
第2章 A


adj.different from what is ordinary or expected 不正常的;变态的

abnormal phenomena (behavior) 不正常现象(举动)/abnormal weather condition 不正常的天气/be physically (mentally) abnormal 身体上/精神上的不正常


v. get rid of completely 废除;废止,取消

abolish多指完全废除某项制度、法律或风俗习惯等。如:abolish a system(取消一种制度);abolish death penalty(废除死刑)。

abolish, eliminate, cancel

abolish 通常指用暴力或法律手段废除旧制度、旧风俗;如:They abolished the old rules. 他们取消了旧规章。eliminate (消除,除掉)是指淘汰或消灭不需要的东西。 如:We must eliminate any possibility of error. 我们必须消除任何出错的可能性。cancel (取消)主要指取消计划、约会等,或删去某个词句、图表等;因某种意想不到的原因而临时取消。如:The sports meeting was cancelled. 运动会取消了。

abolish old customs (slavery, poverty, child labor, a department) 废除旧习俗(废除奴隶制度消除贫困,禁雇童工,撤消机构)/abolish capital punishment 废除死刑/abolish homework 取消家庭作业/abolish the law 废除法律/abolish examination 取消考试

There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished.



adj. very sudden 突然的,意外的 bad tempered (性格、举止等)唐突的;鲁莽的

an abrupt death 暴死/an abrupt turn 急转弯/an abrupt manner 无礼的态度

That long airplane ride, the abrupt change of climate, was more than she could take.


I m sorry I was so abrupt when we met, but I was in a hurry and I couldn t stop and talk with you.



adj. unreasonable 不合理的,荒唐的 foolish 不合理的;愚蠢的


absurd 是指人的言行明显地与客观事实不符合或不符合逻辑、人情和常识而使人觉得奇怪荒唐。如:It was absurd of you to judge a person by appearance. 你以貌取人是荒唐的。 ridiculous指人们的行为愚蠢到非常不合情理,使人觉得可笑,甚至成为笑柄。如:That hat makes you look ridiculous. 你戴那种帽子使人看起来滑稽可笑。

an absurd theory 荒谬的理论/an absurd request 荒谬的要求

It is absurd that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.


It was absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.



n. a great supply 大量 more than sufficient quantity 充裕 great plenty; wealth 多量,富有

In just a few short years, globalization has started a variety of trends with profound consequences: the opening of markets, true global competition, widespread deregulation (解除政府对……的控制) of industry, and an abundance of accessible capital.



n. a thing that is a useful or decorative extra 附件;配件 the hat, shoes, etc. that complete a woman s clothes 装饰品 a person who is not present at a crime but who helps someone else in doing,either before the crime 同谋,从犯,帮凶


an accessory to a crime 犯罪同伙/an accessory of a car 汽车的一种附件/the accessories of a bicycle 自行车的附件/a green wool suit with matching accessories 有配套装饰品的绿色毛料西服/accessory parts 附属零件


vt. give someone a place to live or stay 向……提供膳宿 have space for 容纳 get into agreement or into adjustment 使适应

accommodate作“向……提供住处”解时,用accommodate sb.with sth.的结构。此时的accommodate与provide和afford同义,但结构不同:accommodate sb.with sth.=provide sb.with sth.=afford sb.sth.。accommodate作“使适应”解时,用accommodate oneself to sth.(或sb.)的结构。此时的accommodate与adapt同义。

accommodate, afford, provide, supply,furnish

accommodate, afford, provide, supply和furnish 均有“提供,供给”意思。 accommodate常指供给住宿、饮食、娱乐;作“提供”讲时,常指物或钱财,也用于抽象事物。如:I shall endeavour to accommodate you whenever possible. 只要有可能我将尽力帮你。 afford多用于指抽象事物。如:History affords us lessons that merit attention. 历史给我们提供了值得注意的经验教训。 furnish常指提供生活或某种用途所需要的东西。如:Who will furnish farm tools to them? 谁为他们提供农具? provide强调提供或准备储备或装备以供所需,暗示预见性,有时还含有免费供应的意思。如:The book provides us with some knowledge of America. 这本书给我们提供了一些有关美国的知识。 supply指供应或提供需要的东西,有时指补充所缺水或所需要的东西。如:We try to supply the refugees with clothes. 我们设法向难民提供衣服。

accommodate oneself 使自己适应/accommodate sb. with 向某人提供/be well accommodated 设备齐全/ accommodate sb. for the night 留某人过夜/accommodate sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物/accommodate a party 为一个聚会提供膳宿/accommodate sb. with a loan 给某人提供贷款/accommodate one s plan to 调整某人的计划以适应……

The new hotel built a few months ago is large enough to accommodate over 600 people.



vt. give; grant; be consistent with 给予(称赞,欢迎等)vi. & n. 符合;一致

表示“给予”时,接双宾语,也可在间接宾语前用to;作vi. 时,后接with。

in accord with, in agreement with,in accordance with

in accord with, in agreement with 和in accordance with均有“与……一致”的意思,但前面两个不及第三个使用普遍。前两个可作表语,不作状语用。表示“根据……”作状语时,用in accordance with。如:In accordance with your instructions, we have suspended our work. 根据你方的指示,我们已中止了我们的工作。如:That was in full(perfect, complete) accord with the common desire of our two people. 这完全符合我们两国人民的共同愿望。

in (out of) accord with 与……(不)一致 /with one accord 齐心协力地;一致同意/of one s own accord 出于自愿;主动地

His violent actions do not accord with his peaceful words.



vt. admit 承认;认为……属实 make known that one has received 告知(信件、礼物等)已收到 express thanks for 对(礼物)表示谢忱

acknowledge sb. (sth.) as (to be)...认为某人(某事)是……;acknowledge+宾语(名词或动名词);接复合宾语。acknowledge着重“公开承认”过去隐瞒或曾经否认过的事。如:acknowledge a secret marriage(承认秘密的婚事)。


acknowledge指公开承认,也指不情愿地承认,特指对先前可能否认过、隐瞒过或为人们所不知的一些令人为难的事作公开的承认;如:I acknowledge myself(as) beaten. 我认输了。 admit是指在压力下不得不承认一件已经证实、难以继续否 认或不可否认的事;如:My opponent had to admit that I was far better than him. 我的对手只好承认我比他强得多。 confess“承认,供认”,语气比前两词强,指正式自愿承认罪恶、错误、缺点,或坦白秘密,有时也用来表示谦逊。如:He has confessed his crime in court. 他在法庭上坦白了自己的罪行。

acknowledge defeat 承认失败/acknowledge doing sth. 公开承认做过某事/be acknowledged as 被认为……/an acknowledged expert 公认的专家

Professor Hawking is acknowledged as one of the world s greatest living physicists.



vt. make known 介绍 make familiar with 使了解;使认识

acquaint 是“使……认识”,而不是“认识……”。因此,“我认识他”,应是“I am acquainted with him.”而不是“I acquaint him.” 注意acquaint的几种主要用法:acquaint oneself with(知悉,了解)。如:acquaint oneself thoroughly with every aspect of a question(使自己对一个问题的每个方面了如指掌);acquaint sb.with(把……通知某人,使某人了解)。如:acquaint Western readers with recent happenings in China(向西方读者介绍中国最近的动态);be acquainted with(与……相识;了解)。如:We are acquainted with each other.(我们互相认识。)

inform, acquaint

inform, acquaint都有“通知”意思。 inform使用最普遍,通常指通知事(人),传递消息,报告情况,所通知的具体内容可接of或that从句表示;如:Her letter informed us how and when she expected to arrive. 她的信告诉我们,她怎样以及何时可望到达。 acquaint指通知某件较复杂的事实和情况,或使对方了解某一事物的细节,强调前所未知的事实或知识,后接with,表示具体内容。如:Let me acquaint you with the facts. 让我把事实真相告诉你。

acquainting oneself with 知悉了解/acquaint sb. with 把……通知某人

The purpose of the survey was to acquaint the inspectors with the local economic situation.



n. something or someone acquired 获得物;增添的人(物) the act of acquiring 取得;获得


acquisition指得到的难以得到的、可贵的物或人,尤指其内在价值高而被人们所追求的目标。如:He will be valuable acquisition to the teaching staff of our school. 他将成为我校新请到的难得的师资。 acquirement常指通过学习或练习获得的一种技能。如:Her musical acquirements are unusual. 她的音乐技艺不凡。

These books are my most recent acquisitions.



v. to put (an inactive military unit) on an active status by assigning personnel, equipment, etc. to it 使活化,使激活 to make radioactive 刺激,使活泼 to make active; cause to engage in activity 使活动,使加速,触发 to make capable of reacting or of accelerating a chemical reaction 加速反应

Activated by self motives, he became insatiably avaricious.


This button activates the heating system.



adj. (of feelings or the senses)keen; sharp; quick (指感官、智力)敏锐的;尖锐的;伶俐的 important enough to cause anxiety; very great 严重的

acute, crucial, critical

acute, crucial, critical 均有“危急的,紧要的”的意思。 acute 通常指需要或缺乏的东西到了危急程度,需要给予补充、增加。如:an acute water storage 严重缺水。 crucial 用于指实际的危急的形势,期望迅速采取决策或得到外援,含有将产生决定性的结果,此时刻常令人担忧、焦虑、恐惧,或以渴望的心情期待。如: at the crucial moment 在紧要关头。 critical 指在危急中或转折点的紧急关头,也用于指极度缺乏紧缺的东西。如:a critical time in the nation s economy 在国民经济危急时期。

an acute angle 锐角/an acute observer 敏锐的观察家/an acute disease 急性病 /acute pain 剧烈的疼痛

He is an acute observer.


After that the struggle inside the party grew more acute.


Pneumonia is an acute disease.


He is suffering from acute appendicitis.


An acute shortage of skilled workers is becoming a handicap to our expanded reproduction.



v. to stick fast(to) 粘着,附着 to remain faithful to,support firmly 忠于;坚持


adhere 和 stick 都表示“坚持”,如果坚持的是意见、计划、决定、原则,两个词都可以用,但 adhere 语气较强。如坚持一种活动,表示不断做下去,应用 stick to, 不用 adhere to。如:They adhere to their original plan. 他们坚持原来的计划。如:He sticks to his own opinion.他固执己见。

adhere to a belief坚持一种信念/adhere to a principle 坚持原则/adhere to a rule 遵守规则


adj. very close 接近的 either touching or almost touching 毗邻的 next 邻接的

adjacent to 毗邻

The house adjacent to the church is the vicarage.


The two families live on adjacent streets.



v. to be next to 贴近 very close to 邻近 or touching (one another) 毗连

the adjoining room 邻室


v. to control (esp. the business or affairs of a person or group) 管理;照料 to put into operation; make work; give 执行;实施;给予 to give (the official form of a promise or religious ceremony) 使(某人)宣誓


adj.& n. a boy or girl in the period between being a child and being a grown person;young teenager of about 13~16青春期之男孩或女孩(的);青春期(的)


n. the approach or arrival of (an important person, event, etc.) (重要人物、事件等的)来临,到来

With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.



adj. antagenistic or hostile;unfavourable 不利的,有害的,反对的,敌对的

The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.



advertising 做广告;登广告public announcement (in a newspaper,on television,etc.)广告,告白

advertise the goods 为商品做广告 /advertise for a job 登求职广告/advertise for a new secretary 登广告招聘一名新秘书


n. a person, esp. a lawyer, who speaks in defence of or in favor of another person 辩护者;律师 a person who speaks for or supports an idea, way of life, etc. 提议者;拥护者v. to speak in favor of, support (esp. an idea or plan) 辩护;主张;提倡(特指意见或计划)

Freedomofspeech advocates accused the societies of catering to politicians, and even disputed the number of studies (most were review articles and essays, they said).



adj. of, in, from, or concerning the air 空气的 moving or happening in the air, esp. through being supported by wires 在空气中移动或发生于空中的n. a wire, rod, of framework put up, often on top of a house, to receive radio or television broadcasts 天线


adj. concerned with beauty and the appreciation of beauty 有关美的;美学的

aesthetic standards 美学标准 /an aesthetic sense 美感 /an aesthetic person 有美感的人

Their furniture was more aesthetic than practical.



v. esp. of a society or group to join or connect 加入或联合

affiliate oneself to/with 作为会员加入……

The research center is affiliated to the university.



v. to declare (usu. again, or in answer to a question) 断言;确定;肯定 to promise to tell the truth in a court of law, but without mentioning God or the Bible in the promise 在法庭上宣誓,讲真话


affirm指坚信不疑地宣称;如:He affirmed his love for her.他发誓爱她。 assert指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称;如:He asserts that he was not there, but ten people say they saw him.他声称他当时没有在那里,但10个人都说看见他在。 allege指在无真凭实据的情况下宣称、断定;如:It was alleged that the accused man had been seen at the scene of the crime.据称曾看到被告在犯罪现场。 maintain是指固执己见的主张;如:Some people still maintain that the earth is flat.有些人仍然坚持说地球是平的。 claim是自称。如:He claimed that he was the best student in the class.他自称是班里最好的学生。 declare指国家、政府、团体或个人以口头或书面形式公布、正式地表示态度、说明事实真相、发布消息或政策。如:The weather bureau declares that the rain will soon stop.气象局宣布说雨不久将停止。

In war the state affirms its supreme power over the individuals within its own borders.


The suspect affirmed that he had been at home when the robbery was committed.



v. (usu.passive) to cause to suffer in the body or mind,trouble (通常被动)使身体或精神受痛苦,折磨

afflict... with 以……折磨/be afflicted with 为……所折磨

I wish you wouldn t afflict me with your everlasting complaints.



v. to make more serious 恶化 make worse 加重 to annoy 加剧

aggravate作“加重,使恶化”解时,指明显加强了那已是令人不快的、困难重重的环境和条件的严重性,说明严重性的增加,要求给予注意。如:His bad temper was aggravated by his headache.他的头痛使他的脾气更坏了。作为aggravate(vt.加重)的同义词intensify和enhance,则有其各自的侧重点。intensify 指一事物的加深、加强到很显著、罕见的深度或强度。如:A clear atmosphere intensifies the blue of the sky.清净的空气使蓝天更蓝了。enhance指靠增添某种能增强某物的价值、魅力或声望的东西,以使某物超出常规水平或通常的喜人程度或吸引力。如:Health enhances beauty.健康使人更美。

be aggravated at sth. 因某事而恼火/be aggravated with sb. 对某人感到恼火

The financial problem of this company is further aggravated by the rise in interest rates.



v. to shake (a liquid) or move (the surface of a liquid) about 摇动(液体)或搅动(液体)表面 to cause anxiety to; trouble; worry 使不安;困扰;使忧虑 to argue strongly in public or to act for or against some political or social change 当众激烈地争论,鼓吹或极力反对某项政治或社会改革

be agitated about sth. 对某事感到焦急/agitate for sth. 为某事进行鼓动


n. very great pain or suffering of mind or body 痛苦;创痛

turn on the agony 为博取同情而过分宣泄痛苦/in agony (agonies) 在痛苦中

The patient lay in agony until the doctor arrived.


“The fire saved us the agony of deciding what to keep and what to get rid of,” one woman wrote.



adj. to one s liking, pleasant 令人愉快的;宜人的 ready to agree; willing 欣然同意的;愿意的

agreeable weather 宜人的天气 /an agreeable voice悦耳的声音/agreeable to sb. s tastes 适合某人爱好的

I am agreeable to do what you suggest.



n. a warning to be ready for danger 警戒(状态)v. to warn 戒备(状态) ready to act 警报 adj. to be watchful 警易的

宾语后可接介词to,也可接不定式。alert作形容词“留神的,警惕的”用时,与watchful同义。但前者后接介词to,而后者后接介词of。如:alert to danger=watchful of danger(对危险保持警惕)。on the alert后面可接for,也可接against。如:on the alert for(或against) any strange noises(警惕着任何奇怪的声音)。alert sb.to sth.作“提醒某人注意某事”解。

be alert to 对……很警觉/on (the) alert (for) 处于警(戒)务状态;密切注意着/alert sb. to sth. 警告(某人注意某物/事)

The sign set up by the road alerts drivers to a sharp turn.



n. person who is not a naturalized citizen of the country in which he is living 外侨;外国人 adj.belonging to another country or race 外国的;异邦的 so different in nature or character as to cause dislike or opposition 敌对的

A lot of immigrants had difficulty adapting to an alien culture.



vt. to assert to be true; affirm; assert without or before proof 断言;宣称;提出(作为理由)

allege作“宣称,声称”解时,常指无证据或未找到证据时的宣称。allegealleged(a.被说成的;被断言的;尤指在证据不足的情况下被指控的;靠不住的;所谓的)如:an alleged thief(窃贼嫌疑);an alleged antique vase(一只可能并非真品的古董花瓶);sb. s alleged friend(某人所谓的朋友)。

allege one s innocence 声称自己无罪

The suspect alleged that he had not been in the neighbourhood at the time of the crime.



vt. make pain, suffering less or easier to bear 减轻(痛苦,紧张等);缓解

alleviate指暂时和部分地减轻,通常指治疗或服药后收到的效果。如:Oil of cloves will alleviate a toothache.(丁香油能减轻牙痛。)而其同义词relieve却指充分地减轻某种负担,从而使其变得能够忍受或被暂时忘却。如:He smoked frequently to relieve nervous tension.(他一支接一支频频抽烟来消除神经紧张。)

alleviate a crisis 缓和危机 /alleviate pain 减轻疼痛 /alleviate shortage 缓解短缺

The medicine alleviated his pain but did not cure his illness.



n. the act of allying or the state of being allied 结盟 a group or association, esp. of countries, formed to look after the interests of its members联盟 a union of families by marriage 联姻

in alliance with 与……联盟

They are in alliance with each other.



vt. put on one side, as a share or for a purpose 分派;分配;把……拨给

后接宾语或双宾语,也可接宾语+介词(to, for等)。allocate sb. to certain duties=allocate certain duties to sb.。

allocate sth. to sb. 将某物分配给某人

The government has allocate over $ 100 million to the job creation programme.



n. sth.,esp.money,provided regularly or for a special purpose 津贴 the taking into consideration of facts that may change sth.,esp.an opinion or judgment 承认,认可

She has an allowance of 50 yuan a week.



v. join or become joined with st. by treaty, marriage, etc. 与某人结盟、联盟或联姻n. one that with another in order to give help and support 同盟者,同盟国

The small country allied itself with/to the stronger power.



adv. close to the side of sth. 在……旁边, 与……并肩地

alongside of 在旁边,与……并肩

We brought our boats alongside.



adj. first the one and then the other 轮流的;交替的 follow one another, in turn 替换的;预备的v. arrange or perform by turns, appear one by another 轮流;交替

表示轮流做某事时,后接in doing sth.表示变化无常时,后接between doing sth. alternate (v.)只指两个人或事物的交替,并不怎么强调连续性。如:alternate workers on an exhausting job(繁重的工作要让两个工人轮流去做)。

alternate between happiness and gloom 时而愉快,时而忧郁/alternate in doing sth. 轮流做某事/alternating current 交流电/alternating temperature 变温/work alternate with play 工作和娱乐交替进行/on alternate Thursdays 每隔一个星期的星期四

Professor Smith and Professor Brown will alternate in presenting the series of lectures on American literature.

Smith 教授和 Brown 教授将轮流主持关于美国文学的系列讲座。


n. a person without experience or skill in a particular art, sport, etc. (艺术、科学等的)业余爱好者adj. not professional 业余(爱好)的; 外行的


an amateur in golf 爱好打高尔夫球者/an amateur of philosophy 爱好心理学研究者

Radio is not his speciality. He is a radio amateur.



n. a diplomat of the highest rank who is the official representative of his country in another country 大使,特使

roving ambassador 巡回大使


adj. having more than one possible meaning 含糊不清的;引起歧义的;模棱两可的

an ambiguous answer 模棱两可的答复,含糊的回答/an ambiguous future 前途未卜

Fortunetellers are good at making ambiguous statements such as “Your sorrows will change.”



adj. full of ambition,esp.for success or money 有野心的,有雄心的

be ambitious for 热望得到……/be ambitious to do sth. 热望做某事

My sister is quite ambitious and plans to get an MA degree within one year.


There are bound to be problems with such an ambitious scheme.



v. become better by getting rid of faults 修订;修改

amends表示赔偿,单复数同形,如:She accepted an amends.


alter是指部分改变,在原来的基础上做些变更。如两个词都作不及物动词用时,词义相同。如:This coat is too big. It has to be altered.这件上衣太大,得改一改。 amend也作“改变,修正,改正”讲,主要用于规章制度、合同、协议等文字的修改或行为等改正。如:You must amend your pronunciation.你必须纠正你的发音。

amend a constitution (the UN Charter) 修改宪法(联合国宪章)/amend conditions in the slums改善贫民窟的生活环境

The members of the club voted to amend the constitution.



adj. enough or more than is necessary 充足的;充裕的 with plenty of place 宽敞的;宽大的

ample用作“充足的”解时,一般修饰抽象的、精神的东西,不修饰数量不定的物质名词,但可以这样表达:an ample supply of rice充沛的食品供应。


adequate 指数量或质量刚好达到要求,“适中的”;如:The supply is not adequate to the demand. 供不应求。 sufficient 与 enough 均可指“足够”满足物质方面或精神方面的某种需要;如:Is one hundred yuan sufficient for the expense of your journey? 100元旅费够用吗? ample 指不仅满足需要,而且还有多余。如:They have ample evidence to believe what you said is true. 他们有充分的证据相信你所讲的是真实的。

have an ample supply of oil and natural gas 石油和天然气的供应量很充裕

The city government plans to complete its study of the local economy in five years. This is ample time to do a through and complete study.



vt. make large or fuller,esp give fuller information,more defails,etc,about 扩大;放大;扩充;详述 increase the strength of (voltage or current,etc.)增强(电压或电流等)

amplify voice/sound 放大嗓音(声音)/amplify one s effort 加大努力/amplify an idea 详细解释某一思想

A manufacturer can amplify the demand of a product by advertising widely.



n. a comparison based on similarity 类比,比拟,相似,类似 process of reasoning based on such similarity 类推

后常接between 或with,to。

draw/make an analogy 作类比/a close analogy 极为相似/a forced analogy 牵强附会/the analogy of sound to light 声与光的相似/by analogy with 从……类似/on the analogy of 以……类推

To help students understand how we see, teachers often draw an analogy between an eye and a camera.


The lecturer explained the nervous system of the body by drawing an analogy with a telephone exchange.



v. separate sth. into its part in order to study its nature or structure 分析,分解 examine and explain 观察,研究,解释

analyze water into oxygen and hydrogen 把水分解成氧气和氢气/analyze away unnecessary elements 分解掉不需要的成分


n. messenger from God 天使

To most of us, she is an angel.



n. yearly return of the date of an event; celebration of this 纪念日,周年

a wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日

Next Friday is the anniversary of the day I first met you.



adj. with a name that is not known or not made public 不知姓名的,名字不公开的 written or given by sb. who does not reveal his name匿名的,不具名的

an anonymous letter/phone call /Email 匿名信(电话、电子邮件)/an anonymous writer/donor 不署名的作者(捐助者)/anonymous looking houses 无特色的房子

Every American who hopes to “make it” also knows the fear of failure, because the myth of success inevitably implies comparison between the haves and the havenots, the stars and the anonymous crowd.



adj. of the regions around the South Pole 南极的

the Antarctic Circle 南极圈/a typical antarctic plant 典型的南极植物


adj. being old and therefore valuable古董的 being of an earlier period 古代的 n. a work of art or some other thing from the ancient world 古董;古器

antique, ancient, old

antique, ancient, old 均有“老的”意义, antique 是指古老而有价值的东西至今还留存,此词作名词,作“古老,古董,古物”讲; ancient 是指古老的,在很久以前发生或存在的事物,其反义词为modern,当指人时表示年迈,而 antique 不能指人; old 是普通用语,指物时,其反义词是new,指人时,其反义词是young。

The vase is a genuine antique.



n. (pl. appendixes, appendices) section that gives extra information at the end of a book or document 附录 small tubeshaped bag of tissue attached to the intestine 阑尾

two appendixes/appendices to a book 一本书的两个附录/imperialism and its appendices 帝国主义及其附庸

I ve recently had my appendix removed.



v. show approval by clapping the hands 鼓掌表示欢迎或赞赏 express approval of 赞成,赞许


n. the act of working out the value, quality 估计;估量;评价 or condition of sth. 鉴定

make an appraisal of sth. 为某物作估价

He made a realistic appraisal of the international situation.



adj. enough to be noticed 可看得出的;可估计的 or considered important 相当大的;可观的

an appreciable change 可以察觉到的变化

There was a(n) appreciable drop in the temperature.



n. anxiety about the future; fear 忧虑,担心,恐惧 understanding 理解,领悟 seizing; arrest 逮捕,拘押

entertain/have some apprehension of... 对……有点担心/be filled with apprehension 充满恐惧


adj. having a natural or habitual tendency to do something 易于;有(做某事)倾向 exactly suitable 恰当的 quick to learn and understand 聪明的,反应敏捷的

be apt at sth./doing sth.善于做某事 be apt to do sth.易于做某事;倾向于做某事

Shoes of this kind are apt to slip on wet ground.



n. part of the circumference of a circle or some other curved line 弧 thing with this shape 弧形物v. form an electric arc 形成电弧,产生弧光

an arc of 110° 110度的弧形 /arc furnace 电弧炉/an arc lamp 弧光灯/arc welding (电)弧焊


n. a curved top on two supports, e.g. under a bridge or window 拱,拱架结构 v. to form an arch or make into the shape of an arch 使……弯成弓形adj. playful in a deliberate or an affected way 调皮的,淘气的

an arch bridge 拱桥/an arch dam 拱坝/an arch roof 拱形屋顶

A bridge arches the canal.



n. a person who plans new buildings and is responsible for making sure that they are built properly 建筑师,设计者

The construction of this building was in the charge of a famous architect.


This building was designed by a wellknown Chinese architect.



adj. of the regions around the North Pole 北极的,北极区的very cold 极冷的,严寒的

the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋/the arctic regions 北极地区; the Arctic circle 北极圈


v. place (esp. armed forces, troops, etc.) in battle order 部署(尤指兵力)dress or cloths (sb./oneself) 穿着 n. impressive display or series 展示,陈列;一系列 clothes; clothing 衣服,服装

an array of facts (proofs) 一系列的事实(证据)/the array of fine china 系列优质陶瓷

Anyone who has reached a certain age—in some case as low as 55—is automatically entitled to a dazzling array of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life.



adj. expressing or be able to express thoughts and feelings clearly, esp. in words 善于表达的 to speak, esp. clearly and effectively 口齿清晰的v. speak sth. clearly and distinctly 清楚明白地表达某事

be articulate about everything in the field of economics 对经济学领域里的一切都讲得头头是道/articulate his ideas 表达自己的观点

You have to be articulate to be good at debating.


At the age of 90, he was still sharpwitted and articulate.



v. go or come up (sth.); climb up to go or move upward or to a higher position 攀登;登上

climb, ascend, mount, scale, rise

climb (爬似的)攀登,费劲地或曲折地向上爬,语义很强;如:We climbed to the top of the mountain at last.我们终于爬上了山顶。 ascend 指不一定费很大力气向上,有逐渐上升的意义。如:The path ascends from there.小路由那儿开始上坡。 mount 指一步一步向上移动,也指跳跃升高,还有乘骑在……之上的意义。如:The child mounted the ladder slowly.那小孩慢慢地爬上了梯子。 scale 与 climb 意义相似,也指费力向上攀登,着重于要克服一些障碍向上攀登,要耗费体力,需要熟练的技巧或精心的努力,还指借助于工具向上攀登,如翻墙、上树等。如:Some prisoners scaled the prison walls and escaped.一些囚犯爬上监狱的围墙逃走了。 rise 仅指上升,不一定含有费力和艰苦的意思,用得广泛,也可引申为“上涨,增长”等,其主语也可以是抽象事物。如:The fog rose from the river.雾从河面上升起。

ascend a hill (ladder) 登山(梯子)/ascend the throne 登上王位;登基/ascend to the top of the tower 登上塔顶


vt. to discover 查明(事情真相) get to know 确定

ascertain通常指有目的地调查、研究以求得真理或发现事实,调查者须先认识到自己的无知,然后通过有意识的努力去寻求真理或发现事实。如:With careful research,it is possible to ascertain the often unspoken assumptions held by people of a particular historical era.(通过仔细研究,有可能弄清某一特定历史时期的人们那些往往未被言明的假设。)而同义词discover是对已经存在但不为人所知的事实进行有目的地探索、调查而获知或偶然发现。如:The historian of our times will surely discover that the word “reality” is of central importance in his understanding of us.(我们时代的历史学家一定会发现,“现实”一词对他了解我们是最重要的。) ascertain后面可接由how,who,where,what等连词引导的宾语从句。如:The police are trying to ascertain exactly who were at the garden party.(警察试图确切地查明参加游园会的人。)

ascertain the truth 查清事实的真相/ascertain the rumor 查明谣言

We shall probably never be able to ascertain the exact nature of these subatomic particles.


Two nationwide sampling tests were carried out to ascertain the English level of students entering universities in 1982 and 1983。

进行两个全国性的抽样测试目的在于查清于 1982年和1983年入学的学生的英语水平。


to consider to be the cause, or origin, reason or author of 把……归于;把……推到……上

attribute, ascribe

attribute 和 ascribe 均有“把……归于”的意思。 attribute 表示根据判断或一定理由认为“某事物属于或源于另一事物”,强调客观成分多。如:We attribute our success to wise leadership of the Party.我们把成功归于党的英明领导。 ascribe 表示凭猜想或某一事实推理“一事件是由某人或某事造成的”,强调主观成分重。如:The police ascribed the automobile accident to fast driving.警方认为这次车祸是开快车造成的。

ascribe... to 把……归因于;把……归属于

The famous scientist ascribed his success to hard work.

这位著名的科学家将其成功归因于刻苦勤奋。(2000 年1月阅读理解)

He always ascribed his failure to bad luck.



n.a sudden violent attack 袭击v. to attack suddenly and violently 袭击;攻击

an assault on sb./sth. 对……的进攻;袭击

Some music is an assault on the ears.



vt. to state or declare forcefully 宣称;断言 to make a claim to 维护;坚持

assert作“断言”解时,暗示说话者有显著的肯定性或力量。如:As early as 1808 Jefferson s cabinet asserted that the United States had a common interest with the revolutionists in excluding European influence.(早在1808年杰斐逊内阁就肯定地说,在排斥欧洲势力方面,美国与革命者有共同的利益。)而同义词declare是进一步、公开地申明,其含义是正式的、公开的、明确的宣告,并非个人的声明。如:The continental Congress declared that the colonies were free and independent.(美洲殖民议会宣告殖民地自由独立了。) assert oneself意为“维护自己的权利”。

assert oneself 坚持自己的权利;表现自己/assert sth. to be true 断言某事是真实的/assert one s authority 维护自己的权威

He wished to assert himself at work but did not know how to do it.



n. sb. or sth. that is considered useful or valuable 宝贵(有益)的人(物);优点;长处 sth. such as a house that has value and that may be sold to pay a debt (pl.) 资产

personal assets 动产/real assets 不动产

He has invested five percent of his assets in gold.

他把自己5% 的资产投于黄金。

A good education is an asset you can fall back on for the rest of your life.



v. cause sth.to become absorbed into the body after digestion (使某物)消化,吸收 absorb(ideas,knowledge,etc.)in the mind 吸收(思想、知识等) (allow sb.or sth.to)become part of another social group (让某人或某物)同化

assimilate (...) into/to 与……同化;(使)适应

When Tasuma first came to the U. S. from Japan, he wasn t sure he could assimilate American culture, but after a few months, he felt at home here.



n. sth. that is taken as a fact or as true without proof 假定;臆断 the act of beginning to use or perform or of pretending to have or to be 担任;承担

on the assumption that 在……假定之下;在假定……的情况下

The critical point here is causality. The alarmists say they have proved that violent media cause aggression. But the assumptions behind their observations need to be examined.



n. a firm statement or promise 保证;表示保证(鼓励、安慰)的话 strong belief in your own ability and powers 把握,信心 insurance against events that are certain rather than possible. (人寿)保险

give sb.an assurance that 向某人保证……

The director gave me his assurance that he would double my pay if I did my job well.

这个主管向我保证如果我工作做得好,他会双倍加薪。(2001 年1月阅读理解)

The manager gave her his assurance that her complaint would be investigated.



n. scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc. 天文学


n. person who trains to compete in physical exercise and sports, esp. running and jumping 运动员

It is no secret among athletes that in order to improve performance you ve got to work hard.



n. act of loading after a place or person 侍候;看护;照料being present 出席

be in attendance on 照顾,护理/take/check attendance 点名


n. person whose job is to provide a service in a public place 服务员 servant or companion 随员,陪从 adj. accompanying 伴随的,陪从的

The Prime Minister was followed by five or six attendants when he got off the plane.

总理从飞机上下来时跟着 5、6个随从。(2002 年1月阅读理解)


n. person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters 代理人 lawyer, esp. one qualified to act for clients in court 律师

An attorney is a lawyer who gives advice, appears in lower courts, and prepares cases for a barrister to prepares cases for a barrister to argue in a higher court. In England, it is called solicitor.

初级律师是一名给当事人提建议,在地方法庭出庭,并在高级法院给有资格出席高等法庭的律师准备案卷的律师。在英国被叫做 solicitor。


v. make sth. larger in number or size; increase 增多;增大;增加


adj. known to be true or genuine 真(正)的 trustworthy, reliable 可靠的;可信的



authentic 常可与 genuine 交换使用,但强调有正式证据或文件证明某东西是真的,而 genuine 仅断言不是假的、伪造的或掺假的。如:The author gave an authentic account of the wretched life in the slums. 这位作家对贫民窟悲惨生活的描述是可信的。如:Can you distinguish between genuine and phoney Marxism? 你能识别真假马克思主义吗?

an authentic report 可靠的报道/an authentic manu 一部真正的原稿/collect authentic signatures of famous people 收藏名人亲笔签名/an authentic account of the wretched life in the slums 真实的对贫民窟悲惨生活的描述

What the correspondent sent us is an authentic news report. We can depend on it.

那个记者发给我们的是一份可靠的新闻报道。我们可以相信它。(2001 年1月阅读理解)

Is that an authentic antique, or a modern copy?



adj. having authority; that can be trusted; reliable 有权力的;有权威的;可相信的;可靠的 given with authority; official 权威的;官方的;当局的 authoritative instructions, orders, etc 显示权力的;好像显示权威的

information from an authoritative source 来自权威方面的消息/authoritative instructions, orders, etc 官方的指示、命令等 /an authoritative tone of voice 权威式的口吻


v. give authority to 授权,委托,委任 give authority for sth; sanction 批准,认可


n. use of automatic equipment and machines to do work previously done by people 自动化(用自动设备和机器做以前需要人来做的工作)

Automation will mean the loss of many jobs in this factory.



n. selfgovernment 自治(权) selfdirecting freedom 人身自由;自主权

demand regional autonomy 要求区域自治/deprive sb. of autonomy 剥夺某人人身自由

The northeast section of the country was seeking a degree of autonomy from the central government.



v. make use of sth.; take advantage of sth. 使用,利用 be of value or help 有用,有帮助 n. use; profit; advantage 效用,利益,用途

作动词时,常用于否定句。 作名词时,常组成词组 be no avail (作表语用), without avail 和 to no avail (作状语用)。

avail for = avail (oneself) of 利用/of no avail 不起作用;没有用/without avail 无效;徒劳地/without avail 毫无结果


vt. to prevent happening 防止;避免 to turn away one s eyes, thoughts, etc. 转移(目光、注意力等)

avert a major forest fire 避免了一场大火/avert her eyes from the terrible sight 转移目光避开那可怕的景象

The driver averted an accident by a quick turn of the steering wheel.



n. art and science of flying in aircraft 航空,航空学


n. imaginary line through the center of a rotating object 轴 line that divides a regular figure into two symmetrical parts 轴线 agreement or alliance between two or more countries 轴心