
第3章 生活起居





A: Oh,morning,mum.Did the alarm clock ring?A: 噢,早上好,妈妈。闹钟响了吗?B: Yes,it did.B: 响过了。A: But I didn't hear it at all.A: 可我一点都没听到。B: Hurry up,or you'll be late for school.Are you feeling ill?B: 快点吧,否则你上学就要迟到了。你不舒服吗?A: No.I'm only sleepy because I stayed awake the whole night.A: 没有,只是困而已,因为昨晚一夜没合眼。B: Breakfast is ready.Get dressed and get out of bed.Don't forget to wash your face and brush your teeth before you eat breakfast.B: 早饭准备好了。穿好衣服下床。别忘了吃早饭前洗脸、刷牙。A: OK.I'm coming.A: 好的,我就来。


A: Did you hear the weather forecast today,darling?A: 亲爱的,你听了今天的天气预报了吗?B: Yes,the radio says it's going to rain.B: 听了。广播说,天要下雨。A: Oh,well,I guess there's no point of hanging this out,then.A: 噢,好,我想那就不能把这晾晒出去了。B: Why did't you use the dryer?B: 为什么你不用烘干机?A: I don't want the electric company to get rich.A: 我不想让供电公司赚更多的钱。B: Then why did you buy the dryer,if you don't feel like that?B: 如果你不喜欢烘干机的话,你为什么要买它?A: Because everyone of my friends and neighbours has one and I don't want to look poor.A: 因为我的朋友们和邻居们都有,所以我不想让我自己显得太穷。


A: Do you have dry toast or buttered toast for breakfast?A: 你早饭吃干烤面包还是黄油烤面包?B: Some days I have dry toast,and some days I have buttered toast.B: 有时我吃干烤面包,有时我吃黄油烤面包。A: Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast?A: 早饭喝茶还是喝咖啡?B: Once in a while I have tea.Usually,I have coffee.B: 我偶尔喝茶,通常喝咖啡。4.谈论晚餐

A: Mary,what do we have for dinner?A: 玛丽,我们晚饭吃什么?B: What would you like to have?B: 你想吃什么?A: Well,I quit breakfast,so I had a rich brunch.I feel like having something mild for dinner.A: 嗯,我没吃早饭,所以吃了一顿丰盛的早午餐,晚饭我想吃点清淡的。B: In that case,what about having some noodles?B: 那样的话,吃面条怎么样?A: Noodles are fine.Or maybe I'll have some porridge.A: 很好,或许喝点粥也好。B: All right.I'll cook for you.B: 好的,我去做。


A: Which dishes did you prepare,Mr.Wang?A: 王先生,哪些菜是你做的?B: The eggplant with pork,and this Chinese cabbage.B: 那盘茄子炒肉和这盘大白菜。A: Oh,did you make the cabbage?Tell me how you make it.Chinese vegetables are so green,crisp and tasty.A: 哦,这盘大白菜是你炒的?告诉我你是怎么炒的。中国的蔬菜炒得这么鲜嫩可口。B: Just cut up the cabbage,then heat oil in a frying pan until hot.Put the cabbage in the pan,then add a bit of salt, sauce,wine and sugar and that's it.B: 把白菜切碎,将油倒入锅中加热。放入白菜,然后加入盐、酱油、酒和糖就行了。A: It sounds so easy the way you tell it.A: 听你这么说,好像很容易似的。


A: Would you clear the table?A: 你能清理一下桌子吗?B: Don't you see I am busy?B: 没看见我很忙吗?A: I am busy too.A: 我也很忙。B: What are you going to do?B: 你有什么要做吗?A: I must sweep the floor,wash the clothes,prepare the next meal,and so on.A: 我还扫地,洗衣服,准备下一顿饭,等等。B: Oh,it's my fault.I'll clear the table just now.B: 噢,是我不对。我马上清理桌子。A: And please clear the kitchen,by the way.A: 顺便把厨房也清理一下。B: Yes,no problem.B: 好的,没问题。





A:I want to change my hairstyle.It looks outdated. A:我想换个发型,这种都过时了。 B:Me too.I'm thinking of going short and messy.It's trendy and sexy.What about you? B:我也是,想试试那种零乱短发,既时尚又性感。你呢? A: Short hair needs a lot of time to fix.Maybe I'll get it straightened.It's hot too. A:短发得花很多时间打理。也许我会去做个直发烫,也很流行的。 B:I know.I have to use gel to keep it in shape. B:我知道。我得用喱什么的来定型。


A: All right,sir.It's your turn.Sorry to have kept you waiting. A:好了,先生,现在该你了。真对不起让你等那么久。 B: That's OK. B:没关系。 A: How do you like your hair cut? A:你想要个什么发式? B: Cut it short in the back,and part it in the middle. B:把后面剪短一点,并留个中分式。


A: How's that,sir? A:先生,怎么分? B: Please part it a little farther to the left. B:请把它分得稍靠左一点。 A: How about that? A:这么样行吗? B: Very good. B:非常好。 A: Will you please tilt your head to the right? A:请你把头向左边倾斜一下好吗? B: Certainly.I'm afraid both sides aren't even. B:当然可以。我恐怕两边头发不一样齐。 A: Then I'll snip off a little more. A:接着我将稍剪短一点。


A:Would you like shampoo?A:你想不想洗洗头发?B:Will it take long?B:要很久吗?A:Probably around thirty minutes.A:可能要30分钟左右。B:That's all right then.Go ahead.B:那么没有关系。洗吧。


A:Your hair has a lot of dandruff.A:你的头发有很多头皮屑。B:I guess it's because of the dry weather here.What do you advise I should do about it?B:我想是因为这儿的干燥气候。你说我该怎么办?A: Well,using the right shampoo will sometimes do the trick.There are a lot of anti dandruff shampoos available in the market now.You can try shampooing every day also as you have very oily hair. A:嗯,用对了洗发香波有时候可以达到目的,现在市场上有很多去头皮屑的洗发香波,同时因为你是油性发质,你可以试着每天洗头发。 B:Thanks for your advice. B: 谢谢你的建议。 A:It's my pleasure. A:不要客气。


A:We have regular perm,cold perm,straight perm and a pin curl,which one do you like?A:我们这儿有普通烫、冷烫、直板烫和夹烫,您要哪一种?B:I have no idea. B:我说不好。A:Would you like cold perm?A:您喜欢冷烫吗?B:Cold perm?How long will it take?B:冷烫?需要多长时间?A:Just an hour.A:只要一小时。B:Oh,no.B:哦,不行。A:Since you don't like this style,how about square perm?A:既然您不喜欢这种发型,直烫怎么样?B:It's popular.I like it.B:挺流行的,我喜欢这种。


A:Hi,Miss Zhang.What do you want to do today?A:嗨,张小姐,您今天打算做些什么?B:I want some highlights.B:我想做一下挑染。A:What color do you prefer for your highlights?A:您想挑染什么颜色?B:I want it to look yellow,but not too yellow.B:我想挑染黄色,但又不要看起来太黄。A:So how about this one,the blond?A:那这个金黄色好不好?B:Will that color look good on me?B:我染那个色会好看吗?A:Sure.This one will look very nice on you.A:当然会。这个颜色在你头上会特别好看。


A:I have a question.Why does my hair always get frizzy after blowdrying?A:我有个问题,为什么每次吹完头发后,我的头发都会看起来毛毛的?B:You have very fine hair,so when blo

wdrying,you should flip your hair forward and blow it until it's just damp.Then,use a big,round brush and finish drying it section by section.B:您的发质很细,所以吹发时必须将头发全部梳到前面倒着吹,到快要干时,再用大的圆筒发刷一部分、一部分地完全吹干。A:OK.I'll try to remember that.A:好,我会记住的。B:Also,you should have your hair trimmed once every three to five weeks.B:另外,您最好每3到5个星期就修剪一次。





A:Let's start with the cleaning masque.A:我们从清洁面膜开始。B:What are the ingredients in your cleaning masque?B:你们清洁面膜的成分是哪些东西?A:It's a combination of oatmeal,yogurt and honey.A:是由燕麦、优酪乳及蜂蜜混合而成的。B:What are they good for?B:它们有哪些好处?A:Oatmeal is a very gentle exfoliator that can remove dead skin from your face.A:燕麦是很温和的去角质剂,它可以去除你脸部老化的角质。B:Uh huh.What about yogurt and honey?B:喔,那优酪乳和蜂蜜呢?A:Yogurt can soften the skin,and honey is one of the best natural humectants.A:优酪乳可以柔软肌肤,而蜂蜜则是最好的天然润湿剂。


A:Will you do the “rose petal facial steam”for me?A:你今天会帮我做“玫瑰花瓣蒸脸”吗?B:No.I plan to do the “peppermint and rosemary facial steam”because the combination of these two plants will soothe tired muscles.B:不会,我打算帮你做“薄荷和迷迭香蒸脸”,因为这两种植物混合可使疲劳的肌肉放松。A:Great.A:好极了。B:Now,no more talking and relaxing for a while.I'll massage your scalp.B:现在,不要再说话,放松休息一下。我帮你做头皮按摩。A:OK.A:好的。


A:Hello.I'd like to have a manicure.A:你好。我想做手部的指甲修护。B:Sure.Please choose the color you'd like.Well,would you like to try our French manicure? It's very popular now!B:好的。请选一下您想擦的颜色。您要不要试我们的法式指甲修护呢?现在很流行。A:Really? I'd also like to have a pedicure.A:真的吗?我同时也想做脚指甲。B:No problem.We have a special discount every Wednesday to Saturday.Usually,it's RMB 150 for a manicure and RMB 210 for a pedicure,but with this special discount,the total is only RMB 350.B:没问题。我们每周三到周六都有特惠折扣。通常修手部的指甲是150元,修脚部的是210元,但用这个特惠折扣,总共只要350元。A:Wow! That's nice! I'd like to give it a try.Let's start it now.A:哇!很棒啊!那我试试看。开始吧!B:All right.Do you want your cuticles cut,too?B:好的。您要剪修指甲周围的表皮吗?A:No,just pushed back please.A:不要,只要稍微往后推就可以了。


A:Hi,I would like to know more about your moisturizers.Could you tell me more about them?A:嗨,我喜欢你们的保湿产品,你可以帮我介绍一下吗?B:Sure.Do you know your skin type?B:好的。你知道你是属于哪一类的肌肤吗?A:I'm not sure.My T zone gets oily easily,but my cheeks are dry in the winter.A:我不太确定。我的T字部位容易出油,但我的两颊在冬天时却很干。B:I see.This“Crème do Olives” is the bestseller for combination skin.B:我知道了。这个“橄榄滋润霜”是我们针对混合性肌肤卖得最热门的产品。A:What is good about it?A:它好在什么地方?B:It contains a very powerful antioxidant potion made of olive leaf extracts and Mediterranean herbs.B:它含有一种高效能的抗氧化成分,是由橄榄叶萃炼精华和地中海植物混合而成的。


A:I'll treat myself to a facial massage today. A:今天我要享受一下面部按摩。 B:You deserve it.And we're having a special on facials this weekend. B:你该享受一下。这个周末我们的面部按摩是特价。 A:My good luck.The freezing weather lately has ruined my complexion,you know.So it's time I had a facial. A: 我的运气真好。最近的严寒天气对我的皮肤损坏不小,所以我早该做个面部按摩了。 B: Don't worry.I'll also take care of your eyebrows and eyelashes.I promise you'll feel great after the treatment. B:用不着担心。我也会护理一下你的眉毛和睫毛。我保证护理以后你会觉得特别舒服。


A: I'd like to have a facial. A:我想做面部美容。 B:We're having a special on facials this week. B:这个星期面部美容是特价。 A: By the way,I'm allergic to alcohol.Do you have any masks good for me? A: 顺便问一下,我对酒精过敏。有没有适合我的面膜? B:This brand of mask is especially type of skin.And it works well in whitening. B:这个牌子的面膜是专门针对过敏性皮肤研制的。而且它的美白效果也很好。


A:Now,I am applying the purple mascara to your eyelashes... Then,the pink lip gloss on your cute lips... Okay,the job is done! How do you feel?A:现在呢,我帮你的眼睫毛刷上紫色的睫毛膏……然后,再抹一些粉红色的亮唇膏在你可爱的嘴唇上……好啦,完成了!你觉得如何呢?B:Wow...I feel like a million dollars.B:哇……我觉得真是太棒了!A:You do look like a million dollars.A:你看起来真的是很棒!


A:Doctor,these pimples really get on my nerves.How can I get them cleared up?A:医生,这些痘痘真是让我烦恼死了!要怎样才能清除掉它们呢?B:Hum...I suggest you use some oil free facial products,especially face wash.B:嗯……我建议你用一些去油的脸部用品,特别是脸部清洁用的。A:So,I can get rid of these zits?A:这样我就可以摆脱这些痘痘了吗?B:No.The oil free facial products will help you prevent them.I will prescribe some medicine in cream form for you.B:不,去油的脸部用品会帮你预防痘痘,我会再开些药膏给你擦的。


A:We have a few openings tomorrow at 11 a.m. and on Friday at 2 p.m. this week.A我们明天上午11点,星期五下午2点还有时间。B:We can be there tomorrow morning.B:我们明天上午可以过去。A:Great! May I have your names and phone number?A:太好了!请问两位的姓名和电话号码?B:My name is Ma Hua and my friend is Angela White.The phone number is 010 88566770.B:我的名字是马华,我的朋友叫怀特。电话号码是 010 88566770。A:Thank you,Miss Ma.So,we have both of you down for the body treatment tomorrow at 11 a.m..A:谢谢你,马小姐。那就明天上午11点,欢迎两位过来进行我们的美体疗程。B:Thanks.B:谢谢!


A:Wow! You've done a really wonderful job! Thank you so much!A:哇……你弄得真好!真是太谢谢你了!B:I'm glad that you like it.B:我很高兴你会喜欢。A:Here is your tip... Oops!My God! I messed up my beautiful nails!A:这是给你的小费……哎呀!我的天哪!我毁了我的漂亮指甲!B:Don't worry.I can apply the nail polished to your nails again.And please do not move your fingers until the nail polish is dry.B:别担心,我可以再帮你涂一次指甲油。这回直到指甲油干之前,都不要动你的手指。





A:Brian,where do you shop? A:布莱恩,你平时去哪里买东西啊? B:Meijer. B:马易尔。 A:What's Meijer? A:什么是马易尔? B:Oh,a 24 hour supermarket.It has food,clothes,everything. B:噢,一个24小时超市。有食品,衣服,什么都有。 A:A 24 hr store? Is it expensive? A:24小时店?那不贵吗? B:Not this one. B: 这家不贵。


A:Brian,I found another supermarket. A:布莱恩,我又找到一家超市。 B:Which one? B:哪家? A:Maiye. A:麦野。 B:That's a good one,24 hours. B:那家不错,24小时营业。 A:Yes,you can find everything there. A:是啊,里面啥都有。


A:Let's get a shopping cart.First we'll get our vegetables.Here are cucumbers,mushrooms,tomatoes,lettuce and potatoes straight from the farm.A:让我们去推一辆小推车。首先我们要买蔬菜。这儿有直接从农场运来的黄瓜、蘑菇、西红柿、莴苣和土豆。B:Let's get some lettuce,tomatoes and cucumbers for a salad.B:我们先挑选一些莴苣,西红柿和黄瓜这些用来做沙拉的蔬菜吧。A:Let's check out the fruit section.I'd like some watermelons and peaches.A:我们再逛一下水果区吧,我想买点儿西瓜和桃子。B:Let's go to the meat section.Want some beef?B:再让我们去肉类区看看。想要一些牛肉吗?A:Yes.We can make hamburger with beef.A:对。我们可以用牛肉来做汉堡。B:Just as you say.B:就按你说的办。


A:Excuse me,where is the fruit and vegetable section?A:请问水果蔬菜区在哪儿?B:Go all the way to the back and turn right,Aisle 8.B:往里头走到尽头,右转,在第8走道。A:Thank you.Here I am.I'd like some oranges.A:谢谢。到了。我要一些橙子。B:Yes,and...B:好的,还要什么?A:Give me a pound of potatoes and a pound of cabbages.A:给我一磅土豆和一磅卷心菜。B:Here you are.Will that be all for you today?B:在这儿。今天要的都有了吗?A:Yes,thank you.A:是的,谢谢。


A:We have to buy a lot of food and we have to finish fast.A:我们必须买许多食品并尽快买完。B:Here's the list.Let's divide it.B:这是购物单。咱俩分开买。A:That's a great idea!You get the milk,sausage,beef,fish and eggs.I can get the tomatoes,pea,lettuce,potato chips,bananas and coffee.A:好主意。你买牛奶、香肠、牛肉、鱼和鸡蛋,我买番茄、豌豆、莴笋、土豆片、香蕉和咖啡。B:Fine,but where is the beef?B:好吧。但是牛肉在哪儿?A:It is over there near the sausage.A:在那边靠近香肠处。B:OK.B:知道了。


A:What are you buying? A:你买什么? B:I need some breakfast stuff and some vegetables. B: 早饭的东西,还有蔬菜。 A:Eggs ae about $1.00 a dozen. A:鸡蛋一美元一打。 B:That's a good price.How about tomatoes? B:很便宜嘛。西红柿呢? A: Less than $1.00 a pound. A:不到一美元一磅。 B:A pound is...? B: 一磅是……? A:About 0.9 jin. A:大约9两。


A:Do you need to buy any clothes? A:要买衣服吗? B:Yes.I want to buy a pair of jeans. B: 是啊,我想买牛仔裤。 A:I think they are also on sale.See,50% off. A:牛仔裤是特价,看,50%减价。 B:Really? I have got to buy more clothes. B:真的?我要多买点衣服。 A:There are sales all the time. A:他们总是搞特价。 B:Good.I like that. B:好啊,我喜欢。


A:It's too crowded here.I only need several pairs of socks.Let's go straight to the footwear section.A:这太挤了,我就需要几双袜子。我们直接去鞋袜部吧。B:OK.Look at that lamp.It's on promotion,only ten yuan.B:好的。看那个台灯。在搞促销,只要10块钱。A:I know it's a good bargain but we don't need another lamp.A:我知道很便宜但是我们不需要台灯了。B:Yes,you are right.I just can't resist the temptation every time I go to the supermarket.B:是啊,你说得对。我每次一逛超市就抵制不了诱惑。A:That's how they cheat you into buying things you really don't need.A:他们就是这么骗你买一些你不需要的东西的。


A:Do you want some assistance,madam? A:需要帮助吗?女士。 B:I'd like to see a Qipao for myself. B:我想为自己选一件旗袍。 A:How do you like this,madam? A:这件怎么样? B:It's much too dark in color for the Summer.I'd rather have something lighter,and a bit longer. B:夏天穿它的颜色有点太深了,我想要浅一点,而且要长一点的。 A:What about this one? A: 这件呢? B:Very good.I try one on. B:好的。我试一下。


A:Excuse me.Can you tell me the closing time? A:你好,请问什么时候结束营业? B:10:00 p.m.,Miss. B: 晚上十点,小姐。 A:Thank you.And can you point me to the washing machine market? A:谢谢。你能给我指一下卖洗衣机的商场在哪儿吗? B:The 5th floor,to the left of the escalators. B:在五楼,就在自动扶梯的左边。 A:Thanks a lot. A:谢谢。






A:Could you please tell me when your laundry opens and closes?A:请问你们洗衣房的营业时间?B:We remain open from 9:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m..B:从上午9点开到下午7点。A:Can you deliver?A:你们送衣服吗?B:Sorry.We don't offer this service.B:抱歉,我们不提供这项服务。A:I see.A:我明白了。


A:Excuse me,can you show me how to use this washing machine?A:请问可否教我如何使用这部洗衣机?B:Oh,just put four quarters in this slot,push in and slide out.And the machine will finish all the washing cycles for you.B:噢,你只需在投币口投入四个二十五美分的硬币,再推入,然后立即拉出,洗衣机就会完成所有洗衣程序。A:Thanks.A:谢谢。


A:I'd like to have these shirts washed and ironed.A:我想把这几件衬衣洗并烫一下。B:Yes.Do you want us to use starch?B:好的。要上浆吗?A:Yes,heavy starch on the collar,please.A:是的。领口请上得重一点。B:Yes,sir.Your shirts will be ready by Friday morning.Anything else?B:好的,先生。你的衬衣星期五早晨会准备好。还有其他事吗?A:I also have an overcoat to be dry cleaned.Can I stop by with it later tomorrow?A:我还有一件大衣要干洗。明天我晚一点来能取吗?B:Yes,sir.B:可以,先生。


A:I'd like to have these clothes washed.A:我想把这些衣服洗一下。B:Could you please fill out the laundry form?B:请填一下这张洗衣表好吗?A:OK.I'd like my silk shirt to be hand washed.Please use cold water,then it doesn't shrink.A:好的。我希望我的丝绸衬衣用手洗。请用冷水,那样它就不会缩水了。B:By hand in cold water.I see.B:手洗,用冷水。我明白。A:I need them to be washed right away.Can you have them finished by tomorrow morning?A:我需要快点洗出来。明天早晨怎么样?B:Sorry,it won't be possible.B:对不起,这不可能。5.干洗衣服

A:Good morning.May I help you?A:早上好,需要我帮忙吗?B:Yes.I want this suit dry cleaned.B:是的,我这件西服要干洗。A:All right.A:好的。B:I tried to get this stain out,but it didn't come out.Do you think you can do it?B:我试过想弄掉这个污点,但怎么也去不掉。你能把这个污点洗掉吗?A:Let me see.A:让我看看。


A:Let me give you some tips of the correct ways to do the laundry.A:让我来告诉你一些正确的洗衣服方式吧。B:Besides sorting clothes,what else should I notice?B:除了分类之外,还有什么是该注意的?A:To clean delicate clothes,such as bras,panties and camisoles,you'd better wash them by hand.A:像胸罩、内裤、紧身衣这类比较细软的衣服,你最好用手洗。B:Why?I always put them into the washing machine.B:为什么?我都是用洗衣机洗。A:If you use a machine to wash them,they quickly lose their shape.A:如果你用洗衣机洗,它们很快就会变形的。B:I see.B:明白了。


A:I'd like to get my cleaning.A:我来取衣服。B:Yes,sir.May I have your laundry ticket?B:好的,先生。请出示洗衣单。A:Here you are.A:给你。B:Here are your shirts,sir.B:这是你的衬衣,先生。A:Can you sew on these buttons?A:你们能缝一下这些纽扣吗?B:No problem.B:没问题。


A:I just examined the shirt you'd washed for me and I found a big hole in the sleeve.A:我发现你给我洗过的衬衫袖子上有个大洞。B:What? A hole in the sleeve? It is impossible.B:什么?袖子上有个洞?这不可能。A:But it is there.Look,here it is.A:你看,就在这儿。B:I'm awfully sorry.B:哦,实在对不起。A:Neither can I,but it is there.A:我也不明白,可它的确有啊。B:Well,let me consult with the manager.Wait a moment.B:好吧,请稍等,我去问问经理怎么办。





A:My landlord is coming back to live.So I have to go apartment hunting.A:我的房东要回来住了,所以我得去找住处。B:I feel sorry for you.It's a jungle out there.B:真同情你,这事很费劲啊。A:Can you give me any pointers?A:能给我点儿建议吗?B:I guess one thing I can do is to ask around for you and see if anyone someplace to rent knows.B:我觉得我能做的一件事就是帮你四处问问,看有没有人听说过有地方出租。A:Thank you.I think I should also have a look at the bulletin boards on campus to see if anyone's got a sublet.A:谢谢。我想我也得到校园里的告示板那儿看看有没有人转租。


A:Is this Golden Star Real Estate Agency?A:请问这里是金星房地产中介吗?B:Yes.What can I do for you?B:是的,您有什么事情吗?A:How much will an apartment cost here?A:这里租公寓要多少钱?B:That depends.Do you want a studio or a one bedroom apartment?B:那要看什么样的房子了。你想要个整套的公寓还是要个只有一间卧室的住房。A:Two bedrooms.I want it furnished.A:要带两个卧室的,并且有家具。


A:Hi,Brian.Where do I find the ads for apartments? A:你好,布莱恩,到哪儿去找租房子的广告? B:You can look at the newspaper's classified section. B:看报纸上的广告栏。 A:The apartments there are mostly far from school. A:那里的广告大多是离学校很远的。 B:There is a housing office at our school as well,inside the Student Center. B: 学生中心有一个租房办。 A: That must be a good place to find housing. A:是,我去试一试。


A:Hello,I saw your ad in the paper... A:喂,我在报纸上看到了你们的广告…… B:About the apartments? Which one are you interested in? B:求租公寓的吗?你想要哪一种? A:The studio.What is a studio apartment? A:一居室。一居室是什么样子的? B:It's a one room apartment with a small kitchen. B:是一个房间加一个小厨房的公寓。 A:And the bathroom? A:那浴室呢? B:It's got a pretty nice bathroom. B:有一个很不错的浴室。


A:Good morning,may I help you? A:早上好,有什么可以帮忙的吗? B:A friend told me I might find a room here. B:我的朋友告诉我,这里有房子租。 A:Yes.That's a one bedroom apartment.You may look at it now. A:是的,是一个一居室的小公寓。你现在可以看一下。 B:OK. B:好的。





A:Do you have a first aid kit in your house?A:你家里有急救箱吗?B:Yes, I do. I put it inside the bathroom cabinet. B:有啊,就在我家卫生间的壁柜里。A:What do you keep inside the kit?A:急救箱里都放些什么?B:There are bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, cotton and scissors. There are also medicines such as Aspirin, Vicks and Dristan, etc. B:里面有绷带、纱布、胶布、棉花和剪刀,还有许多药品,比如阿司匹林、去痛片、头痛药等等。A:No doubt that the first aid kit is very useful and helpful in your lives. A:这种急救箱无疑在你们的生活中会非常有用。B:Of course. B:那当然。


A:You must remember: children must be prevented at all times from getting close to the first aid kit. A:你必须记住:任何时候都要防止小孩接近急救箱。B:Is it so serious?B:有那么严重吗?A:Yes. Any misuse of medicine could be fatal. So the kit should always be placed at the top of the cabinet where the children can't reach it. A:是的。因为任何一种药物误用都可能导致生命危险。所以急救箱应该始终放在壁柜的顶部,让小孩子们够不着。B:And it should remain locked all the time. B:而且箱子应该一直上锁。A:That's right. A:对!3.煤气泄露

A:Listen!A Gas Leak Caused Two Lives!A:听着!煤气泄露造成两人死亡!B:Gas leak is the most dangerous situation in our daily life, I think. B:漏煤气是日常生活中最危险的情况。A:What can you do if it happens to you?A:如果这事儿发生在你身上该怎么办?B:If there is a strong smell of gas in the house, go to the kitchen at once and check the stove and the gas hose. B:如果闻到屋里有一股强烈的煤气味,赶快到厨房去检查炉子和煤气管道。A:What if you hear a hissing sound?A:要是听到有咝咝的漏气声该怎么办?B:If so, turn off the stove and open all the windows immediately. B:如果是这样,立即关上煤气炉,打开所有窗户。


A:When I find strangers lingering around my house, what shall I do?A:假如我发现有生人在门外徘徊,该怎么办呢?B:Call 110 Station at once, of course. B:那还用问吗?马上向110报警呗!A:How shall I tell them?A:我怎么说呢?B:You just tell them what happens and give them your address and telephone number. The police would be sent here very quickly. B:你就告诉他们发生了什么事情,以及你的地址和电话号码。警察很快就会赶到的。


A:What shall I do if I hear shouting for help or see a robbery taking place?A:假如我听到有人求助或者我亲眼看见一场劫案该怎么办?B:You should try to get some special features about the criminals which would be great help to the police. B:你应该尽力记住罪犯的一些特征,这对警察的侦破工作会很有用的。A:OK. Thank you very much for your kindness. A:好的。谢谢你的好心指点。 B:You're welcome. B:不客气。


A:Help!Help!A:救命!救命!B:What's the trouble?B:出什么事了?A:I was taking a walk when a young man came at me from nowhere and snatched the bag off my hands and ran away. A:我正在散步,一个年轻人不知从哪儿向我袭来,抢了我的包,然后逃走了。B:What did the young man look like?B:那个年轻人长得什么样子?A:Well, he's young, tall and thin. A:唔,他很年轻,又高又瘦。B:To which direction did he run?B:他往哪个方向跑了?A:Let me see...my right arm...oh, to the south. A:让我想想……我的右边……哦,往南跑了。


A:How do you think about the social security nowadays?A:你觉得如今的社会治安状况怎么样?B:It's not very well, I'm afraid. B:我看不是太好。A:Yes. I read of a robbery which took place just under the nose of the police and in day time!A:是不太好。我刚读到有一宗抢劫案,就在警察的眼皮底下干的,而且还是大白天!B:How horrible!Was the robber caught yet?B:真可怕!抢劫犯抓到了没有?A:No. He is still at large about the town. A:没有。他仍然在逃,四处周游呢。





A:Hi,good morning.I'm here to see the apartment.A:早上好。我来看看公寓。B:This is the living room and dinning room combination.It is spacious.The kitchen is here.It is not very big,but well equipped.The refrigerator,the microwave oven,and even the dinning table.Everything is ready.B:这是客厅加饭厅,挺宽敞的。厨房在这儿。不很大,但设备齐全。冰箱,微波炉,还有餐桌,全都有。

A:Good.Let me have a look at the bedroom.Oh,the walk in closet is big enough.Does the window face north or south?A:好。我来看看卧室。哦,这个衣橱真够大的。窗子朝北还是朝南?B:South.B:朝南。


A:You may look around.If you have any questions,just ask.A:你可以到处看看。有什么问题的话,尽管问好了。B:Do you have heating system?B:有暖气系统吗?A:Yes.That's the basic.We have air conditioning all the year round.A:有。那是最基本的。我们一年四季都有空调。B:Does the refrigerator come with the apartment?B:套间配有冰箱吗?A:Yes,so does the stove.A:有,还有炉子。B:OK.B:行。


A:I notice the water is dripping in the kitchen sink. Will you fix that?A:我注意到厨房盥洗槽的水龙头在滴水,你们能来修一修吗?B:Well, I didn't notice that. Yeah, I'll have the maintenance man come out and fix that tomorrow.B:哎呀,我没注意到。好的,我让维修工明天来把它修好。A:Is this a gas stove?A:这是一个煤气炉吗?B:Yeah, you can cook with gas.B:对,你可以用煤气做饭。A:What about air conditioning?A:空调呢?B:These are newly refurbished air conditioning units. Ah, see how strong that is?In 5 minutes, the whole apartment will be cooled off!B:空调是新整修过的。看,功率挺大吧?只要五分钟,整个公寓就会凉下来。


A:Is there a parking garage here?A:这里有停车房吗?B:Ah, we don't have a parking garage;come with me, and I'll show you the parking facilities.B:啊,我们没有停车房,跟我来,我把停车区指给你看。A:Okay.A:好的。B:Well, as you can see, we have plenty of open parking spaces.B:那儿,你可以看到的,我们有足够的露天停车场地。A:Sometimes my friends like to come and visit. Where can they park?A:有时候我的朋友会来看我,他们把车停在哪儿呢?B:We have special green visitor parking spots for them. If they stay longer than a day, though, they'll have to come up to the office and get a parking tag.B:我们有绿色的房客专用停车区。不过,要是他们逗留的时间超过一天的话,他们得到办公室来领一张停车牌。A:I see. A:明白了。


A:Is there a pool or recreation room?A:这儿有游泳池或娱乐室吗?B:Here's our pool—it's right outside the manager's office, and there's the jacuzzi. As you can see, the recreation room is inside, right next to the office.B:游泳池在这儿,就在经理办公室的外面,那边是按摩浴缸。娱乐室在里面,就在办公室的隔壁。A:How late are the pool and the recreation room open?A:游泳池和娱乐室开放到多晚?B:The pool is open from 10 a.m. to 11 p. m. every day. The recreation room closes at 9 p.m.B:游泳池每天从上午10点开放到晚上11点。娱乐室到晚上9点关门。A:This looks like a nice place.A:看来这地方真不错啊。


A:Would you like to fill out a credit application?A:请您填一张信用调查表好吗?B:Well, I still have a couple of places to see. May I take the form with me and return it tomorrow?B:啊,我想再看几个地方。我能把表格带走,明天再拿来吗?A:Yes, but I should tell you that we have another couple interested in the apartment, and they may bring a deposit on Friday. It's first come, first serve.A:行,不过我得告诉您另外有一对夫妻也对这套公寓房感兴趣,他们有可能星期五来付定金。我们可是谁先到就给谁的。B:How long will a credit check take?B:信用调查要多久?A:We can do that in about a day.A:我们能在一天内办完。


A:Let's write up this lease.I'll fill in everything we've agreed on about the apartment.A:让我们来签租约吧。我把双方一致同意的填上去好了。B:It's a one year lease,right?B:这租约有效期为一年,对吧?A:Right.Now,the rent is $450 per month,plus a security deposit of $200.Of course,you'll get the deposit back at the end if the apartment is maintained in good condition.Good.If you're interested in renting it,you should fill out this application.I need two references from people who know you.A:对。现在,租金是每月 450美元,外加 200美元押金。当然,只要房间保持得好,租房到期的时候押金会退给你。好,如果你要租的话,请填写这份申请表。还要请你找两个熟人作担保。B:Oh.B:哦。


A:I'd like to ask for a favor.A:帮我一个忙好吗?B:Sure.What is it?B:好的。什么事?A:I'm moving on Saturday.Would you mind giving me a hand?A:我星期六搬家。你能来当帮手吗?B:I'm sorry.I'd like to,but I'm busy the whole weekend.B:抱歉,我很想帮忙,但我整个周末都很忙。A:Well,never mind.A:哦,没关系。B:Why don't you ask Jim? He may have time.B:你干吗不找吉姆呢?他也许有空。


A:Be sure to lock all the doors and windows whenever you go out.A:外出时务必要把门窗锁好。B:Of course.I will.B:当然,我会的。A:And never give your front door key to anyone.A:绝不要把大门钥匙给任何人。B:I understand.B:我知道。A:Also,before going out,check all the appliances and turn everything off.A:还有,出门前检查所有的电器并关掉电源。B:I'll be sure to do that.B:我一定会那么做的。


A:I've got a lot of complaints saying that you're a noisy neighbor.A:我接到了很多投诉,说你太吵闹了。B:Well,I promise there'll be no more parties.B:好吧,我保证不会再开派对了。A:I'm afraid that you've got to move out in one week.A:恐怕你得在一周内搬出去。B:But where can I go now?B:但我一时半会能搬到哪儿去呢?A:That's your problem.A:那是你的问题了。






A:I want to have my new house decorated,but I have no idea about the decoration.A:我想装修一下我的新房子,但是我对装修一窍不通。B:Don't worry.The decoration company can do everything for you.B:别担心。装修公司会给你解决好所有问题的。A:Oh,yes! You are right.Why did that never come to my mind?A:哦,你说得对。我怎么就没有想到这点呢?


A:How much do it cost if I want to decorate my house?A:如果我想装修房子要多少钱?B:About $2,600.B:大约2 600美元。A: When will you start?A:你们什么时候动工?B:Tomorrow if you like.B:如果您愿意,明天就动工。


A:Who's that?A:谁啊?B:It's me.Susan Tyler.B:是我,苏珊·泰勒。A:Oh,please come in.Nice to see you!A:噢,请进。很高兴见到你。B:Oh,what are you doing?You look as busy as a bee.B:噢,你在干嘛呢?你好像很忙。A:Yeah.I am trying to decorate my house.A:是的,我正在装饰我的房子。B:Really?That's cool.Let me see what you've done.B:真的吗?太棒了,让我看看你都做了些什么。A:Actually it's not done yet.A:没弄完呢。


A:Hey,Jim.Can you hold the end of this tape measure?A:嘿,吉姆。你可以拿着卷尺的这一头吗?B:Sure.What's this for?B:好啊。你要干什么?A:I'm taking some measurement for new curtains.A:我正在量新窗帘的尺寸。B:What about measuring the floor for a new carpet, and the walls for new wallpaper?B:那咱们把地板和墙壁也量一量吧,然后换上新地毯和新壁纸。5.刷墙

A:How do you want to decorate your house?A:您想怎么装修您的房屋?B:As you've just seen, my house is old and points on some places has fallen down.B:正如你刚刚看到的,我的房子已经旧了而且有的地方漆已经脱落。A:You mean the walls need repainting. What colour do you want?A:您的意思是墙要重新粉刷。您想刷成什么颜色呢?B:White.B:白色。A:White wall looks clean and bright.A:白色的墙看起来干净又明亮。


A:I'm thinking about redecorating my bedroom. A:我在考虑重新装修卧室。 B:That looks great.The room in the picture is bigger than your bedroom,so you wouldn't be able to have all that furniture in your room. B:这个看起来不错。图片里的房间比你的卧室大,所以你不可能把所有的家具放到你的房间里。 A:I'd like to have the bed and the wardrobe. A:我想要这床和衣柜。 B:You could fit both of them in your room.Perhaps you could also get the dressing table.I think that one would look good in your bedroom. B:你可以把这两样都放在房间里。可能还可以放个梳妆台。我觉得这个放到你卧室应该不错。 A:Yes,it would. A:应该是的。


A:I am going to get a special pendent lamp.A:我正打算去买一种特别的吊灯。B:The vase looks so unique.And it is so creative to make a picture display here.How did you get that idea?B:这个花瓶真别致。还有在这里放个照片陈列真是太有创意了。你是怎么想出来的?A:It's just simple decorating.I just want to add my personality to my living place.A:只是些简单的装饰。我想为我住的地方增添一点个性。B:I notice that most of your furniture is very traditional.You like wooden furniture,don't you?B:我发现你大多数家具都很传统。你喜欢木制家具,是吗?A:Yes.My wife and I prefer wooden furniture to metal furniture.A:是的。我妻子和我都更青睐木制家具,而不是金属家具。B:I think wooden furniture seems much elegant than metal furniture.B:我认为木制家具看起来更高雅。A:Yes.You like natural and simple styles,just like me.A:是的。你喜欢那种简约自然的风格,就像我一样。B:Yeah,just like you.B:是啊,就像你一样。


A:The bathroom looks lovely.Did you redecorate it yourself or did you get someone in to do it for you? A:这浴室看起来很漂亮。你是自己装修的,还是找人帮你做的? B:I did it myself.I went online and found a lot of websites devoted to home improvement.Then I went to the DIY shop and bought everything I needed. B:我自己做的。我上网找到了许多关于改进家居的网站。然后我去了自助商店,买了我需要的所有东西。 A:Oh,you have put new tiles on the floor and replaced a few tiles on the walls.You've also added a small cupboard for toiletries. A:喔,你在地上贴了新瓷砖,墙上也换了一些瓷砖。你还添了个小壁柜放盥洗用品。 B:Yes,they are.I give them a good clean.They are in good condition and don't need to be replaced. B:是的,我好好清洗了一下。它们都还挺好的,没必要换。









A:Excuse me.Is a plumber available now?A:请问有管道修理工在吗?B:Sorry,sir.They are all in the field.B:对不起,先生。他们都出去工作去了。A:So when are they available?A:那什么时候能回来?B:Let me check the schedule.The nea rest one is in the afternoon.B:让我看看工作日程。最早的一个在今天下午。


A:My air condition doesn't work.When can you come to repair it?A:我家空调坏了你们什么时候能来修?B:About 2 o'clock.B:大约2点钟。A:We don't get out of school until 3:00 p.m.Maybe late afternoon?A:我们3点才下课。可不可以再晚点?B:OK.Our repairman will call first.Your address,telephone number and name,please?B:好的。去之前我们的工作人员会先打电话给您的。请留下您的地址、电话和姓名。


A:Excuse me,could you do something about the bathroom?A:对不起,你能修修我的卫生间吗?B:Yes,sir.What's wrong with it?B:可以,先生。出了什么问题?A:The washbasin leaks.A:洗脸池漏水。B:I see.I'll call in the maintenance man.B:我知道了。我叫维修工人来瞧瞧。


A:Hello.A:你好。B:The water closet is clogged and it overflows when I flush.Could someone come to repair them immediately?B:抽水马桶堵了,我一冲水,水就冒出来了。能马上派人来修修吗?A:No problem.They'll be there very soon.A:没问题,马上就到。B:As soon as possible.B:尽快。


A:What's wrong with the drain?A:下水道怎么了?B:It's clogged and the water won't go down.B:堵住了,水下不去了。A:Let me take a look.You know why? It's clogged with hair.No wonder the water won't go down.A:我看看。知道怎么回事吗?头发把它堵住了,难怪水下不去。B:Well,I guess people who lived here before didn't clean the bathtub.B:噢,我想以前在这里住的人不清理浴缸吧。A:You're right!A:你算说对了。


A:What should I do now?A:我现在该做什么?B:Don't worry.I've got some acid here.It'll help dissolve the hair down there.B:别担心,我带了一些酸化水来。它会帮助把下面的头发溶解的。A:Ur! It stinks!A:呃!好臭!B:Now you know you have to clean your bathtub every time you use it.B:现在你知道了吧,每次用完浴缸你都要清理。






A:Since I have to go back to England within the next few months,I would like to sell my apartment as soon as possible. A:由于我必须于数月内返回英格兰,所以我想尽快卖出我的房子。 B:Don't worry,sir.It's a seller's market now.What's your property's address? B:别着急,先生。现在是卖方市场。您的房子在哪里? A:It lies in SOHO,CBD.Do you know it? A:CBD的SOHO社区。您知道那里吧? B:What's the square area of your property? B:是的。房子的面积有多大? A:The gross area of this unit is 120 square meters. A:建筑面积是120平方米。 B: The market price for SOHO is around twenty thousand yuan per square meter. B:那里的房子市场价是每平米2万元。


A:Hello,Mr.Johnson.I have Mrs. Chen to check out the house.A:您好,约翰逊先生。这是陈太太,她是来看你的房子的。B:Please come in and feel free to take a look around the house.B:请进来随便参观。A:Mrs Chen,as you can see,the decoration is in perfect condition.A:陈太太,这房子装修挺好的。C:Does this apartment face south?C:这房子是否向南?A:The living room faces south and the bedrooms face north.It has a beautiful hill view and quiet environment.Also,it has many amenities.A:客厅朝南,卧室朝北,环境幽雅。而且设施齐备。C:Great!C:很好。


A:What apartment type is available?A:你们有什么房型可供选择?B:We've sold out all the units in the East Tower. Only design B and C remain in the West Tower and those are selling very fast. The B design is 90 square meters and the C style with double bath is 135 square meters.B:东楼所有单元已售完,西楼的B型和C型也卖得很快。B型有90平方米,C型有两个卫生间,共135平方米。A:I definitely like the larger. My bank has cleared a mortgage of 300, 000 Yuan. Does C have two balconies?A:我比较喜欢大的。我有30万元银行贷款。C型有没有两个阳台?B:Yes, both face south, the best position to be in, I might add.B:有,都是朝南阳台,可以说是目前朝向最好的。


A:The building had several amenities including a swimming pool,gym and...Did I miss anything? A:这栋大楼提供一些便利设施,如游泳池、健身房……我还遗漏了什么? B:24hr building management. B:24小时物业服务。 A:Yes.How much is the deposit for the one on the 9th floor? A:对。9楼那间的定金要多少? B:They are all 15% down,and with another 10% payable on completion in six months. B:先付15%,6个月完工后再付10%。 A:I want to have a look at the contract and the house floor plan. A:我想看一下合同和户型图。


A:May I ask if your interest in the unit is for investment or self use? A:你买这房子是投资还是自用呢? B:The purpose is for investment because I hear from my friend that the rental return is not bad. B:我的目的是投资,因为我听朋友说这儿的物业租金回报不错。 A:Yes.The price for residential property is rising almost twenty percent. A:是的。住宅物业的价格上升了差不多两成。 B:The flat is under a godo condition and I don't have to redecorate it later.But,I've got to discuss it with my husband first.How about I call you to make an appointment again? B:这房子基本情况很好,我不需要重新装修。不过,我要先与我的丈夫商量。不如我给你打电话再约一次吧。 A:OK. A:好的。


A:I'd like to buy it.How much will the earnest money deposit be? A:我想要买下来。定金要多少钱? B:1% of the purchase price.Since the purchase price is $300,000,your earnest money deposit would be $3,000. B:房价的1%。房价是30万美元,所以您要付3,000美元的定金。 A:How much do I need to put down? A:我要首付多少? B:These days most lenders require a 20% down payment. B:现在大部分的银行要求20%的首付款。 A:In other words,I'll have to pay

$60,000 out of pocket? A:也就是说,我必须自己付6万美元。 B:Yes,$60,000 includes the earnest money. B: 是的,含定金是6万美元。





A:I'm thinking about getting a pet, but I'm really not sure which animal would be suitable. Could you give me some advice?A:我想养个宠物,但不知道哪种动物比较适合。你能给我些建议吗?B:How about lizards? They are not aggressive, and are easy to feed and look after.B:蜥蜴怎么样?他们没有攻击性,很容易喂养和照顾。A:That sounds ideal. I'll think about it.A:听起来很理想。我考虑一下。B:Take your time. You shouldn't make a hasty decision when choosing a pet. B:不用急。养什么宠物不能仓促决定。


A:Bill! Do you want to see a picture of my new puppy? A:比尔!你想看看我新的小狗的照片吗? B:Sure.I thought people only showed off pictures of their new babies,not new pets! B:当然。我以为人们就爱向人炫耀自己新生孩子的照片,不是新宠物的。 A:Well,this is my new baby.Her name is just “Baby”.She always chew up my shoes.But,she's a lot of fun! A:嗯。这就是我的新宝贝。她的名字就是“宝贝”。她总是啃我的鞋,但是,她太好玩了。 B: I see what you mean.She's really cute. B:我明白你的意思。她的确很可爱。


A: Aaron. Do you Americans like keeping pets very much?A:亚伦,你们美国人很喜欢养宠物吗?B:Yes, most Americans enjoy having pets around. They treat their pets as part of their family.B:是的,大部分美国人都喜欢养宠物。他们将宠物视为家庭的一员。A: But don't you think pets are sometimes noisy and dirty?A:但你不认为宠物有时很吵或很脏吗?B:Not at all. You know what? Researchers have discovered that interacting with animals lowers a person's blood pressure. Dogs can offer protection from burglars and unwelcome visitors. Cats can help get rid of the unwanted pests. B:一点都不。你知道吗,研究人员发现与动物共同生活可以降低血压,狗可以防盗贼和不速之客,猫可以除害虫。


A:Your little dog is so lovely. Can she do any tricks?A:你的小狗好可爱啊!她会一点小把戏吗?B:Yeah, but sometimes she wants to play with me, but I don't have time.B:是啊,不过有时她想跟我玩,我却没时间。A:So who takes care of her then?A:那谁照顾她呢?B:My little brother likes to play with him. He even gives her a bath every week.B:我的小弟弟喜欢跟她玩。他甚至每星期给她洗澡。A:I can't do that with my cat. She hates water.A:我不能给我的猫洗澡。她讨厌水。


A:I didn't know that you had a cat. When did you get her?A:我不知道你养了猫。什么时候养的?B:About a year ago actually. You've probably never seen her.B:大约一年前。不过你可能看不到她。A:Really?Why is that?A:是吗?为什么?B:She's not a housecat. She stays outside most of the time.B:她不是家猫。大部分时间都在外面。A:My sweet dog could never do that. He stays in the house except when we take him to the park.A:我可爱的小狗不会这样。除非我带她去公园,她总待在家里。B:I don't like housepets. They are animals and should join the nature.B:我不喜欢家养宠物,她们是动物,应该多和大自然接触。


A:Your dog is really cute.What's his name?A:你的狗真可爱。它叫什么名字?B:His name is Bingo.B:宾果。A:What kind of dog is he?A:它是什么狗?B:We're not sure because the neighbors gave him to us after they moved away.B:我们也不清楚,是邻居搬家时送给我们的。A:He sure likes to run around a lot.Is he well behaved?A:它总是喜欢不停地跑圈,它懂规矩吗?B:Oh yes,he is.B:哦,懂的。


A:Mom,did you take Dolly for a checkup?A:妈妈,你带多力去检查了吗?B:What kind of checkup do you mean?B:你说的是哪种检查?A:The newspaper says all dogs need to have a chip put in their necks.A:报上说所有家犬都要在脖子里装上晶片。B:A chip? Why?B:晶片?为什么?A:So that if your dog gets lost,you can find it again!A:这样的话,多力如果不见了,你还可以找到它!B:But do we have to? We always take good care of her!B:但我们一定要那么做吗?我们一直都把她照顾得好好的呀!





A:Could you tell me how I should send this parcel to Hangzhou? It contains magazines.A:你能告诉我如何把这个包裹寄往杭州吗?里面是杂志。B:You may send it as “Printed Matter”.B:您可以把它作为印刷品来邮寄。A:I wonder if I could have it insured here.A:我不知道在这里能不能投保险。B:Of course. How much would you want to insure these magazines for?B:当然可以。这些书您要投保多少?A:I think I can have them insured for three hundred dollars.A:我想投300美元。B:Three hundred dollars,so you pay eight dollars for the insurance. B:300美元,您得付8美元的保险费。


A:What can I do for you?A:我能为您做些什么吗?B:I'd like to buy some stamps. B:我想买些邮票。A:How many do you want to buy?A:您要买多少张?B:I need eight stamps.B:我需要8张。A:Here you are.A:给您。B:Thank you. By the way,would you tell me how much it is to send a postcard to Singapore?B:谢谢。顺便问一下,你能告诉我寄张明信片到新加坡多少钱吗?A:Sure.It will cost you five yuan.A:当然可以。要花五元。


A:Excuse me.I'd like to send this letter to the United States.Can you tell me the postage?A:劳驾,我想把这封信寄到美国,请问邮费多少?B:The postage for the letter depends on the weight and what kind of mail you'd like to use:ordinary,register or special delivery?B:信的邮资取决于信的重量和邮寄的方式:平信、挂号还是特快专递。A:Registered airmail,please.A:航空挂号信。B:Let me weigh the letter.It's overweight.You'll have to pay extra.B:我得称一称信。信超重了,你得另付超重费。A:How much is it altogether?A:一共多少钱?B:It comes to 3 yuan and 50 fen.B:一共3元5角。A:All right.Here is a 5 yuan bill.A:那好。这是一张5元纸币。B:Here's your change.It would be best if you stick on this airmail label.B:这是找回的钱。您最好将航空标签贴上。


A:How long does this letter take to get to China?A:这封信寄到中国得多长时间?B:You never can tell exactly...two or three weeks,perhaps.B:那可太难说了,也许两三个星期吧。A:Three weeks,gosh?A:天啊,三个星期?B:If it's something urgent you can use the EMS or even the UPS.EMS will only take 3 to 6 days.B:如果是急件,可以用特快专递,也可以用联合包裹快递,特快只需3到6天就可以寄到。A:That must be very expensive,I suppose.A:我想一定很贵吧。B:I am afraid so.B:是很贵。A:Anyway,I think I'll use the EMS.A:不管怎么说,我想还是用特快专递吧。B:Okay.B:好吧。


A:What does “UPS” mean?A:“UPS”是什么意思?B:“UPS”means United Parcel Service.It's another company.It's only for express parcels and it can be as quick as next day service.B:“UPS”是联合包裹快递服务的意思。这是另外一个公司了。它的服务项目仅限于特快投递包裹。快到第二天就可以送到。A:It sounds very helpful.A:听起来很有效率。B:You're right.But the rate is also good.Usually business goes to this service.B:是的,但是服务费也很高。通常商务投递用这种服务。A:Excuse me,what is the insurance rate? Is it worth the money?A:请问保险费多少?值得吗?B:It all depends on the value.Insurance rates are relatively reasonable.B:那就看你寄的东西是否值钱了。保险费相对来说还是合理的。A:Then have them insured,please.Will twenty dollars cover everything?A:好,那就加保险吧。20美元够了吧?


A:I want to pick up my package.This is the notice.A:我想要取包裹,这是邮局通知。B:Let me see.Just a minute.B:让我看看,稍等一下。A:Here it is.We need your signature on this note.A:给您。请在该通知单上签下您的名字。B:OK.By the way,what is the size and weight limit for mailing a package?B:好的。顺便问一下,邮寄包裹的尺寸与重量有什么限制?A:It is 40 yuan per kilo.The size is 100mm×100mm×100mm.It also must be tied with string.A:每千克要40元。尺寸100mm×100mm×100mm。还要用绳子将包裹扎好。B:Can you write it down for me?B:您能为我写下来吗?A:Of course.A:当然可以。





A:May I have the honor of asking you for a dance?A:我能请你跳个舞吗?B:My pleasure.B:我很高兴。A:Thank you.“The Blue Danube” is my favorite.A:谢谢。《蓝色多瑙河》是我最喜欢的曲子。B:(step on the other's foot) I'm sorry,I'm a poor dancer.B:(踩到别人的脚)对不起,我舞跳得不好。A:Never mind.You dance well for a beginner.A:没关系,对于初学者来说,你跳得很不错。


A:John,you never know he's a real genius! His wonderful voice is beyond comparison.And I'm dying for him.A:约翰,你从来不知道他是个真正的天才。他美妙的噪音无与伦比。我都迷死他了。B:I've heard he'll come to Shanghai to hold a solo concert next month.B:我听说他下个月要来上海举行个人演唱会。A:You're absolutely right.His latest album is a big hit again.I've decided to queue for a ticket tonight.A:你说的太对了。他最新的专辑再次大受欢迎。我决定了,今晚排队去买演唱会的票。B:B:别激动,凯瑟琳,现在是上班时间。


A:Look! The tiger is jumping through the buring hoops.It is so breathtaking!A:看!老虎在钻火圈呢? 多惊险啊!B:Is it dangerous?B:危险吗?A:I prefer to see the monkey walking on a wire.Look,he is holding a mini umbrella when he is doing it.A:我更喜欢看猴子走钢丝绳。看!他还举着一把小雨伞。B:I can't understand why the dogs can count.They make no mistakes.B:我不明白为什么狗也能算数,并且不出错。A:What fun it is to watch the animals perform!A:看动物表演真开心啊!B:I admire the animal tamers.They are great!B:我佩服那些驯兽员。他们真了不起。


A:I see some empty glasses.We can't have that.I'll get the next round.A:我看到了些空杯子,那可不行,我会帮大家再添一轮酒。B:That's a good mate.B:真是个好同伴。C:Cheers,John.C:干杯,约翰。B:I think I'm a bit pissed.B:我想我有点醉了。C:Me too.I need a trip to the bog.Be back in a second.C:我也是,我得去一趟洗手间,马上就回来。


A:That new dancing game is the bomb! It's 10 times better than the last version.A:那款新跳舞机太棒了!比上次那个版本要棒十倍。B:Has it got the new sensors and everything?B:它有新的感应器及所有配备吗?A:Everything.The only thing is the Eastside Mall is the only place that has it.A:全部都有。唯一的问题就是只有东区购物中心是可以玩这游戏的地方。B:Man,that place is full of bottom feeders.B:拜托喔!那个地方充满了没品位的人。A:Yes.This one was so ripe I had to cover my nose.A:没错。有个人体味好重,我都得捂住鼻子。B:Nasty.B:真讨厌。


A:This game rocks! Hey,Joe,come over here and see.A:这个游戏很有意思!嘿,琼,你快过来看看。B:What are you spazzing out about? All right,let me see this...whoa,that is cool!B:你到底在兴奋个什么劲儿?好吧,让我瞧瞧……哇,真的好酷。A:No doubt.A:毫无疑问。B:When did you get it?B:你什么时候拿到这游戏的?A:Yesterday.These graphics blow away every other game.A:昨天,这些图像真的比其他的游戏好太多了。


A:Do you have a favorite fishing hole you like to go to?A:你有没有喜欢的钓鱼场所?B:Yeah,I like taking my boat under the bridge.B:当然,我喜欢把船停在桥下钓鱼。A:I prefer to fish in the river.A:我喜欢在河里钓鱼。B:Yeah,that's also a favorite place of mine.B:对,我也喜欢那里。





A:Wow! You're all sweaty! Why are you doing sit ups?A:哇!你满头大汗呀。你为什么在做仰卧起坐?B:I am trying to firm up my muscles!B:我要让肌肉紧实!A:Why don't you join a fitness center? They have professional trainers there.We can go there together.A:你何不去加入健身中心呢?那里有专业的教练。我们可以一起去健身。B:That's a good idea.Let's go right now!B:好主意!我们现在就去!


A:Hi,Bill.You're looking very good.A:嗨,比尔,你看起来很好。B:Yeah,I joined a health club to keep in shape.B:是的,我参加了一个健康俱乐部,以保持身材。A:Do you exercise everyday?A:你每天都运动吗?B:Yes,I've been jogging for over 4 months now.B:是的,我已经慢跑4个多月了。A:I just started.I ache all over.A:我才开始。我全身酸痛。B:Yeah,I know.But it goes away.B:是的,我知道。但是会过去的。


A:The annual membership fee is only 3,000 RMB.A:会员的年费只有3000元。B:What? It sounds like daylight robbery! I just want to get thinner in a month!B:什么?这听起来根本是抢钱嘛!我只是想在一个月内变瘦一点。C:Don't you offer the month to month membership?C:你们难道没有提供月缴的会员制吗?A:Yes,we do.And you can have ten personal training classes after you register.A:是的,我们有。而且您可以在加入会员之后,拥有十次的个人训练课程。B: This sounds much better!B:这听起来好多了。


A:Why do you do aerobics for hours everyday?A:你干嘛每天跳好几个小时的有氧运动?B:Because I am trying to work extra weight off.B:因为我要把身上多余的体重甩掉啊。C: Me too!C:我也是。A:Dad,you have no extra weight to lose.You're nothing but skin and bones!A:爸!你没有多余的肥可以减。你根本就是皮包骨。C:Young man! Don't you talk to me like that!C:年轻人,看你还敢不敢这样和我讲话!A:Ah!A:啊!


A:What can I do to build up my muscles?A:我要怎么做才能增强我的肌肉?B:I would recommend you to do weights on a regular basis from now on.Now,stand straight,hold the dumbbell with one of your hands...B:我建议你从今以后,定期地做重量训练。现在,站直,用你的其中一只手拿起哑铃……A:Ouch!!!!!A:哎呀!!!!!B:Okay...Let's start with aerobics.B:好吧……我们先从有氧运动开始吧!


A:What muscles are you going to work out today?A:你今天打算锻炼哪块肌肉?B:I'm going to work on my chest and triceps.B:我打算练一下胸肌和三头肌。A:How many sets are you going to do?A:你打算练几组?B:I'm going to do five sets on each muscle group.B:我打算每组肌肉练五组。


A:Cathy,how do you keep fit? You look terrific and in good shape.A:凯西,你是怎么健身的?你看上去真棒,体型很好。B:Thank you.I do yoga twice a week and swim almost every day.B:谢谢。我一周做两次瑜伽,几乎天天游泳。A:Yoga? It sounds interesting.A:瑜伽? 听上去很有趣。B:It was hard at the beginning,but now I feel it's really relaxing.It makes me flexible.B:一开始的时候很难,但我觉得现在瑜伽使人放松,使我身体柔韧。





A:How often do you swim?A:你多久去游一次泳?B:Three times a week.B:一周3次。A:Oh,really? Where do you swim?A:真的吗?在哪儿游?B:At the YMCA in my neighborhood.B:在我们附近的基督教青年会。


A:When did you start golfing?A:你几时开始打高尔夫的?B:I picked up golf a couple of years ago.How about you?B:一两年前开始的。你呢?A:I've been golfing since 6th grade.A:我六年级起就开始玩了。B:Wow! No wonder you're so good at it.B:噢!怪不得技术这么好。


A:What's sport don't you like?A:你不喜欢什么运动?B:I can't stand jogging.B:我讨厌慢跑。A:Why don't you like it?A:为什么讨厌?B:It's too boring and it's too hard on my knees.B:太没劲,对我的膝盖也有害。


A:What's your favorite sport?A:你最喜欢什么运动?B:Generally speaking,I like all sports and games,such as running,swimming,playing ball games and so on.What about you?B:总的来说,什么运动我都喜欢,跑步、游泳、球赛等等。你呢?A:I like team sports,basketball,football and the like.I never miss NBA every week.A:我喜欢团队运动,比如篮球、足球诸如此类的。每周的 NBA 比赛我都不会错过。B:What do you mean by saying you “never miss NBA”?B:你说你从不错过 NBA 比赛,那是什么意思?A:Of course I watch them on TV.A:当然是在电视上看了。


A:Where are you going?A:你要上哪儿去?B:I am going to see the baseball game between our class and class 4.B:我要去看我们班和4班的棒球比赛。A:Where will it be played?A:比赛在哪儿打?B:It will be played on the baseball field.B:在操场上打。A:Your class has a good pitcher while class 4 is proud of its excellent batters.A:你们班有个很好的投手,而4班以出色的打击阵容为荣。B:What time will the match be played?B:比赛什么时候开始?A:10 minutes later.A:10分钟以后。B:Let's hurry up.B:那我们得赶快了。


A:Put on your swimming suit in the dressing room over there,Alice.A:你在那儿的更衣室穿上游泳衣,爱丽丝。B:(having put on the suit) The water feels cold and I'm trembling.B:(换好游泳衣) 水很冷,我在发抖。A:The waters is fine.Let's go to the deep end.First,I'll show you the backstroke.Watch carefully.You have a try.It's easy.Just imagine you're lying on a water bed.A:水温还好。我们去深水区。首先,我教你仰泳。仔细看好。你来试试,很简单的,你只要想像一下你躺在一张水床上。B:OK...help! I'm drowning.B:好……救命啊!我要淹死了!A:Relax,relax! Don't struggle like that,otherwise you'll go down.A:放松,放松!不要那样挣扎,否则你就会沉下去。


A:I used to race motorcycles before I was married.A:结婚前,我经常参加摩托车赛。B:I still do it every chance I get.Why did you stop?B:只要有机会,我现在还在参加比赛。你为什么不再参加了?A:My wife says I might get hurt.A:我妻子说我会受伤的。B:I'm lucky that I am single.I can do whatever I like.B:我很幸运仍然打光棍,可以做任何我喜欢的事。


A:Have you ever tried bungee jumping?A:你有没有尝试过蹦极?B:Bungee? No,I've never done that.B:蹦极?没有,从来没有。A:I've done it three times.A:我跳过三次。B:You're kidding! Were you scared?B:不是开玩笑吧!害怕吗?A:Oh,yeah.I was terrified for the first time.But after that I found it very exciting.A:哦,有点。第一次挺害怕的。但那次之后,我便觉得蹦极非常刺激。