
第21章 T


n. small measured amount of medicine compressed into a solid form; pill 药片。


v. deal with or overcome 处理,解决 (in football, hockey, etc.) try to take the ball from (an opponent) by intercepting it ( 足球、曲棍球等)拦截,抢截。


n. a means of getting a desired result 手段 (pl.) art of placing or moving fighting forces in a battle 战术 (pl.) procedure adopted in order to achieve sth. 策略。

The general planned his tactics for the following day s battle.



v. become twisted into a confused mass 乱作一团,纠缠 n. confused condition 混乱。

get tangled in a quarrel 被纠缠到一场争吵中/tangled hair乱做一团的头发。

The power failure had tangled up traffic in the city.



n. a black substance, thick and sticky when hot and hard when cold, used for making roads, pressing wood, etc.柏油,焦油,沥青 v. to cover sth. with tar 用柏油覆盖。


n. a tax to be paid on imports and exports 关税,税率 a list of fixed prices for meals, rooms, etc. charged by a hotel, restaurant, etc. 价目表,收费表。

hotel tariff 旅馆收费表/raise the customs tariff 提高,关税税率/tariff barrier 关税壁垒。

In order to protect their domestic industries,many countries have tried to raise tariff barriers against foreign goods.



v. to make fun of (a person or animal) playfully or unkindly 取笑,戏弄。

tease sb. unmercifully 无情地戏弄某人/tease a cat 逗弄小猫。

Don t take what she said seriously; she was only teasing.



n. a person s nature, esp. as it influences how he thinks, behaves, or acts in general 气质,性情,性格。

an artistic temperament 艺术家气质

Missy s master does not expect an exact copy of her. He knows her clone may not have her temperament.

Missy的主人并不期望 Missy 的完美复制品,他知道 Missy 的复制品不可能有 Missy 的性情。(2005年1月阅读理解)。

We all agree that she is a girl with an artistic temperament.



n. speed or rhythm of a piece of music 速度,节奏 pace of any movement or activity (运动或活动的)步调。

the correct tempo for a dance tune 正确的舞曲节奏/keep pace with the tempo of the day 跟上时代飞快的步伐。

This long stroke has upset the tempo of production.



n. person who pays rent to a landlord for the use of a room, a building, land, etc. 房客,租户,佃户

The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house in accordance with the terms of the contract.



adj. made or done only as a suggestion; not certain 尝试性的,不确定的。

Bill s lenses are expected to reach the market in the year 2000, and one tentative plan is to use the Internet to transmit information on patients visual defects from the optician to the manufacturer, who will then produce and mail the contact lenses within a couple of days.

比尔的眼镜有望在 2000年上市,初步计划利用因特网把患者的视力缺陷信息从眼镜商传到制造商。然后,制造商在两三天内制作好并将其寄出。(2003年6月阅读理解)

What we make was a tentative suggestion, we ll wait and see the effect.



v. to come to an end 停止,中止,结束。

作vi. 时后可接with or in,表示“以……结束(告终)。with还可用于vt。

terminate an interview 结束会见/terminate (sth.) with 以……结束(某事)/告终/terminate a contract终止合同。

If we terminate our relations with that country, we ll have to find another supplier of raw materials.


If Japan terminates its relation with that country it will have to find another supplier of raw materials.



n. raised level area of ground or a series of these into which a hillside is shaped so that it can b cultivated 台地,梯田 flight of wide shallow steps, e.g. for spectators at a sports ground 台阶如运动场之看台上)v. form (sth.) into a terrace or terraces 使成阶地,使成梯田。


n. stretch of land, with regard to its natural features 地形,地貌,地带。


adj. terrible; horrible 害怕的,吓人的 very great, extreme 极度的,非常的。

a terrific view of the mountaintop 山顶的美妙风光/terrific weather 极好的天气。

We had such a terrific time at the disco last right that we could hardly tear ourselves away from it.



vt. to fill with terror or fear 使害怕,使恐惧,恐吓。

be terrified后接介词at,by,of,with等,表示“受……惊吓”,“被……吓一跳”;“害怕……”等意思。如:He was terrified at the deafening explosion.(他被震耳欲聋的爆炸声吓了一跳。)She was terrified of being killed in an air raid.(她很害怕在空袭中被炸死。)

terrify sb. out of one s mind 吓得要死/be terrified of 害怕/terrify sb.into doing sth.恐吓某人做某事。

I was terrified when the tiger ran towards me.



v. give evidence; declare as a witness, esp. in court; be evidence of sth. 证明,证实,作证(尤指出庭)。

testify about a case 对某个案件作证/testify one s regret 表示歉意。

He is the only person who can testify in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.


Supporters of the biotech industry have accused an American scientist of misconduct after she testified to the New Zealand government that a genetically modified (GM) bacterium could cause serious damage if released.


The fingerprint experts was summoned to testify in court.


Others would detail how an hour of babysitting often turns into a crying marathon. More grandparents would testify that they had to pay for their grandchild s expensive college education.



n. a formal statement that sth. is true, as made by a witness in a court of law 证据,证词 any information in support of a fact or statement 表明,说明

testimony可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。afford(或produce) testimony to(或of)是“提出……的证明”。bear testimony to是“证明”,如:They were called in to bear testimony to what the police officer said.(他们被传来证明警官所说的话。)

give false testimony 作伪证/be/testimony of 证明,表明/in testimony of 表明,表示/give testimony for 为……做证明。

According to the witness testimony. you were present when the crime was committed.



n. way a surface, substance or fabric looks or feels to the touch, ie its thickness, firmness, roughness, etc (一物体表面、物质或织物的)质地,外观,手感(如厚薄、软硬、粗细等)。

the texture of a garment 衣料的质地/the texture of a mineral 矿物的构造。

Their outward appearance seems rather appealing because the come in a variety of styles, textures, and colors.


We can feel the texture of a garment.



n. holiday in the U.S.A. (on the fourth thursday in November) and canada (on the second Monday in October), originally set spart for giving thanks to God 感恩节。


n. (act of instance of) stealing 偷窃,盗窃。


n. the subject of a talk or piece of writing 主题,题材。


n. the treatment of illness of the mind or body, esp. without drugs or orperations 治疗,疗法。

That s why nobody has ever separated the real effects of light therapy from placebo(安慰剂)effects.



adv. after that 此后;其后。

You will be accompanied as for as the border; thereafter you must find you own way.



adj. of heat, warm or hot 热量的,温暖的,热的

thermal springs 温泉


n. statement or theory put forward and supported by arguments 论点,论题 long written essay submitted by a candidate for a university degree, dissertation 论文,学位论文。

submit a thesis 提交论文/test a thesis 检验某一论点。

The positive side argued their thesis better.



n. feeling caused by a desire or need to drink 渴,口渴 strong desire, craving 渴望,热望。

My sister always has a thirst for knowledge.



n. sharp pointed growth on the stem of a plant 棘 thorny tree or shrub 荆棘 person or thing that continually annoys or hinders one 不断令人生气或苦恼的人或物。


n. piece of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway; point of entering or beginning sth. 门槛;入门,开端。

cross sb. s threshold 走进某人家门/be welcomed on the threshold 在门口受到欢迎。

As one of the youngest professors in the university, Mr. Brown is certainly on the threshold of a brilliant career.



n. a sudden, very strong feeling of excitement兴奋,激动 pleasure or fear引起激动的事物 v. to feel a thrill 使(突然)兴奋,使激动。


give sb. a thrill 使某人激动/thrill with horror 恐怖得毛骨悚然/thrill with excitement 激动得不能自己/a thrill of pleasure 一阵愉悦的刺激。

We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news.



n. light and regularly repeated sound, esp that of a clock or watch 滴答声(尤指钟表的) moment 一会儿 mark put beside an item in a list to show that it has been checked or done or is correct (画于表册上的项目旁边,表示已核对、已做或正确无误的)记号,对号

I ll be down in half a tick.



n. slab of baked clay or other material used in rows for covering roof, walls, floors, etc. 瓦片,瓷砖。


v. (cause sth. to) move into a sloping position( 使)倾斜,歪斜 n. tilting, sloping position 倾斜,倾斜的位置。

tilt to the right 向右倾斜/at a tilt 倾斜着/give a tilt 使倾斜。

An ice storm had turned the decks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families sliding into the sea as the ship tilted and began to go down.


She smiled with an upward tilt of her head.



n. wood prepared for use in building or carpentry 木材,木料。


adj. occurring at just the right time, opportune 适时的,及时的。


adj. easily frightened, shy 胆怯的,羞怯的。

as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠/a timid reply 战战兢兢的答复/a timid look 怯生生的样子。

Don t be so timid! Ask your employer for an increase in salary.

不要如此胆小! 去向你的老板要求增加工资。


n. an outward sign or sth. that represents some fact, event, feeling, etc., 标志,象征,记号 a piece of metal used instead of coins for a particular purpose; serving as a sign or pledge of 信物,纪念品。

sign, signal, mark,token

sign 最普通用语,有时是有意的,有时是无意的。如:There was no smoke, no sign of man.没有烟火,没有人迹。 signal 却总是有意的。如:A red light is usually a signal of danger.红灯通常是危险的信号。 mark 指印在物品上的印迹,常作比喻用。如:Who made these dirty marks on my book?谁在我的书本上弄了这些污迹? token 为庄重用语。如:He gave his wife jewel as a token of his love.他给妻子这件珠宝作为他爱情的信物。

by the same token 由于同样的原因,同样地/as a token of 作为……的标志,表示,作为……的纪念品/in token of 作为……的标志,表示。

I am giving you the book as a goingaway token.



adj. having or showing tolerance 容忍的,宽容的

be tolerant towards sb. 宽容某人/a remarkably tolerant person 非常宽容的人

Of all the children she is the most tolerant.



v. throw sth. lightly or carelessly or easily 投,掷,抛 n. tossing action or movement 投,掷,抛。

toss a ball to sb. 把球扔给某人/win the toss 掷钱币猜赢/toss a salad 拌色拉。

The child was tossing feverishly on its bed.



v. pull (sth.) along with a rope, chain etc. 拖,拽,牵引 n. act of towing sth. 拖拽。

two a damaged ship into port 拖一艘破损的船入港/tow a boat with a rope 用绳拖船。

You can t leave your car here, or the police might tow it away.



n. large stretch or area of land 广阔的地面,地带 system of connected ubelike parts along which sth. passes 道,束pamphlet containing a short essay, esp. on a religious or political subject 小册子(指宗教或政治内容的)。

tract house 成片开发的住宅房屋/a big tract of land 一大片土地。

Some youngsters of the sect handed out campaign tracts on the street.



adj. of or related to tragedy, very sad, unfortunate 悲剧的,悲惨的。

The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.



n. a particular quality of sb.or sth. 特征,特点,性格。

trait, characteristic, feature

trait, characteristic 和 feature 均有“特性、特征”的意思。 trait 主要指人或民族的性格或心理特征,是持久、长期习惯性的行为,而非一时性或暂时的行动。如:Two traits in the American character are generosity and energy.美国人性格的两大特点是豪爽和充满活力。 characteristic 是指人、物或抽象的特点或特征,是识别他人或他物的明显标志,常用于科技方面,也用于日常生活,但显得过于正规。如:An elephant s trunk is its most noticeable characteristic.象的鼻子是象最显著的特征。 feature 是指显著的非常显著的特点,具有足以引人注目的部分或细节,常用于生理、自然条件、物品等,常表示正面的意义。如:The beautiful hills form a feature of the outskirts of this city.美丽的群山是本市郊区的一个特色。

national traits 民族性/an acquired trait 后天的特性/the chief traits of sb. s character 某人性格的主要特征/have good traits 具有好的特性

Understanding and compassion are two important traits found in a priest.



n. transacting 办理;处理 piece of business transacted 业务;交易。

conduct transactions 进行交易/conclude a transaction 达成交易 transcend。

v. be or go beyond 超出,超越 be much better or greater than sb./sth. 胜过,优于。

art that transcends the cultural barriers 超越文化界线的艺术。

The desire for world peace transcends national boundaries.



adj. lasting for only a short time 短暂的,转瞬即逝的 n. person who stays or works in a plane for a short time only, before moving on 过客,暂居者。

a transient worker 临时工/a transient guest 暂住的客人。

Their happiness was to be sadly transient.



n. the act of moving people or goods from one place to another 运输,运送。

a transit company 转运公司/transit goods 转口货物/in transit 在运输中,在途中/the overland transit 陆上通道/the transit from war to peace 从战争到和平的转变。

Even in Western europe, with fuel prices averaging more than $ 1 a liter and with easily accessible mass transit and dense populations, cars still account for 80 percent of all passenger travel.

即使是在西欧,虽然燃料的平均价格超过了 1 美元1升,而乘坐公交车出行方便,城市的人口密度也很大,但小汽车仍是80% 的乘客首选的交通工具。(2000年6月阅读理解)。

The goods were damaged in transit.



n. changing from one state or condition to another 转变,变迁;过渡。

undergo a transition 经历一次转变/a quick transition 迅速变化。

There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite is the transition from fall to winter.


The transition from childhood to adulthood is always critical time for everybody.



v. remove (a plant) from one place and plant it in another 移植,移种 take (tissue or an organ) from one person, animal or part of the body and put it into another 移植(器官,组织)。

a cornea transplant 角膜移植/transplant a kidney 移植肾脏。

Some seedlings do not transplant well.



adj. lying or acting in a crosswise direction 横向的,横断的。


n. ditch dug in the ground, eg for drainage or to give troops shelter from enemy fire 沟;渠;堑壕;战壕。

irrigation trenches 灌溉渠。

The workmen dug a trench or the new waterpipe.



n. racial group, esp. one united by language and customs, living as a community under one or more chiefs 种族,部落。

There are still some primitive tribes in the heart of Africa.



n. sth. done, said, or given to show respect or admiration for sb. 颂词,称颂 payment made by one country to another as the price of peace, protection, etc. 纳贡,贡物。

pay(a) tribute to the hero 向英雄致敬/pay the tribute to 向……最后告别/be a tribute to 是……的成果/one s tribute of praise 颂词/earn sb. s tribute of respect 赢得某人的尊敬。

I d like to pay tribute to the office staff for all the hard work they ve put in on this project.



n. an article or thing of little value or slight importance 琐事,小事 matter of slight importance 小物品,小玩意儿 v. to deal lightly with someone without necessary seriousness or respect 轻视,小看。

waste time on trifles 为琐事浪费时间/trifle with sb. s affections 玩弄某人的感情/a trifle 有点儿,稍微/stick at trifles 拘泥于小节(常用于否定句)/trifle with 轻视;翻弄;玩弄。

One should not get angry about such a trifle.



vt. to set off;initiate 引发,引起,触发n. the small tongue of metal pressed by the finger to fire a gun 扳机。

easy on the trigger触发;引起。

He aimed at the far target and squeezed the trigger.


Using this information,the amygdala appraises a situation—I think this charging dog wants to bite me—and triggers a response by radiating nerve signals throughout the body.



adj. three times as much or as many 三倍的,三重的 v. (cause sth. to) become three times the amount or number 使增至三倍。

the triple jump 三级跳。

After all, the world s population has more than tripled during this century, and world output has risen hugely, so you would expect the each itself to have been affected.



adj. that has little importance 不重要的,无价值的。

trivial matters 琐事/a trivial offence 小过失。

This matter is too trivial to worry about.



v. push or fold or turn the ends or edges (of cloth, paper, etc.) so that they are hidden or held in place (布、纸等)叠拢,卷起 put into a convenient narrow space for protection, safety, etc. 塞进 n. flat fold stitched into a garment, etc. to make it smaller or for ornament (衣服的)褶。

tuck away 存放,隐藏/tuck sth. up 盖好被子。


v. pull (sth.) hard or violently 用力拉,拖拽n. sudden hard pull 拖,拉 (=tugboat) small powerful boat for towing ships, esp. into harbor or up rivers 拖船。

tug a boat to shore 把船拖到岸边/tug repeatedly 反复地用力拉。

We tugged so hard that the rope broke.



n. teaching or instruction, esp. that given to individuals or small groups 教学,讲授 fee paid for this, esp. in colleges and universities 学费。

half tuition 一半学费/receive free tuition 免收学费。

I ve already paid a year s tuition.



v. to fall suddenly or helplessly 跌倒,滚下 to roll over and over翻滚to fall rapidly in price.

trifle with作“轻视,小看”解,如:The merest trifle puts him out.(区区小事就会使他忐忑不安。)也可作“戏弄;玩弄”解。如:Don t trifle with his feelings.(不要玩弄他的感情。) It s a mere trifle.(这不过是小事)。

tumble to 恍然大悟,突然明白/tumble upon 偶然发现。

Stock market prices tumbled, after rumors of rise in interest rates.



adj. stormy, violent and disorderly 汹涌的,动荡的。

a turbulent mob 一群暴徒/turbulent current 激流。

Rumors are everywhere, spreading rear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into turbulent ones.


The police couldn t control the turbulent demonstrations, so troops came to give them a hand.



n. amount of business done by a company within a certain period of time (一定时期的) 营业额 rate at which goods are sold and replaced in a shop (商店的)货物周转率 rate at which workers leave a factory, company, etc and are replaced 人事变动率。

annual turnover 年营业额/increase turnover 增加营业额。

They made a profit of $ 2 000 on a turnover of $ 20 000.



n. private teacher, esp. one who teaches a single student or a very small group 私人教师,家庭教师。