
第5章 D


v. make sb. unable to see clearly or act normally because of too much light, brilliance, splendour, etc. 使眼花,使目眩n. glitter, brilliance 闪光,耀眼的光,令人赞叹的东西

dazzle sb. with sth. 因……使人赞叹不已/be dazzled by 对……感到惊讶不已,为……而倾倒

Put on dark glasses or the sun will dazzle you and you won t be able to see.



adj. causing or tending to cause death 致命的;势不两立的;死一般的;极度的;必定的

deadly sins 不可饶恕的罪行/deadly carrot 毒胡萝卜/a deadly poison 烈性毒药

It was the worst tragedy in maritime history, six times more deadly than the Titanic.

这是一起在航海史上最惨的一场悲剧,因为此次沉没造成的死亡人数是 Titanic 沉没所造成的死亡人数的6倍。(2004年6月阅读理解)

“We would lose terrestrial (陆生的)plants……this is an organism that is potentially deadly to the continued survival of human beings,”she told the commission.



adj. proper, acceptable 适当的,可接受的 satisfactory, quite good 令人满意的,相当好的

If there is one thing in which the citizens of all parts of the country have an interest, it is in the decent education of the citizens of all parts of the country.


He earns a decent wage.


Your dress isn t decent enough for the party.



adj. based on or reckoned in tens or tenths 十进位的 n. (also decimal fraction) fraction expressed in tenths, hundredths, etc. (以十分之一、百分之一等表示的)小数


adj. having a particular, important or conclusive effect 有特殊、重要或决定性效果的 having or showing the ability to decide quickly 果断的,决断的

a decisive victory 决定性的胜利/a decisive moment 关键时刻/a decisive leader 坚决果断的领导人/decisive action 果断的行动

The report brought about a decisive change in the whole policy.



n. deciding, making up one s mind 决定,决心


v. say “no” to (sth.), usually politely 拒绝(接受某事物);(通常指)谢绝 become smaller, weaker, fewer, etc.; diminish 变小,变弱,变少 n. gradual and continuous loss of strenth, power, numbers, etc. ( 力量、权力、数量等的)

decline 作“谢绝”解时指有礼貌地婉言谢绝;decline作“衰落”时常用于on the decline (在衰退中)。decline (vt.)表示比较正式地、有礼貌地“谢绝”,常用于拒绝一些社会活动的邀请或提供的帮助。decline后面可接名词或不定式。接不定式时,与refuse的意思相近。decline (vt.)作“拒绝”解时,不能以人作其宾语。如不可能说She declined him.,但可以说She refused him.(她拒绝了他。)


decline指婉言谢绝,只能由人做主语。如:She declined an invitation to dinner.她谢绝了赴宴的邀请。 refuse为一般用词,含坚决、断然拒绝的意思。如:He refused to consider the proposal.他拒绝考虑这一建议。 deny指“根本得不到”的意思,表示拒绝要求、接受、指示或不承认等。如:The boss denies our request for higher wages.老板拒绝我们的加薪要求。 reject指完全拒绝,语义最强,含抵制、否定的意味。如:He was rejected for the army because of his bad eyes.他因视力不好被拒绝参军。


vt. to devote one s time, energy, etc. to a noble cause or purpose 把……献给(用于) to declare a book, performance, etc. to be in honour of 献身于;致力于


dedicate为正式用词,如:He dedicated his life to the cause of education.他把一生献给了教育事业。 devote为一般用词,有“献身,忠于,热爱”意思,如:He devoted his life to promoting world peace.他一生致力于促进世界和平。

dedicate one s life to helping the poor 把自己的一生都献给了济贫工作


v. to consider 认为;视为 to have the opinion 相信


deem sb. worthy of support 认为某人值得支持

Being thin is deemed as such a virtue.


The judge deemed it inadvisable to hear the appeal.



n. the state of lacking sth. essential 缺乏;不足 sth. imperfect 缺点;缺陷

deficiency作“缺点”解时,有时可与defect通用。如:Her deficiencies(或defects) as an organizer were soon discovered.(作为组织者,她的缺点不久就被发现了。) deficiency前面有不定冠词a时,通常后接of。如:a deficiency of food(食物不足);deficiency前面有定冠词或其他指示代词时,后接in或of。如:the deficiencies in personnel and equipment(人员缺乏装备不足)。

a deficiency of 缺乏

Connected to a wavefront sensor that tracks and measures the course of a laser beam into the eye and back, the aluminum mirror detects the deficiencies of the cornea, the transparent protective layer covering the lens of the human eye.


After all, true vitamin deficiencies are practically unheard of in industrialized countries.


In spite of mental deficiency, he managed to do a good job.



n. amount by which sth., esp. a sum of money, is too small 不足额( 尤指款项)赤字;亏空额

An energy tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports and cut the budget deficit.


It is, more important, an educational campaign to highlight the contemporary reality of “racial deficits” of all kinds, the unequal conditions that impact blacks regardless of class.



vt. disobey or refuse to respect (公然)违抗;藐视 challenge to do sth. on believes he cannot or will not do 挑;激 be so difficult as to make impossible 使成为不可能

defy public opinion 藐视舆论/defy someone in authority 蔑视当权的人/defy the law 藐视法律/defy deion 难以形容

As soon as the boy was able to earn his own living he defied his parents strict rules.



v. pass into a worse physical, mental or moral state than one which is considered normal or desirable (体力或精神)衰退;堕落;恶化 adj. having lost the physical mental or moral qualities that are considered normal or desirable 衰弱的;颓废的;堕落的 n.degenerate person or animal 堕落的人;退化的动物

degenerate into 退化为,堕落成为/degenerate into a mere formality 流于形式/a talented degenerate 有才气的堕落分子/degenerate behavior 堕落的行为

Thrift is desirable, but do not let it degenerate into avarice.



v. cause(sb.) to be less moral and less deserving of respect 贬低(某人); 降低(某人)的身份;使(某人丢脸) (cause sth. to) become less complex in structure (使某物)降解;分解;退化

degrade oneself 自甘堕落/be degraded from public office 被开除公职/be degraded into 堕落成为……/degrade sb. to a lower position 将某人降职

She thought that many supposedly erotic pictures degraded women.



n. a person acting for one or more others 选举(委派)……为代表v. to appoint as one s representative 代表;代表团成员 to give part of one s power, right, etc. for a certain time 授(权);把……委托给别人


delegate指任命的代表,或代表团的代表; deputy指委派的代表; representative指普通选举出来的代表。如:They were delegates to the Eleventh Congress of the Communist Party of China. 他们是中国共产党第十一次全国代表大会的代表。如:I must find someone to act as a deputy for me during my absence. 我必须找一个人在我不在时代表我。如:He is a representative of the people. 他是人民代表。

delegate... to... 把……委托给……

While US executives give both responsibility and authority to their employees, Japanese executives delegate only authority — the responsibility is still theirs.


He said his government hadn t appointed any delegates.



adj. done on purpose 故意的;有意的;蓄意的 unhurried; careful 不慌不忙的;小心翼翼的;审慎的 v. think or talk carefully 仔细考虑


n. statement that sth. is not true 否认 refusal to grant 拒绝;拒绝给予

give a denial to the rumor 辟谣, 否认谣传/issue a denial of the story 申明否认那个传说/make a denial of sth.否认某事/give sb. a flat denial 断然拒绝某人/to the denial of 否定……/a denial of justice 不予公平处理/official denials 正式否认

Failure in a required subject may result in the denial of a diploma.



vt. to be the name of 意为;是……的名称 to be the mark of 表示;是……的标志

denote, indicate

denote 指用符号等指示。如:The sign X denotes an unknown number.X符号表示一个未知数。 indicate 指表明特征、症状、原因等。如:Fever indicates illness.发烧表明有病。

denote displeasure 表示不高兴/red flares denoting danger 用作危险标记的红色火焰

In algebra, the sign “X” denotes an unknown quantity.



to speak or write against 谴责;指责

denounce sb. as traitor 痛斥某人是叛徒/denounce sb. to the authorities 向当局告发某人/denounce sb. for neglect of duty 指责某人渎职

The massrally at the Town Hall denounced him as a traitor.



n. person whose work is filling, cleaning and taking out teeth, and fitting artificial teeth 牙科医生


v. portray; describe in words 描绘;描述

depict realistically 逼真地描绘/depict South Sea life vividly 生动地描写南海生活/depict the splendor of the sunrise 描绘日出壮丽景观/depict a scene 描绘景色/depict... as... 把……描绘成……/depict a government as inept 把一个政府描绘成无能政府

Youth is always depicted as a time of vitality and good health.



vt. to take away from 剥夺;夺去 to prevent from using 使……丧失

deprive常与介词of连用。如要表示“剥夺某人某物”,用deprive sb.of sth.的结构,不可用deprive sth.from sb.。如;They deprived him of his property.(他们剥夺了他的财产。)


deprive指凭权威剥夺;如:The law deprives criminals of their right to vote. 法律剥夺了罪犯的选举权。 rob指用暴力抢夺。如:He was robbed of the rewards of his labours. 他被非法剥夺了他的劳动报酬。

deprive sb. of sth. 使某人失去某物/the city s deprived area 城市里的贫民区


n. person descended from another后代,后裔


n. coming or going down 下来;下去 origins; ancestry 出身;血统;祖先;祖籍 attack 攻击 change to behaviour that is low and unworthy 堕落

a descent of temperature 气温的下降/the descent of an airplane 飞机的降落/a steep descent 陡坡/an American of Chinese descent 华裔美国人/claim descent from 声称是……的后代/be of good descent 出身名门

I can trace my descent back to a family in Kent, England in the sixteenth century.

我可以将我的祖先追溯到 16 世纪英格兰肯特郡的一个家族。


v. mark or point out clearly 清楚地标出或指出 choose sth./sb. for a special purpose 为某目的选择某人或某物 give a particular name, title or position to sb. 给某人某名称、称号、职务或地位

designate sb. for/to some office 任命某人担任某职/designate an officer for/to the command 任命某军官担任指挥官/unless otherwise designated 除非另外指定(或委任)/designate boundaries 标明界限/designate sb. as a scoundrel 称某人为无赖

Churches are all designated on the map by crosses.



v. feel contempt for sb./sth. 鄙视;藐视;看不起

despise sb. for sth. 因……而鄙视某人/despise sth. 鄙视……

Honest boys despise lies and liars.



n. intended for some special purpose 命中注定的;预定的 intended by fate; intended for a particular place 以……为目的(地)的

be destined to 注定要……

Could it be that science, which has long played a minor role in exploration, in at last destined to take a leading role?


That land was destined for a new supermarket.



n. power believed to control events 命运


adj. causing destruction or serious damage 破坏(性)的;危害的

a destructive storm 破坏力强的风暴/a destructive criticism 消极的批评,非建设性的批评/be destructive of 破坏/be destructive to 对……有害

Hurricanes are killer winds, and their destructive power lies in the physical damage they can do.


More companies are learning the importance of destructive technologies——innovations that hold the potential to make a product line, or even an entire business segment, virtually outdated.



v. unfasten sth. from sth. 将某物拆下;拆开某物;分开某物 send away from the main force to do special duties 分遣

detach... from... 把……和……分开/be detached from the main building 与主楼分开/detach a locomotive from a train 使火车头与列车脱离/detach oneself from reality 脱离实际

He detached his watch from the chain.



n. person, esp. a police officer, whose job it is to investigate and solve crimes 侦探


v. become worse in quality or condition 变坏;变质;恶化

deteriorating economic conditions 恶化的经济状况/deteriorating health 恶化的健康状况

The patient s condition has stopped deteriorating since the operation.



vi. stop following (a course, standard, etc.) 背离;偏离

deviate from the usual path 偏离正常路线/deviate from the principle 违背原则/deviate from the facts 背离事实/deviate to minor issues 偏离到次要问题上去/deviate to the right 偏右

Each workday, the workers followed the same schedules and rarely deviated from this routine.



v. find out the nature of an illness by observing its symptoms 诊断(疾病)

diagnose an illness 诊断疾病/diagnose... as... 诊断……为……/diagnose the pupil s reading difficulties 找出学生阅读困难的原因

Researchers at several other institutions are investigating the usefulness of tears as a means of diagnosing human ills and monitoring drugs.


He diagnosed the recent increase in crime as due to too few foot patrolmen.



n. sort of food that is usu. eaten 通常吃的食物;日常食物 v. eat only some foods or a little food, esp. to lose weight 节食


v. see or show sth. to be diferent 看出或指出两者不同;区别 treat in a different way 区别对待(人或事物)

differentiate between two objects 区分两个物体/differentiate between right and wrong 分清是非/differentiate between good and evil 区分善与恶/differentiate a species from another 区分物种/differentiate varieties of plants 辨别各种植物


v. to spread out freely in all direction 扩散,(使)弥漫 widely spread 传播,散布 adj. using too many words and not keeping to the point 扩散的,冗长而离题的

diffuse knowledge 传播知识

But in legal systems, the responsibility for revenge becomes depersonalized and diffused.


He so diffused his talent that he never became a real success in anything.



n. quality that earns or deserves respect; true worth 高尚的气质;可贵的品质;真正的价值;尊严;尊贵

beneath sb. s dignity 有失体面地,有失身份地/mock dignity 假正经/the dignity of the occasion 场合的庄重/harm sb. s national dignity 损害某人的民族自尊心/lose ones dignity 有失体面/lower one s dignity 降低身份/maintain one s dignity 保持某人的尊严/pocket one s dignity 放下架子,抑制自尊心

A man s dignity depends on his character, not his wealth.



n. situation in which one has to choose between two undesirable things or courses of action 困境,进退两难的局面

a selfimposed dilemma 自己招来的窘境/be in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地/in the dilemma of life and death 处于生死两难之境/be caught in a dilemma 陷入进退两难的境地/face a dilemma 面临两难选择/place sb. in a dilemma 使某人处于左右为难的境地/solve a dilemma 摆脱困境

Doctors are often caught in a dilemma because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not.


Nevertheless, if Canadalevel pricing came to the United States, the industry s profit margins would drop and the pace of newdrug development would slow. Here lies the American dilemma.


Parents often faced the dilemma between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.



v. make a liquid or colour thinner or weaker by adding water or another liquid 稀释;使颜色变淡;掺水

dilute... with... 用……稀释……/dilute wine with water 用水把酒冲淡/dilute acid 稀酸,淡酸/a dilute solution 稀释溶液

Only when diluted with water can this liquid be used to sterilize.



v. decrease 变小;变少;缩小;减少;降低 devalue 减低某人或某物的重要性;贬低

diminish强调由于某种动因而减除或可以觉察到的后果损失。如:Their funds were greatly diminished by their extravagance.(由于挥霍浪费他们的资金大大减少了。)His sense of personal initiative is cultivated instead of being diminished.(他个人进取的观念正在培养而不是衰退。)


diminish为庄重用词,特指逐渐地缩减; lessen 为日常用词,可指数量、程度、分量、价值或势力的减少。如:The opposition are trying to diminish our achievements. 反对派正在试图贬低我们的成就。They are trying hard to lessen production cost. 他们正在努力降低生产成本。

gradually diminish 逐渐减少/greatly diminish 锐减/diminish in size 尺寸缩小/diminish in population 人口减少/diminish the supply of water 减少供水

Environmental worries and diminishing oil reserves would prohibit mass car use anywhere else.


Our enthusiasm for the work diminished as time went on.



v. eat dinner 进餐;用饭 give a dinner for sb. 设宴款待某人;宴请某人

dine out外出进餐(尤指在餐馆)/dine in 在家吃饭/dine on sth. 吃……/dine together 一同进餐

She told me that she would have to dine with Helen tonight.



n. certificate awarded for passing an examination, completing a course of study 毕业证书;毕业文凭

Failure in a required subject may result in the denial of a diploma.



n. (book with a )list of telephone subscribers, business firms, etc. 电话簿;商行名录


to make a person unable to use his body properly 使残废,使丧失(身体某部分)功能 take away (from a person) a power or right 使……无权

disable常与介词from+名词或动名词连用。disable是动词,常用于被动语态,表示因病、伤而失去做某事的能力;unable是形容词,意为“无法的;无能的”。unable后可接动词不定式,而disable后不可接动词不定式。如:He was unable to sleep because of his anxiety.(他由于焦虑无法入睡。)


adj. being or causing a disaster 灾难性的;造成灾害的;失败的

a disastrous mistake 造成大祸的失误/disastrous floods 灾难性的水灾/a disastrous fire 损失惨重的火灾/a disastrous failure 惨败/a disastrous marriage 极不幸的婚姻/a disastrous score 极糟的比分

This period was more disastrous for farmers than earlier times had been, because farmers were no longer selfsufficient.


Investing his savings in that dubious stock was disastrous.



vt. to see, notice, or understand, exp. 看出,察觉出 with difficulty  认识,了解


discern 指在许多事物中,经过观察思考能清楚地辨别(认)出一事物,含有集中视力、注意力的含义,有时指用肉眼在朦胧中看清某物。如:I could dimly discern his figure.我能模糊地看出他的身影。 distinguish 意为“区别,辨别”,普通用词,指用五官去辨认事物的特性,辨别差异不同,认识真伪。如:He is easily distinguished by his uniform.从他的制服很容易辨认出他来。 discriminate 意为“区别,识别”,指清楚地识别,含有需要理智的努力的意思。如:You must try to discriminate between facts and opinions.你必须尽力区别事实和意见。

discern good and/from evil 识别善恶

He could discern the shadowy figure of a man standing among the trees.



v. allow sth. to be seen; make sth. known 使某物显露;公开;透露

disclose one s name 透露某人的姓名/disclose the truth 公开真相/disclose a secrete 泄露秘密/disclose information to sb. 向某人透露信息/disclose one s intentions 透露某人的意图/disclose one s view about sth. 透露对……的看法

They disclosed her name and address to the press.



n. amount of money taken off the cost of sth. 折扣 v. ignore 不重视;不相信;不理会

Age has its privileges in America, and one of the more prominent of them is the senior citizen discount. Anyone who has reached a certain age--in some case as low as 55——is automatically entitled to a dazzling array of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life.



n. difference; failure to agree 差异;不符;不一致;

There are obvious discrepancies between what you practise and what you preach.



adj. separate; distinct 分离的;截然分开的

discrete units 互不相关的单位/discrete meanings 不相关联的词义

Speech sounds are produced as a continuous sound signal rather than discrete units.



v. to make a clear distinction;distinguish 歧视,区别,区别待遇

discriminate against sb./in favour of sb. 歧视/偏袒某人/racial discrimination 种族歧视

It was alleged that the restaurant discriminated against black customers.



n. disguised condition 化装,伪装 vt. to change the usual appearance, etc. 假扮,化装 so as to hide the truth 伪装 to hide the real state of things 掩盖

disguise sb.as...作“把某人扮作……”解。disguise...by(或with)...作“用……掩盖或掩饰……”解。如:She disguised her sadness with a happy smile.(她强颜欢笑掩盖自己的悲哀。)

in disguise 伪装/make no disguise of 公开,坦白/with disguise 隐瞒,虚伪

The disguised killer disappeared into the night.



n.to destroy the courage or resolution of by exciting dread or apprehension

沮丧,惊慌 v. fill sb. with dismay 使沮丧,惊慌

to one s dismay 使某人惊慌(沮丧)的是

Skeptics were dismayed several years ago when a group of societies including the American Medical Association tried to end the debate by issuing a joint statement: “At this time, well over 1 000 studies.., point overwhelmingly to a causal connection between media violence and aggressive behavior in some children.”

几年前,包括美国医学会在内的几家团体试图通过发表联合声明来终止这种争论,声明中说:“到目前为止,已有1 000多项研究……以压倒性优势指出了媒体暴力与一些儿童的攻击行为之间存在因果关系。”(2006年6月阅读理解)

The travelers were dismayed to find that the bridge had been washed away.



v. send sb./sth. off to a destination or for a special purpose 派遣(某人);发送(某物);给某人/某物致命的一击;杀死 n. dispatching 派遣;发送;急件;电讯

dispatch a messenger 派遣使用者/dispatch sb. on an errand 差遣某人/dispatch a boy to the shop to buy bear 派一个小男孩去商店买啤酒/dispatch troops to the front 向前线派遣部队/dispatch a parcel 发送包裹/dispatch letters/telegrams 发出信件/电报/dispatch invitations 发出请帖/a dispatch case 公文包/a dispatch boat 通信快船/a dispatch carrier 急件递送员

He dispatched a messenger to tell the king what had happened.



v. to scatter in different directions (使)分散/散开, (使)消散

scatter, disperse

scatter指使用力量向不同方向撒播或散开。如:She scattered the bread crumbs on the grass for the birds.她把面包屑撒在草地上喂鸟。 disperse指有目的地安全地散开或彻底地散开。如:After school the children dispersed to their homes.放学后,孩子们四散回家。

disperse a crowd 驱散人群/disperse troops along the bank 使部队沿河岸散开/disperse doubts 消除疑虑/disperse knowledge 传播知识/disperse handbills among the crowd 在人群中散发传单

Groups of police were dispersed all along the street, when the Queen was to pass.



v. move from the usual or correct place 使某人/某物离开原位 take the place of 取代;替代

displaced person (因战争、饥荒、政治等原因) 被迫流落异国者,失去家园者,难民/displaced homemaker (因离异、丧偶等原因)失去生活来源的家庭妇女/people forcibly displaced by the invaders 被入侵者强行赶出家园的人们

Many of the inhabitants were displaced by the rising floodwaters.



n. person s natural qualities of mind and character 性情;性格 arrangement 安排;布置

disposition to sth./to do sth. 意向;倾向


vt. to treat as not worthy of regard or notice 不理会,不顾,漠视 n. lack of proper attention to sb. or sth. 忽视,漠视


disregard指有意无视,不管,不顾。如:He disregarded his doctor s advice.他无视医生的忠告。 ignore指有意不理睬,无意忽视。如:The reckless driver was fined for ignoring a red light.那个鲁莽的司机因闯红灯被处以罚款。 neglect指没有给予应有的注意或关心,或疏于尽义务、职守。如:It seems to me that he has been neglecting his duties. 我觉得他一直在玩忽职守。 overlook指因不专心或仓促而疏忽、忽略,不注意或不加细察。如:My calculation was wrong because I overlooked one decimal point.我的计算错了,因为我疏忽了一个小数点。

a disregard for...一种对……表示出的漠视/不尊重/one s disregard of...某人对……的忽视

The boy s disregard of his study led to his failure. 这男孩因忽视学习而考试不及格。


v. cause disorder in (sth) 将(某事物)弄乱;扰乱(某事物)

disrupt work 打乱了工作/disrupt the traffic 使交通中断

An accident of the collision of a truck with a train has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.



v. to cause to disappear or scatter (使)消失,消散 to waste foolishly 浪费,挥霍

dissipate fear 消除恐惧/dissipate doubt 消除疑虑/dissipate ignorance 消除愚昧/dissipate one s energy 消耗精力/dissipate one s wealth 挥霍财富

Whenever he passed through te forest at night he would whistle so as to dissipate fear.



v. turn a liquid to vapour by heating and then collect the drops of liquid 蒸馏;吸取或提取某事物


v. pull or twist sth. out of its usual shape 扭曲;弄歪;使某物失真;歪曲;曲解

distort a shape 使变形/a face distorted by pain 因疼痛而扭曲的脸/a distorting mirror 哈哈镜/distort the truth 歪曲事实/distort one s motives 曲解某人的动机


v. to cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest;divert 使某人分心;转移

be distracted by/with 被……搞得心烦意乱;被……搞得要发狂/distract from 使(人)分心,分散(注意力等)

The sport distracted me from the stress for a while.



vt. to cause to turn aside or from one use or direction to another 使转移,转向; 转移……的注意力

divert oneself in 以……消愁解闷,以……取乐

A loud noise diverted my attention from cooking and everything was burnt.



adj. of, from or like God or a god 上帝或神的如同神灵的;好极的 v. sense by intuition 猜测

divine beings 神灵/divine help 神助/believe in the divine right of kings 相信君权神授说/divine weather 极好的天气/a divined hat 一顶漂亮的帽子


n. dividing or being divided 分;分割;划分;单位,部门(如处、科、组、军队的师等)


adj. feeling as if everything is spinning around 头晕的;昏乱的;使人眩晕的 v. make sb. feel dizzy 使某人眩晕

be dizzy from lack of food 由于没吃东西而感到头晕/be dizzy with pain 痛得发晕/look down from a dizzy height 从令人头晕目眩的高度往下看

The children ran in a circle until they were dizzy. 那些孩子们一圈一圈地跑,一直跑到头晕目眩。


n. part of a port where ships go for loading, unloading or repair 码头;船坞 part of a criminal court here the accused sits during his trial (刑事法庭的)被告席 v. (of a ship) come into dock (指船)进港;进入船坞


n. set of beliefs held by a church, political party, group of scientists, etc. 教义;主义;学说;信条


n. lands owned or ruled by a nobleman, goverment, etc.; field of thought, knowledge or activity 领地;领土;领域;范围;范畴

the human domain 人类的活动范围/violate aerial domains 侵犯领空/be out of sb. s domain 非某人所长/be in/within one s domain 是某人的专长/public domain (美)公有地;不受版权或专利权限制的状态/in the domain of science 在科学领域

The awarding of lands as domains to the nobleman led to the weaking of the central government.



n. rounded roof with a circular base 穹顶;圆屋顶;圆顶形物


adj. most important or prominent 最重要;最突然的;占支配地位的


v. have control of or a very strong influence on sb./sth. 支配;统治;控制;影响


v. give (money, goods, etc.) to a charity 捐赠;赠送

donate blood 献血/donate generously 慷慨捐赠/donate a certain sum of money 捐助一笔钱/donate to the Red Cross 向红十字会捐款

He tried to persuade the rich man to donate some money for orphanage.



vt. to condemn sb. to death, destruction, failure, etc. 注定,命定n. a tragic fate 劫数,厄运

be doomed to ( do) 注定

The plan was doomed to failure from the start.



a. very probably 很可能的 certainly 无疑的,肯定的

The policeman doubtless noted something different about the fellow s accent.



n. draining or being drained 排水;排水系统;排出的污水

drainage system 排水系统/drainage ditches 排水沟/drainage of a swamp 沼泽地的排水/the drainage of rain water into the cellar 雨水渗入地窖/improve the drainage 改善排水系统

To make flooded land fertile we must improve the drainage.



a. having a strong or violent effect 激烈的,迅猛的; 严厉的

be drastic about 严厉地对待

Drastic changes are necessary to improve the government of the country.



n. disadvantage 不利条件;缺点;障碍

the major drawback to studying English 学习英语的主要障碍/remedy a drawback 消除弊端/remove a drawback 排除障碍/a drawback to progress 进步的障碍

You may develop a rash, Otherwise, the main drawback is having to sit in front of the light for 30 to 60 minutes in the morning. That s an inconvenience many winter depressives can live with.


The great drawback to live in the suburb is that it is not convenient to shop.



a. causing great fear or anxiety; very unpleasant 可怕的,极糟糕的


dreadful “十分可怕的,令人惊恐的”,指引起强烈的恐惧和不安,特指将要来临的危险,语气比 fearful 强。如:It is dreadful to contemplate the possibility of another war. 想到会爆发另一次战争就让人感到害怕。 horrible 是指感情上极端的厌恶、恐怖,有“令人毛骨悚然的、战栗的”、“怕得发抖”的含义。如:They committed horrible crimes. 他们犯下了骇人听闻的罪行。

a dreadful accident 可怕的事故/a dreadful godly beauty 令人敬畏的天神之美/a dreadful movie 极糟糕的影片/dreadful disorder 极度的混乱/do dreadful damage 造成极大的破坏


n. (period of) continous dry weather 干旱(时期)

combat drought 抗旱/fight drought 抗旱/a droughtsticken area 旱灾地区/a prolonged drought 久旱不雨, 长期干旱/a drought of three months 3 个月的干旱


adj. having two parts or aspects 两部分的;二体的;二重的;双的

dual carriageway 复式车行路,双向公路/dual citizenship 双重国籍/dual nature 双重性/dual personality 双重人格/dual purpose 双重目的/dual role 双重角色,双重作用/dual degree 双学位

The room has a dual purpose, serving as both a study and a bedroom.



adj. not certain and slightly suspicious 半信半疑的;不能确定的

a dubious character 可疑的人物/a person of dubious reliability 不大可靠的人/a dubious compliment 含义不明的恭维话

Why do you go around with such a dubious fellow who may be a criminal?



adj. exactly like sth. else; 完全一样的;完全相同的v. make an exact copy of sth. 复制n. one of two or more things that are exactly like 相似物;复制品

in duplicate 双份地;双重地


vi. to live 居住 to think 凝思,细想 speak, write at length about 详谈,详细论述

dwell on 老是想着,评述,强调

The book, which will be out in English next year, doesn t dwell on the sinking.


Please don t dwell too much on the painful memories. Everything will be all right.


Let bygones be bygones. Don t dwell on the past too much.
