. B: 您好,我是艾米。 A: What brings you here? A: 什么风儿把您吹来了? B: I saw that your Corollas are on sale. B: 你们的可乐娜在减价? A: Yes.It's really a good deal.$1,000 discount.I've never seen a sale as good as this one. A: 是啊。真是好机会啊,减价1000美元,我从来没见过这么好的价钱。


A: Tell me about this car. A:介绍一下你们的这款车。 B:Sure.It has a 1.8 liter engine.This one comes with all power options,air condition,CD player,full size spare tire,automatic transmission,and ABS. The window price is $17,000.Now I can give it to you for $16,000. B: 好啊,发动机是1.8升的。所有的自动装置都齐备,空调、CD播放机、全尺寸备胎、自动排挡,还有防锁死刹车系统。要价是17000美元,我给你16000美元。


A:What do you think of this car?A:您觉得这辆车怎么样?B:It looks great.Is there any way I can test drive it?B:看起来很棒,我可以试车吗?A:Sure.If you'll just wait here for a moment,I'll just tell my boss and get the key.A:当然可以,如果您愿意在这里稍微等一会儿,我就去告诉老板把车钥匙拿过来。B:Thank you.B:谢谢。


A:I like it very much.It's really very smooth and responsive.A:我非常喜欢,的确非常平稳、灵敏。B:You'll find in your dashboard that everything has been computerized.It can go on driving automatically,too.Oh,watch that curve.B:您可以从仪表板上发现每一样东西都经过电脑处理,还可以自动驾驶。噢,小心那弯路!A:Oh,yes.How about the mileage? How far will it go?A:喔,好的。关于里程方面呢?它能跑多远?B:It can run up to a hundred kilometers per gallon.B:1加仑汽油可以跑100公里。A:It is fuel efficient.A:很省油。B:We can put in a stereo system also if you want.B:如果您要的话,我们也可以装上立体声音响设备。


A:The function sounds good.How about $15,000? A: 功能听起来不错。15000美元怎么样? B:You must be kidding.You can't get that price anywhere. B: 你在开玩笑吧?没有人会接受这个价。 A:I'm serious.$15,000. A:我是认真的,就15000美元。 B:You put down a $2,000 deposit,and I'll talk to my manager,see what we can do. B:你先付2000美元订金,我和你们经理商量一下,看有没有可能。 A: No.Just talk to your manager and let me know. A:不,你现在就去和你们经理商量。 B:Okay.I'll be right back. B: 好吧,我马上就回来。


A: You have a seat.Would you like anything to drink? A: 您请坐,喝点儿什么? B: No,thanks.I'll be waiting. B: 谢谢,不必了,我正在等你。 A:Congratulations! The manager approved the final price $15,500. A: 祝贺你啊,我们经理同意了,15500美元。 B: That price is fine if you give me a free security system and free carpet mats. B:那你得给我免费保安系统和地毯垫。 A:You are really tough.You got a deal! A: 你真难缠,好吧! B:Thanks! B: 谢谢!


A:Good morning,I'd like to rent a car. A: 早上好,我想租一辆车。 B: (Busy) Yes,just a minute please...I'll be right with you. B: (正忙着)好的,请稍等……我马上就来。 A: What did you have in mind? A: 你有什么打算吗? B:I'd like a compact car that gets good mileage. B: 我想租一辆能跑远道的小型车。


A:How long will you need it? A:你想租多长时间? B:Five days. B: 五天。 A: I see.FIll out this form,please. A:我知道了。请填一下这个表格。 B: Can I drop the car off at any of your offices? B:我可以把车停在你们的任何一个办事处吗? A:Of course. A: 当然。





A:Hello.Can I help you? A:你好,要帮忙吗? B:Yes.My brakes are not working well. B: 是的。我的车闸好像不太好。 A: What's wrong with them? A: 怎么了? B: I hear a noise and feel vibrations when I step on the brake. B:刹车时有噪音,还振动。 A: The front brakes? A: 前闸? B:I think so. B: 好像是。


A: Hello,can I help you? A:你好,有事吗? B:Yes,my engine warning light is on. B: 是啊,我的车发动机警示灯亮了。 A: How long has it been on for? A:多长时间了? B: Just since today. B: 今天发现的。 A: You can still drive,without problems? A: 还能开,没问题? B: It runs fine. B: 能开。


A: Your car need to check out.There'll be a $45 charge to check it over.If you fix it with us,we'll include the $45 into your repair. A:你的车需要检查一下。四十五美元检查费,你要是在这儿修,这四十五美元会算在修理费里。 B: Okay. B: 好吧。 A:Please write down your address and phone number,and sign here. A: 写一下你的名字和地址,在这儿签个字。 B: Okay. B:好的。 A: It'll be about an hour.Are you going to wait? A:要一个小时吧,你等吗? B:No.You can give me a call when you have done checking. B:我不等。检查完了给我打个电话吧。


A:Amy,you need a new pair of brake pads.I'll show you the thickness of the pads.They were worn to the limit. A: 艾米,你的车要换一副新闸片,我给你看现在闸片的厚度,已经磨到限度了。 B: How much will that cost? B: 多少钱? A: $60,plus half an hour of labor.The total is $75 plus tax. A:六十美元,加上半小时人工,一共七十五美元,再加税。 B: Okay,go ahead and fix it.When should I pick up my car? B: 好的,换吧。什么时候能修好? A: Give us one hour. A: 一小时。 B: Thanks. B: 谢谢。


A:Write down your name and address,give me the key,and I'll check it out. A:写一下你的名字和地址,给我车钥匙,我们检查一下。 B: Do you charge for checking it out? B:检查要钱吗? A: No. A:不要。 B: How long is it going to take? B: 要多长时间? A: About half an hour. A: 半小时吧。


A: Hello,this is Amy. A:喂,我是艾米。 B: You need to replace the sensor in the gas tank. B:你的油箱里要换一个传感器。 A: How much will that cost? A: 多少钱? B:The parts are $230,and the labor is $27.5 The total cost is $505 plus tax. B: 零件要230美元,工钱是275美元,一共505美元再加税。 A: Wow,what can I do? Fix it. A:哇,有什么办法?修吧。B: Okay,you can pick up your car in two hours. B: 好吧,两小时以后取车。


A:Is my car ready to go?A:我的车修好了吗?B:No,not yet,but in an hour or so it will be.B:还没有。不过,大约一小时后会好。A:You said the same thing when I called from my office.A:我从办公室打电话来的时候,你也是这么说的。B:I'm sorry about that,but we have quite a backlog,so we haven't had a chance to look at your car yet.B:很抱歉,可是因为积压的工作太多,所以还没有机会看你的车。A:It seems to me that you're neglecting my car because it's a warranty job.A:看来因为我这算是免费售后服务的部分,所以你们就不管我的车了。B:No,that's not true.B:不是这样的。A:You've just lost a steady customer.This is the last time I'll ever come here! Give me my keys back!A:反正你们已经失去了一个常客。这是我最后一次来这里了!把车钥匙还给我!





A:Brian,I want to learn how to change the oil.I'm tired of going to the garage. A:布莱恩,我想学学换机油,不想去修车辅了。 B:Okay,you need to do it every 3,000 miles.Let's do it together. B: 好啊,每3000英里要换一次,我们一起干吧。 A: What do I need? A: 要准备些什么? B: Buy a wrench for the oil filter,a case of engine oil and a pan for the used oil. B: 买一个滤油器扳手,一箱机油,再买一个接油盆。 A: Okay,I'll get them ready.Let's do it tomorrow. A: 好的,我准备好,我们明天换。 B:Okeydoke. B: 好的。


A:Amy ,are you ready to change the oil? A: 艾米,准备好换机油了? B: Yes,I am. B: 是的。 A: Place the pan for the used oil under the engine. A:把接油盆放在发动机下面。 B: Okay. B:好的。 A:Then,turn the bottom plug with a wrench. A: 再把油箱塞用扳子拧下来。 B: Okay. B: 好的。


A: Jack,drain the oil into the pan. A: 杰克,把油倒到盆里。 B:Okay. B:好的。 A: Loosen the oil filter with the filter wrench,additional oil may come out. A: 用滤油器扳子把滤油器拧下来,还会有油流出来。 B: Okay. B: 照办。 A: Tighten the plug back up,and install the new oil filter. A: 把油箱塞拧回去,再装好新的滤油器。 B: Okay. B: 好的。 A:Pour the new oil into the engine.You need four bottles. A:把新油灌到发动机里,要四瓶油。


A: Check the oil level. A:检查一下油量。 B:Looks fine. B: 看起来可以。 A: Pour the used oil into a large bottle and take it to the garage for recycling. A: 把废油倒进瓶子里,拿到修车辅去回收。 B:Can I dispose of it any other way? B:扔掉不行吗? A: No.The only safe way is to take it to the garage. A:不行。唯一安全的方式就是送修车辅。 B: Okay.I've done it myself! B: 好的。我自己能换机油了! A:Yes.Now you know how to change oil. A: 是啊,你现在行了。


汽车保险,即机动车辆保险,简称车险, 汽车保险是财产保险的一种,在财产保险领域中,汽车保险属于一个相对年轻的险种,这是由于汽车保险是伴随着汽车的出现和普及而产生和发展的。同时,与现代机动车辆保险不同的是,在汽车保险的初期是以汽车的第三者责任险为主险的,并逐步扩展到车身的碰撞损失等风险。国外汽车保险起源于19世纪中后期。当时,随着汽车在欧洲一些国家的出现与发展,因交通事故而导致的意外伤害和财产损失随之增加。



A:I've got a car now,and I need auto insurance. A: 我现在有车了,要上保险啦。 B: Yes.Each state has different requirements.But liability is required by every state. B: 是啊。每个州的要求不同。但是基本的保险是必须的。 A: What's liability? A: 什么是基本的保险呢? B: The minimum insurance that covers the damages for the other party. B: 保对方的最低保险。 A: Okay.So how much insurance should I buy? A: 噢。那我最少要买多少保险? B: That is up to you.You can buy the minimum required by the state,or you can figure out how much usually an accident would cost,and buy for a few times of that amount. B:这个你要自己决定。你可以只买州里规定的最低值,或者估计一般事故损失多少,就买那个数目的几倍。


A:Have you decided on a premium for each policy? A: 您决定每份保险的保险金额了吗? B: Yes.I'd like to take out two single premium life insurance policies. B: 想好了,我想选两份保险单分开的那种。 A: Would you like the option to make withdrawals later on in life in an emergency? A: 你想要选突发事件可以全额退款的那种吗? B: Yes,please.You never know what might happen in the future. B: 是的,就选这种。你永远不会知道以后会发生什么事。 A: That's so true. A:没错。


A: I hope I don't hit a Rolls Royce. A:我希望不要撞到一辆劳斯莱斯。 B: That is unlikely.You are more likely to win the lottery than to hit a Rolls Royce.The most expensive part is when a person is injured—the medical expenses are high. B: 那个几率会比较小。撞上劳斯莱斯比中彩票还难。最惨的是伤人,医药费很贵。 A:Sounds scary. A:听起来挺吓人的。 B: It is.But you still need to drive.Just be careful.If it's not your fault,your insurance doesn't have to pay for it. B: 是啊。但是你还是需要开车。小心就是了。如果不是你的错的话,你的保险公司不用赔的。 A:Good! Thanks a lot! A: 很好!多谢! B: Sure. B: 没什么。


A: What happened? A:怎么啦? B:I hit the car in front of me,because the sun was blinding me. B: 我撞了前面的车,太阳晃得看不见。 A:You will get a fine for the accident and I'll give you an accident number that the insurance company will need.Call your insurance company.I'll call a tow company to get your car off the road. A:你要因事故被罚款。我给你一个事故号,保险公司会要。给你的保险公司打电话。我叫一个拖车把你的车拖走。 B:How can I get my car fixed? B: 我怎么修车啊? A: The insurance company will tell you what to do.Here is my card. A:保险公司会告诉你怎么做。这是我的名片。





A:I want to get my car washed.A:我要洗车。B:Would you like regular car wash package?B:是要常规的全套洗车服务吗?A:I don't know what you mean.A:我不知道你说的是什么意思。B:Well,we will wash the exterior form top to bottom.We use a special shampoo,which gives the body that extra shine.B:我们会把车的外部从头到尾清洗一遍。我们用一种特别的洗涤剂,会使车身显出特别的亮光。A:Do you wash windows?A:你们洗车窗吗?B:Of course.We wash the windows inside and out.B:当然,车窗里外都洗。


A:I'd like to get some gas.A:我要加点油。B:Regular or unleaded?B:普通汽油还是无铅汽油?A:Unleaded.My car is new.A:无铅汽油。我的车子是新买的。B:How many gallons do you want?B:多少加仑?A:Fill it up.A:加满。


A:I will have a tour tomorrow.A:我明天要去旅游。B:Shall I check the oil?B:要检查润滑油吗?A:Yes,please.A:好,请吧。B:You're a quart low.B:缺一夸脱。A:Give me a quart of light oil.A:加一夸脱轻质油。B:Yes,sir.B:好的,先生。


A:I'll take you for a spin.A:我开车带你去兜风。B:Wonderful.Where shall we go?B:太棒了。我们去哪儿?A:Would you like to go to the beach?A:去海滨怎么样?B:Don't drive too fast.B:别开太快。A:It doesn't matter.A:没关系。B:It's dangerous.Slow down,please.B:危险。请开慢点。


A:I'm thirsty.Pull over to that store,I'll buy some drinks.A:我渴了,停到那家商店门前吧,我要买些喝的。B:I'm afraid I can't.Parking is not allowed here.B:恐怕不行,这儿不让停车。A:Oh,that's too bad.Where can you park around here?A:噢,太糟了。这附近哪儿能停车?B:There is a square in front of us,and we can park the car there.B:前面有个广场,我们可以把车停在那儿。A:Is a shop there?A:那儿有商店吗?B:I'm not sure.You know I'm not familiar with the city,too.B:我不确定,你知道我对这也不熟悉。





A: Oh,my gosh! I hit a car! I couldn't stop! A:我的天啊,我撞车了!我停不下来! B:Oh,don't panic. B: 啊,别慌。 A: They have gotten out of the car and are yelling at me. A: 他们下车啦,在骂我。 B: Don't worry.Let me handle it. B: 别担心,我来对付他们。 A: I'm shaking. A: 我在发抖。


A: What the heck are you doing? Couldn't you see me in front of you? A: 你怎么搞的?你难道没看见我在你前面吗? B:The sun was blinding.We couldn't see anything. B: 阳光太强,我们什么也看不见。 A: What are you talking about? I could see the car in front of me! A: 你胡说什么?我怎么能看见? B:I know you are mad,but let's not argue.I have called 911 with my cell phone.The police will be here soon. B:我知道你有气,但请不要吵架好吗?我已经用手机打电话给911了,警察马上就到。 A:Can I use your cell phone? I need to call my Dad.I apologize for being an idiot. A: 我能不能用一下你的手机?我要打电话给我爸爸。对不起,我刚才犯混。B: Sure.I almost told you to shut up. B: 可以,我也差一点和你骂起来。


A:Don't you know how to drive? You got me into an accident! A:你会不会开车?你让我出事故! B:What are you talking about? You hit us! B: 你说什么? 是你撞我们啊! A: I don't care! It's all your fault! A:我不管!全是你的错! B: Could I see your driver's license? B:能看看你的驾照吗? A: No! I'm in a hurry.I got to go! A:不行!我有事,我得走了! B: Amy,take down his license plate number.He is getting away. B: 艾米,记下他的牌照号,他要跑。 C: I have got it already.He won't get away! C: 早就记下了,他跑不了!


A: Oh,no! I got hit! A: 噢,不好!撞车了! B: Are you OK? B: 你怎么样? A:I guess.He jumped the red. A:可能还好。他闯红灯了。 B:The airbags were scary,exploded. B: 安全气囊好吓人,炸开了。 A: Yeah,I passed out for a second. A: 我有一瞬间都没知觉了。B: Get his license number now! B:快记下他的车号!


A:Is this your car? How are you doing? A: 这是你的车吗?你还好吗? B: Yes.I'm not doing very well. B: 是我的车。情形不大好。 A: Unlucky.It will be better tomorrow. A: 只不过是运气不好,明天会好些。 B:I hope so.Where are you taking my car? B: 希望是这样。你把我的车拖到哪里? A: Here is my card.Call us once you decide what to do.I need your car keys to put it into Neutral. A: 这是我们公司的名片。决定怎么做了打电话给我们。我要你的车钥匙。把车放在空挡上。B: OK.Here are the keys.Thanks. B: 好吧,这是钥匙,谢谢。






A:Brian,are you sure?You are doing 85 miles per hour. A: 布莱恩,你知道你在干什么吗?你一小时开85英里啊。 B: Really? I didn't notice. B: 是吗,我还没注意。 A: Oh,no! A cop! A: 噢,不好!警察! B:My god,better slow down. B:我的天啊,快减速吧。 A:I think it's too late.He is following us. A: 太晚了吧,他跟上来了。 B:Yeah,he turned on the light.We'd better pull over. B: 好像是,他闪灯了,停路边吧。 A: I feel bad. A: 太糟了。


A: Hello,do you know why I have stopped you? A: 你好,知道我为什么让你们停下吗? B: No. B: 不知道。 A: You were driving at 80 miles per hour on a 65 mile limit road. A:你在限速65英里的公路上开到80英里一小时。 B: Was I? I didn't even notice. B:是吗?我没注意啊。 C:Officer,we were going downhill and did not see the road signs. C: 警官先生,我们在下坡,我们没太注意路标。


A:Driver's license and registration please. A:驾照和车照给我。 B:Let me look for them,here we go. B: 让我找找,在这儿。 A: You'll get a citation.Stay in the car.I'll be right back. A: 给你一个罚单,呆在车里别动,我马上回来。 B: Well,bad luck. B:嗨,运气不好。 C: He was hiding under the bridge,we couldn't have seen him. C: 他藏在桥下,我们没看见他。


A: Your driver's license and registration.This is your citation.You can appeal to the court if you decide to do so.You have three weeks to send the fine in. A: 你的驾照和车照。这是你的罚单。你要申诉的话可以去法庭。罚金要在三周内交。 B: How much is it? B: 多少罚金? A: It's on this sheet.Drive carefully.Watch for the traffic getting back on the road.Have a good day! A: 在这单子上写着。开车小心,上路时看着路上的车。祝你好心情! B: Well.I don't feel so good.Let's see how much the ticket is. B: 唉,心情不太好。看看多少罚金。 A: $120. A: 120美元! B: To make it worse,the insurance company will charge me $100 more each year for three years. B: 更糟的是,保险公司还要每年多要100美元,连着三年。


A: Let's park on the street to save on parking money. A:我们停在路边吧,省点停车费。 B: I have heard some casinos have free parking. B: 听说很多赌场都有免费停车。 A: Well,we haven't seen any.Let's just park here. A: 没看见嘛,就停这儿吧。 B: Okay,whatever you say. B: 好吧,听你的。


A:My god,I have gotten another ticket! A:我的天,又一个罚单! B:Where? B: 哪儿呢? A: See? On the windshield. A: 看,车窗上。 B: Oh,what a bad day! B: 噢,今天运气真不好! A: It's just not my day today. A:我今天倒霉。 B: It must be a parking ticket.Let's see how much. B: 一定是停车罚单,多少钱? A: Not too bad,$25. A: 还好,25美元。


A:Jay!You can't park here.There's a fire hydrant.A:杰,不可在此停车,这有个消火栓。B:Oh,we'll be back in a few minutes.It's OK.B:哦,我们只需几分钟就回来。没有关系的。A:No it isn't.You'll get a parking ticket if you leave it here.A:不可以的,如果在这停车会收到罚单。B:No,I won't.It's five thirty.All the traffic officers have gone home.B:不会吧,已经都5点半了,所有的交通警察都回家了。A:Oh,Jay...A:杰,那是……B:Yes?B:怎么啦?C:Is this your car,buddy?C:朋友,这是你的车吗?


A:What's wrong,officer?A:警官,有什么事?B:You ran through a red light.B:你闯红灯了。A:Will I lose any points for that?A:我会被扣分吗?B:Yes.That's a 3 point violation.B:会。这项违规要扣三分。A:Could you please let me off?A:求求您放过我吧?B:Why?B:为什么?A:If I lose those three points,I will lose my license.A:若我丢了这三分,我的驾照就没了。