
第11章 Bartleby,The Scrivener:A Tale of Wall Street Herma

88 Nevertheless,my mind was not pacifiedand full of a restless curiosity,at last I returned to the door。Without hindrance I inserted my key,opened it,and entered。Bartleby was not to be seen。I looked round anxiously,peeped behindhis screenbut it was very plain that he was gone。Upon more closely examiningthe place,I surmised that for an indefinite period Bartleby must have ate,dressed,and slept in my office,and that too without plate,mirror,or bed。The cushioned seat of a rickety old sofa in one corner bore the faint impress of a lean,reclining form。Rolled away under his desk,I found a blanketunder the empty grate,a blacking box and brushon a chair,a tin basin,withsoap and a ragged towelin a newspaper a few crumbs of ginger-nuts and a morsel of cheese。Yet,thought I,it is evident enough that Bartleby has been making his home here,keeping bachelor’s hall all by himself。Immediately then the thought came sweeping across me,What miserable friendlessness and loneliness are here revealed!Hispoverty is greatbut his solitude,how horrible!Think of it。Of a Sunday,Wall street is deserted as Petraand every night of every day it is an emptiness。This building,too,which of week-days hums with industry and life,at nightfallechoes with sheer vacancy,and all through Sunday is forlorn。And here Bartleby makes his homesole spectator of a solitude which he has seen all populous—asort of innocent and transformed Marius brooding among the ruins of Carthage!

89 For the first time in my life a feeling of overpowering stingingmelancholyseized me。Before,I had never experienced aught but a not-unpleasing sadness。The bond of a common humanity now drew me irresistibly to gloom。A fraternal melancholy!For both I and Bartleby were sons of Adam。I remembered the bright silks and sparkling faces I had seen that day,in gala trim,swan-like sailing downthe Mississippi of Broadwayand I contrasted them with the pallid copyist,and thought to myself,Ah,happiness courts the light,so we deem the world is gaybut misery hides aloof,so we deem that misery there is none。These sad fancyings—chimeras,doubtless,of a sick and silly brain—led on to other and more special thoughts,concerning the eccentricities of Bartleby。Presentiments of strange discoveries hovered round me。The scrivener’s pale form appeared to me laid out,among uncaring strangers,in its shivering winding sheet。















90 Suddenly I was attracted by Bartleby’s closed desk,the key in open sight left in the lock。

91 I mean no mischief,seek the gratification of no heartlesscuriosity,thought Ibesides,the desk is mine,and its contents,too,so I will make bold to look within。Everything was methodically arranged,the papers smoothly placed。The pigeon holes were deep,and removing the files of documents,I groped into their recesses。Presently I felt something there,and dragged it out。It was an oldbandanna handkerchief,heavy and knotted。I opened it,and saw it was a savings’bank。

92 I now recalled all the quiet mysteries which I had noted in the man。I remembered that he never spoke but to answerthat,though at intervals he had considerable time to himself,yet I had never seen him reading—no,not even a newspaperthat for long periods he would stand looking out,at his pale window behind the screen,upon the dead brick wallI was quite sure he never visited any refectory or eating housewhile his pale face clearly indicated that he never drankbeer like Turkey,or tea and coffee even,like other menthat he never went anywhere in particular that I could learnnever went out for a walk,unless,indeed,that was the case at presentthat he had declined telling who he was,or whence he came,or whether he had any relatives in the worldthat though so thin and pale,he never complained of ill health。And more than all,I remembered a certain unconscious air of pallid—how shall I call it?—of pallid haughtiness,say,or rather an austere reserve about him,which had positively awed me into my tame compliance with his eccentricities,when I had feared to ask him to do the slightest incidental thing for me,even though I might know,from his long-continued motionlessness,that behind his screen he must be standing in one of those dead-wall reveries of his。

93 Revolving all these things,and coupling them with the recently discovered fact,that he made my office his constant abiding place and home,and not forgetful of his morbid moodinessrevolving all these things,a prudential feeling began to steal over me。My first emotions had been those of pure melancholy and sincerest pitybut just in proportion as the forlornness of Bartleby grew and grewto my imagination,did that same melancholy merge into fear,that pity into repulsion。So true it is,and so terrible,took that up to a certainpoint the thought or sight of misery enlists our best affectionsbut,in certain special cases,beyond that point it does not。They err who would assert that invariably this is owing to the inherent selfishness of the human heart。It rather proceeds froma certain hopelessness of remedying excessive and organic ill。To a sensitive being,pity is not seldom pain。And when at last it is perceived that such pity cannot lead to effectual succor,common sense bids the soul be rid of it。What I saw that morning persuaded me that the scrivener was the victim of innate and incurable disorder。I might give alms to his bodybut his body did not pain himit was his soul that suffered,and his soul I could not reach。














alms(单复数同):n。施舍物,救济金94I did not accomplish the purpose of going to Trinity Church thatmorning。Somehow,the things I had seen disqualified me for the time from church-going。Iwalked homeward,thinking what I would do with Bartleby。Finally,I resolved upon this—I would put certain calm questions to him the next morning,touching his history,etc。,and if he declined to answer them openly and reservedly(and I supposed he would prefer not),then to give him a twenty dollar bill over and above whatever I might owe him,and tell him his services were no longer requiredbut that if in any other way I could assist him,I would be happy to do so,especially if he desired to return to his native place,wherever that might be,I would willingly help to defray the expenses。Moreover,if,after reaching home,hefound himself at any time in want of aid,a letter from him would be sure of a reply。

95 The next morning came。

96 “Bartleby,”said I,gently calling to him behind his screen。

97 No reply。

98 “Bartleby,”said I,in a still gentler tone,“come hereI am not going to ask you to do any thing you would prefer not to do—I simply wish to speak to you。”

99 Upon this he noiselessly slid into view。

100 “Will you tell me,Bartleby,where you were born?”

101 “I would prefer not to。”

102 “Will you tell me any thing about yourself?”

103 “I would prefer not to。”

104 “But what reasonable objection can you have to speak to me?I feel friendly towards you。”

105 He did not look at me while I spoke,but kept his glance fixed upon my bustof Cicero,which as I then sat,was directly behind me,some six inches above my head。

106 “What is your answer,Bartleby?”said I,after waiting a considerable time for a reply,during which his countenance remained immovable,only there was thefaintest conceivable tremor of the white attenuated mouth。

107 “At present I prefer to give no answer,”he said,and retired into his hermitage。

108 It was rather weak in me I confess,but his manner,on this occasion,nettled me。Not only did there seem to lurk in it a certain disdain,but his perverseness seemed ungrateful,considering the undeniable good usage and indulgence he had received from me。

109 Again I sat ruminating what I should do。Mortified as I was at his behavior,and resolved as I had been to dismiss him when I entered my office,nevertheless I strangely felt something superstitious knocking at my heart,and forbiddingme to carry out my purpose,and denouncing me for a villain if I dared to breathe one bitter word against this forlornest of mankind。At last,familiarly drawing my chair behind his screen,I sat down and said:“Bartleby,never mind,then,about revealing your historybut let me entreat you,as a friend,to comply as far as may be with the usages of this office。Say now,you will help to examine papers to-morrow or next day:in short,say now,that in a day or two you will begin to be a little reasonable:—say so,Bartleby。”


110 “At present I would prefer not to be a little reasonable,”was his mildly cadaverous reply。

111 Just then the folding-doors opened,and Nippers approached。He seemed suffering from an unusually bad night’s rest,induced by severer indigestion than common。He overheard those final words of Bartleby。

112 “Prefer not,eh?”gritted Nippers—“I’d prefer him,if I were you,sir,”addressing me—“I’d prefer himI’d give him preferences,the stubborn mule!What is it,sir,pray,that he prefers not to do now?”








grit:v。愤怒地咬牙113 Bartleby moved not a limb。

114 “Mr。Nippers,”said I,“I’d prefer that you would withdraw for the present。”

115 Somehow,of late,I had got into the way of involuntarily using this word“prefer”upon all sorts of not exactly suitable occasions。And I trembled to thinkthat my contact with the scrivener had already and seriously affected me in a mental way。And what further and deeper aberration might it not yet produce?Thisapprehension had not been without efficacy in determining me to summary measures。


116 As Nippers,looking very sour and sulky,was departing,Turkey blandly and deferentially approached。

117 “With submission,sir,”said he,“yesterday I was thinking aboutBartleby here,and I think that if he would but prefer to take a quart of good ale every day,it would do much towards mending him,and enabling him to assist in examining his papers。”

118 “So you have got the word,too,”said I,slightly excited。

119 “With submission,what word,sir,”asked Turkey,respectfully crowding himself into the contracted space behind the screen,and by so doing,making me jostle the scrivener。“What word,sir?”

120 “I would prefer to be left alone here,”said Bartleby,as if offended at being mobbed in his privacy。

121 “That’s the word,Turkey,”said I—“that’s it。”

122 “Oh,prefer?oh yes—queer word。I never use it myself。But,sir,as I was saying,if he would but prefer—”

123 “Turkey,”interrupted I,“you will please withdraw。”

124 “Oh,certainly,sir,if you prefer that I should。”

125 As he opened the folding-door to retire,Nippers at his desk caught a glimpse of me,and asked whether I would prefer to have a certain paper copied on blue paper or white。He did not in the least roguishly accent the word prefer。It was plain that it involuntarily rolled from his tongue。I thought to myself,surely I must get rid of a demented man,who already has in some degree turned the tongues,if not the heads of myself and clerks。But I thought it prudent not to break the dismission at once。










demented:adj。发狂的126 The next day I noticed that Bartleby did nothing but stand at his window inhis dead-wall revery。Upon asking him why he did not write,he said that he had decided upon doing no more writing。

127 “Why,how now?what next?”exclaimed I,“do no more writing?”

128 “No more。”

129 “And what is the reason?”

130 “Do you not see the reason for yourself,”he indifferently replied。

131 I looked steadfastly at him,and perceived that his eyes looked dull and glazed。Instantly it occurred to me,that his unexampled diligencein copying by his dim window for the first few weeks of his stay with me might have temporarilyimpaired his vision。

132 I was touched。I said something in condolence with him。I hintedthat of course he did wisely in abstaining from writing for a whileand urged him to embrace that opportunity of taking wholesome exercise in the open air。This,however,he did not do。A few days after this,my other clerks being absent,and being in a great hurry to dispatch certain letters by the mail,I thought that,havingnothing else earthly to do,Bartleby would surely be less inflexible than usual,and carry these letters to the post-office。But he blankly declined。So,muchto my inconvenience,I went myself。

133 Still added days went by。Whether Bartleby’s eyes improved or not,I could not say。To all appearance,I thought they did。But when I asked him if they did,he vouchsafed no answer。At all events,he would do no copying。At last,in reply to my urgings,he informed me that he had permanently given up copying。

134 “What!”exclaimed I“suppose your eyes should get entirely well—better than ever before—would you not copy then?”

135 “I have given up copying,”he answered,and slid aside。

136 He remained as ever,a fixture in my chamber。Nay—if that were possible—he became still more of a fixture than before。What was to be done?He would do nothing in the office:why should he stay there?In plain fact,he had now becomea millstone to me,not only useless as a necklace,but afflictive to bear。Yet I was sorry for him。I speak less than truth when I say that,on his own account,he occasioned me uneasiness。If he would but have named a single relative or friend,I would instantly have written,and urged their taking the poor fellow away to some convenient retreat。But he seemed alone,absolutely alone in the universe。A bit of wreck in the mid Atlantic。At length,necessities connected with my business tyrannized over all other considerations。Decently as I could,I told Bartleby that in six days’time he must unconditionally leave the office。I warned him to take measures,in the interval,for procuring some other abode。I offered to assist him in this endeavor,if he himself would but take the first step towards a removal。“And when you finally quit me,Bartleby,”added I,“I shallsee that you go not away entirely unprovided。Six days from this hour,remember。”

137 At the expiration of that period,I peeped behind the screen,and lo!Bartleby was there。

138 I buttoned up my coat,balanced myselfadvanced slowly towards him,touched his shoulder,and said,“The time has comeyou must quit this placeI am sorry for youhere is moneybut you must go。”

139 “I would prefer not,”he replied,with his back still towards me。

140 “You must。”

141 He remained silent。

142 Now I had an unbounded confidence in this man’s common honesty。He had frequently restored to me sixpences and shillings carelessly dropped upon the floor,for I am apt to be very reckless in such shirt-button affairs。The proceeding,then,which followed will not be deemed extraordinary。

143 “Bartleby,”said I,“I owe you twelve dollars on accounthere are thirty-twothe odd twenty are yours。—Will you take it?”and I handed the bills towards him。

144 But he made no motion。

145 “I will leave them here then,”putting them under a weight on the table。Then taking my hat and cane and going to the door I tranquilly turned and added—“After you have removed your things from these offices,Bartleby,you will of course lock the door—since every one is now gone for the day but you—and if you please,slip your key underneath the mat,so that I may have it in the morning。Ishall not see you againso good-bye to you。If,hereafter,in your new place ofabode,I can be of any service to you,do not fail to advise me by letter。Good-bye,Bartleby,and fare you well。”




abstain from:戒,避免,避开


tyrannize over:压倒了




146 But he answered not a wordlike the last column of some ruined temple,he remained standing mute and solitary in the middle of the otherwise deserted room。

147 As I walked home in a pensive mood,my vanity got the better of my pity。I could not but highly plume myself on my masterly management in getting rid of Bartleby。Masterly I call it,and such it must appear to any dispassionatethinker。The beauty of my procedure seemed to consist in its perfect quietness。There was no vulgar bullying,no bravado of any sort,no choleric hectoring,and striding to and fro across the apartment,jerking out vehement commands for Bartleby to bundle himself off with his beggarly traps。Nothing of the kind。Without loudly bidding Bartleby depart—as an inferior genius might have done—I assumed the ground that depart he mustand upon the assumption built all I had to say。The more I thought over my procedure,the more I was charmed with it。Nevertheless,next morning,upon awakening,I had my doubts,—I had somehow slept off the fumes of vanity。One of the coolest and wisest hours a man has,is just after he awakes in the morning。My procedure seemed as sagacious as ever,—but only in theory。How it would prove in practice—there was the rub。It was truly a beautifulthought to have assumed Bartleby’s departurebut,after all,that assumption wassimply my own,and none of Bartleby’s。The great point was,not whether I had assumed that he would quit me,but whether he would prefer so to do。He was more a man of preferences than assumptions。

148 After breakfast,I walked down town,arguing the probabilities pro and con。One moment I thought it would prove a miserable failure,and Bartleby would be found all alive at my office as usualthe next moment it seemed certain that I should see his chair empty。And so I kept veering about。At the corner of Broadway and Canal-street,I saw quite an excited group of people standing in earnestconversation。

149 “I’ll take odds he doesn’t,”said a voice as I passed。


plume oneself:自夸,自矜






bundle off:匆匆离去



take odds:打赌

150 “Doesn’t go?—done!”said I,“put up your money。”

151 I was instinctively putting my hand in my pocket to produce my own,when I remembered that this was an election day。The words I had overheard bore no reference to Bartleby,but to the success or non-success of some candidate for the mayoralty。In my intent frame of mind,I had,asit were,imagined that all Broadway shared in my excitement,and were debating the same question with me。I passed on,very thankful that the uproar of the street screened my momentary absent-mindedness。

152 As I had intended,I was earlier than usual at my office door。Istood listening for a moment。All was still。He must be gone。I tried the knob。The door was locked。Yes,my procedure had worked to a charmhe indeed must be vanished。Yet a certain melancholy mixed with this:I was almost sorry for my brilliant success。I was fumbling under the door mat for the key,which Bartleby was to haveleft there for me,when accidentally my knee knocked against a panel,producinga summoning sound,and in response a voice came to me from within—“Not yetI am occupied。”

153 It was Bartleby。

154 I was thunderstruck。For an instant I stood like the man who,pipe in mouth,was killed one cloudless afternoon long ago in Virginia,by summer lightningat his own warm open window he was killed,and remained leaning out there upon the dreamy afternoon,till some one touched him,when he fell。

155 “Not gone!”I murmured at last。But again obeying that wondrous ascendancy which the inscrutable scrivener had over me,and from which ascendency,for all my chafing,I could not completely escape,I slowly went down stairs and out into the street,and while walking round the block,considered what I should next do in this unheard-of perplexity。Turn the man out by an actual thrusting I couldnotto drive him away by calling him hard names would not docalling in the police was an unpleasant ideaand yet,permit him to enjoy his cadaverous triumph over me—this,too,I could not think of。What was to be done?or,if nothingcould be done,was there anything further that I could assume in the matter?Yes,as before I had prospectively assumed that Bartleby would depart,so now I might retrospectively assume that departed he was。In the legitimate carrying out of this assumption,I might enter my office in a great hurry,and pretending not to see Bartleby at all,walk straight against him as if he were air。Such a proceeding would in a singular degree have the appearance of a home-thrust。It was hardly possible that Bartleby could withstand such an application of the doctrineof assumptions。But upon second thoughts the success of the plan seemed rather dubious。I resolved to argue the matter over with him again。

156 “Bartleby,”said I,entering the office,with a quietly severe expression,“I am seriously displeased。I am pained,Bartleby。I had thought better of you。I had imagined you of such a gentlemanly organization,that in any delicate dilemma a slight hint would suffice—in short,an assumption。But itappears I am deceived。Why,”I added,unaffectedly starting,“you have not even touched the money yet,”pointing to it,just where I had left it the evening previous。







suffice:v。足够,有能力157 He answered nothing。

158 “Will you,or will you not,quit me?”I now demanded in a suddenpassion,advancing close to him。

159 “I would prefer not to quit you,”he replied,gently emphasizingthe not。

160 “What earthly right have you to stay here?Do you pay any rent?Doyou pay my taxes?Or is this property yours?”

161 He answered nothing。

162 “Are you ready to go on and write now?Are your eyes recovered?Could you copy a small paper for me this morning?or help examine a few lines?or step round to the post-office?In a word,will you do anything at all,to give a coloring to your refusal to depart the premises?”

163 He silently retired into his hermitage。

164 I was now in such a state of nervous resentment that I thought it but prudent to check myself at present from further demonstrations。Bartleby and I were alone。I remembered the tragedy of the unfortunate Adams and the still more unfortunate Colt in the solitary office of the latterand how poor Colt,being dreadfully incensed by Adams,and imprudently permitting himself to get wildly excited,was at unawares hurried into his fatal act—an act which certainly no man could possibly deplore more than the actor himself。Often it had occurred to me in my ponderings upon the subject,that had that altercation taken place in the public street,or at a private residence,it would not have terminated as it did。It was the circumstance of being alone in a solitary office,up stairs,of a building entirely unhallowed by humanizing domestic associations—an uncarpeted office,doubtless,of a dusty,haggard sort of appearance—this it must have been,which greatly helped to enhance the irritable desperation of the hapless Colt。


165 But when this old Adam of resentment rose in me and tempted me concerning Bartleby,I grappled him and threw him。How?Why,simply by recalling the divine injunction:“A new commandment give I unto you,that ye love one another。”Yes,this it was that saved me。Aside from higher considerations,charity often operates as a vastly wise and prudent principle—a great safeguard to its possessor。Men have committed murder for jealousy’s sake,and anger’s sake,and hatred’ssake,and selfishness’sake,and spiritual pride’s sakebut no man,that ever I heard of,ever committed a diabolical murder for sweet charity’s sake。Mere self-interest,then,if no better motive can be enlisted,should,especially with high-tempered men,prompt all beings to charity and philanthropy。At any rate,uponthe occasion in question,I strove to drown my exasperated feelings towards the scrivener by benevolently construing his conduct。Poor fellow,poor fellow!thought I,he don’t mean any thingand besides,he has seen hard times,and ought to be indulged。

166 I endeavored,also,immediately to occupy myself,and at the same time to comfort my despondency。I tried to fancy,that in the course of the morning,at suchtime as might prove agreeable to him,Bartleby,of his own free accord,would emerge from his hermitage and take up some decided line of march in the direction of the door。But no。Half-past twelve o’clock cameTurkey began to glow in the face,overturn his inkstand,and become generally obstreperousNippers abateddown into quietude and courtesyGinger Nut munched his noon appleand Bartleby remained standing at his window in one of his profoundest dead-wall reveries。Will it be credited?Ought I to acknowledge it?That afternoon I left the officewithout saying one further word to him。















munch:v。用力嚼,大声嚼167 Some days now passed,during which,at leisure intervals I looked a little into“Edwards on the Will”,and“Priestley on Necessity”。Under the circumstances,those books induced a salutary feeling。Gradually I slid intothe persuasion that these troubles of mine touching the scrivener,had been all predestinated from eternity,and Bartleby was billeted upon me for some mysterious purpose of an all-wise Providence,which it was not for a mere mortal like me to fathom。Yes,Bartleby,stay there behind your screen,thought II shall persecute you no moreyou are harmless and noiseless as any of these old chairsin short,I never feel so private as when I know you are here。At least I see it,I feel itI penetrate to the predestinated purpose of my life。I am content。Others may have loftier parts to enactbut my mission in this world,Bartleby,is to furnish you with office-room for such period as you may see fit to remain。


168 I believe that this wise and blessed frame of mind would have continued with me,had it not been for the unsolicited and uncharitable remarks obtruded uponme by my professional friends who visited the rooms。But thus it often is,thatthe constant friction of illiberal minds wears out at last the best resolves ofthe more generous。Though to be sure,when I reflected upon it,it was not strange that people entering my office should be struck by the peculiar aspect of the unaccountable Bartleby,and so be tempted to throw out some sinister observations concerning him。Sometimes an attorney,having business with me,and calling at my office,and finding no one but the scrivener there,would undertake to obtain some sort of precise information from him touching my whereaboutsbut without heeding his idle talk,Bartleby would remain standing immovable in the middle of the room。So after contemplating him in that position for a time,the attorney would depart,no wiser than he came。



billet upon:分配








heed:v。注意,留心169 Also,when a Reference was going on,and the room full of lawyers and witnesses and business was driving fastsome deeply-occupied legal gentleman present,seeing Bartleby wholly unemployed,would request him to run round to his(the legal gentleman’s)office and fetch some papers for him。Thereupon,Bartleby would tranquilly decline,and yet remain idle as before。Then the lawyer would givea great stare,and turn to me。And what could I say?At last I was made aware that all through the circle of my professional acquaintance,a whisper of wonder was running round,having reference to the strange creature I kept at my office。This worried me very much。And as the idea came upon me of his possibly turningout a long-lived man,and keep occupying my chambers,and denying my authorityand perplexing my visitorsand scandalizing my professional reputationand casting a general gloom over the premiseskeeping soul and body together to the last upon his savings(for doubtless he spent but half a dime a day),and in the end perhaps outlive me,and claim possession of my office by right of his perpetual occupancy:as all these dark anticipations crowded upon me more and more,and my friends continually intruded their relentless remarks upon the apparition in my rooma great change was wrought in me。I resolved to gather all my faculties together,and forever rid me of this intolerable incubus。


170 Ere revolving any complicated project,however,adapted to this end,I first simply suggested to Bartleby the propriety of his permanent departure。In a calm and serious tone,I commended the idea to his careful and mature consideration。But,having taken three days to meditate upon it,he apprised me,that his original determination remained the samein short,that he still preferred to abidewith me。

171 What shall I do?I now said to myself,buttoning up my coat to the last button。What shall I do?What ought I to do?What does conscience say I should do with this man,or,rather,ghost。Rid myself of him,I mustgo,he shall。But how?You will not thrust him,the poor,pale,passive mortal,—You will not thrustsuch a helpless creature out of your door?You will not dishonor yourself by suchcruelty?No,I will not,I cannot do that。Rather would I let him live and die here,and then mason up his remains in the wall。What,then,will you do?For all your coaxing,he will not budge。Bribes he leaves under your own paperweight on your tablein short,it is quite plain that he prefers to cling to you。







abide with:与……同住




172 Then something severe,something unusual must be done。What!surely you will not have him collared by a constable,and commit his innocent pallor to the common jail?And upon what ground could you procure such a thing to be done?—a vagrant,is he?What!he a vagrant,a wanderer,who refuses to budge?It is because he will not be a vagrant,then,that you seek to count him as a vagrant。That is too absurd。No visible means of support:there I have him。Wrong again:for indubitably he does support himself,and that is the only unanswerable proof thatany man can show of his possessing the means so to do。No more,then。Since he will not quit me,I must quit him。I will change my officesI will move elsewhereand give him fair notice,that if I find him on my new premises I will then proceed against him as a common trespasser。

173 Acting accordingly,next day I thus addressed him:“I find thesechambers too far from the City Hallthe air is unwholesome。In a word,I propose to remove my offices next week,and shall no longer require your services。I tell you this now,in order that you may seek another place。”

174 He made no reply,and nothing more was said。

175 On the appointed day I engaged carts and men,proceeded to my chambers,and,having but little furniture,every thing was removed in a few hours。Throughout,the scrivener remained standing behind the screen,which I directed to be removed the last thing。It was withdrawnand being folded up like a huge folio,left him the motionless occupant of a naked room。I stood in the entry watching hima moment,while something from within me upbraided me。

176 I re-entered,with my hand in my pocket—and—and my heart in my mouth。

177 “Good-bye,BartlebyI am going—good-bye,and God some way bless youand take that,”slipping something in his hand。But it dropped upon the floor,and then,—strange to say—I tore myself from him whom I had so longed to be rid of。

178 Established in my new quarters,for a day or two I kept the doorlocked,and started at every footfall in the passages。When I returned to my rooms,after any little absence,I would pause at the threshold for an instant,and attentively listen,ere applying my key。But these fears were needless。Bartleby never came nigh me。

179 I thought all was going well,when a perturbed looking stranger visited me,inquiring whether I was the person who had recently occupied rooms at No。—Wall street。

180 Full of forebodings,I replied that I was。

181 “Then,sir,”said the stranger,who proved a lawyer,“you are responsible for the man you left there。He refuses to do any copyinghe refuses to do any thinghe says he prefers not toand he refuses to quit the premises。”










182 “I am very sorry,sir,”said I,with assumed tranquillity,but an inward tremor,“but,really,the man you allude to is nothing to me—he is no relation or apprentice of mine,that you should hold me responsible for him。”

183 “In mercy’s name,who is he?”

184 “I certainly cannot inform you。I know nothing about him。Formerly I employed him as a copyistbut he has done nothing for me now for some time past。”

185 “I shall settle him,then,—good bye,sir。”

186 Several days passed,and I heard nothing moreand though I often felt a charitable prompting to call at the place and see poor Bartleby,yet a certain squeamishness,of I know not what,withheld me。

187 All is over with him,by this time,thought I,at last,when,through anotherweek,no further intelligence reached me。But,coming to my room the day after,Ifound several persons waiting at my door in a high state of nervous excitement。

188 “That’s the man—here he comes,”cried the foremost one,whom I recognized as the lawyer who had previously called upon me alone。

189 “You must take him away,sir,at once,”cried a portly person among them,advancing upon me,and whom I knew to be the landlord of No。—Wall Street。“These gentlemen,my tenants,cannot stand it any longerMr。B—”pointing tothelawyer,“has turned him out of his room,and he now persists in haunting the building generally,sitting upon the banisters of the stairs by day,and sleeping in the entry by night。Every body is concernedclients are leaving the officessome fears are entertained of a mobsomething you must do,and that without delay。”

190 Aghast at this torrent,I fell backbefore it,and would fain have locked myself in my new quarters。In vain I persisted that Bartleby was nothing to me—no more than to any one else。In vain:—I was the last person known to have anything to do with him,and they held me to the terrible account。Fearful,then,of being exposed in the papers(as one person present obscurely threatened),I considered the matter,and at length,said,that if the lawyer would give me a confidential interview with the scrivener,in his(the lawyer’s)own room,I would,thatafternoon,strive my best to rid them of the nuisance they complained of。


allude to:提及,暗指









191 Going up stairs to my old haunt,there was Bartleby silently sitting upon the banister at the landing。

192 “What are you doing here,Bartleby?”said I。

193 “Sitting upon the banister,”he mildly replied。

194 I motioned him into the lawyer’s room,who then left us。

195 “Bartleby,”said I,“are you aware that you are the cause of great tribulation to me,by persisting in occupying the entry afterbeing dismissed from the office?”

196 No answer。

197 “Now one of two things must take place。Either you must do something,or something must be done to you。Now what sort of business would you like to engage in?Would you like to re-engage in copying for some one?”

198 “NoI would prefer not to make any change。”

199 “Would you like a clerkship in a dry-goods store?”

200 “There is too much confinement about that。No,I would not like a clerkshipbut I am not particular。”

201 “Too much confinement,”I cried,“why you keep yourself confinedall the time!”

202 “I would prefer not to take a clerkship,”he rejoined,as if to settle that little item at once。

203 “How would a bar-tender’s business suit you?There is no tryingof the eyesight in that。”

204 “I would not like it at allthough,as I said before,I amnot particular。”

205 His unwonted wordiness inspirited me。I returned tothe charge。

206 “Well,then,would you like to travel through the country collecting bills for the merchants?That would improve your health。”

207 “No,I would prefer to be doing something else。”

208 “How,then,would going as a companion to Europe,to entertain some young gentleman with your conversation,—how would that suit you?”

209 “Not at all。It does not strike me that there is anything definite about that。I like to be stationary。But I am not particular。”

210 “Stationary you shall be,then,”I cried,now losing all patience,and,for the first time in all my exasperating connection with him,fairly flying into a passion。“If you do not go away from these premises before night,I shall feelbound—indeed,I am bound—to—to—to quit the premises myself!”I rather absurdly concluded,knowing not with what possible threat to try to frighten his immobility into compliance。Despairing of all further efforts,I was precipitately leaving him,when a final thought occurred to me—one which had not been wholly unindulged before。

211 “Bartleby,”said I,in the kindest tone I could assume under such exciting circumstances,“will you go home with me now—not to my office,but my dwelling—and remain there till we can conclude upon some convenient arrangement for youat our leisure?Come,let us start now,right away。”

212 “No:at present I would prefer not to make any change at all。”

213 I answered nothingbut,effectually dodging every one by the suddenness andrapidity of my flight,rushed from the building,ran up Wall-street towards Broadway,and jumping into the first omnibus,was soon removed from pursuit。As soonas tranquility returned,I distinctly perceived that I had now done all that I possibly could,both in respect to the demands of the landlord and his tenants,and with regard to my own desire and sense of duty,to benefit Bartleby,and shield him from rude persecution。I now strove to be entirely care-free and quiescentand my conscience justified me in the attemptthough,indeed,it was not so successful as I could have wished。So fearful was I of being again hunted out by the incensed landlord and his exasperated tenants,that,surrendering my businessto Nippers,for a few days,I drove about the upper part of the town and throughthe suburbs,in my rockawaycrossed over to Jersey City and Hoboken,and paid fugitive visits to Manhattanville and Astoria。In fact,I almost lived in my rockaway for the time。

214 When again I entered my office,lo,a note from the landlord layupon the desk。I opened it with trembling hands。It informed me that the writer had sent to the police,and had Bartleby removed to the Tombs as a vagrant。Moreover,since I knew more about him than any one else,he wished me to appear at that place,and make a suitable statement of the facts。These tidings had aconflicting effect upon me。At first I was indignantbut,at last,almost approved。The landlord’s energetic,summary disposition,had led him to adopt a procedure which I do not think I would have decided upon myselfand yet,as a last resort,under such peculiar circumstances,it seemed the only plan。















215 As I afterwards learned,the poor scrivener,when told that he must be conducted to the Tombs,offered not the slightest obstacle,but,in his pale,unmovingway,silently acquiesced。

216 Some of the compassionate and curious bystanders joined the partyand headed by one of the constables arm in arm with Bartleby,the silentprocession filed its way through all the noise,and heat,and joy of the roaring thoroughfares at noon。

217 The same day I received the note,I went to the Tombs,or,to speak more properly,the Halls of Justice。Seeking the right officer,I stated the purpose of my call,and was informed that the individual I described was,indeed,within。I then assured the functionary that Bartleby was a perfectly honest man,and greatlyto be compassionated,however unaccountably eccentric。I narrated all I knew,and closed by suggesting the idea of letting him remain in as indulgent confinement as possible,till something less harsh might be done—though,indeed,I hardlyknew what。At all events,if nothing else could be decided upon,the alms-house must receive him。I then begged to have an interview。

218 Being under no disgraceful charge,and quite sereneand harmlessin all hisways,they had permitted him freely to wander about the prison,and,especially,in the inclosed grass-platted yards thereof。And so I found him there,standingall alone in the quietest of the yards,his face towards a high wall,while all around,from the narrow slits of the jail windows,I thought I saw peering out upon him the eyes of murderers and thieves。

219 “Bartleby!”

220 “I know you,”he said,without looking round,—“and I want nothing to say to you。”

221 “It was not I that brought you here,Bartleby,”said I,keenly pained at his implied suspicion。“And to you,this should not be so vile a place。Nothing reproachful attaches to you by being here。And see,it is not so sad a place as one might think。Look,there is the sky,and here is the grass。”










222 “I know where I am,”he replied,but would say nothing more,andso I left him。

223 As I entered the corridor again,a broad meat-like man,in an apron,accosted me,and,jerking his thumb over his shoulder,said—“Is that your friend?”

224 “Yes。”

225 “Does he want to starve?If he does,let him live on the prison fare,that’s all。”

226 “Who are you?”asked I,not knowing what to make of such an unofficially speaking person in such a place。

227 “I am the grub-man。Such gentlemen as have friends here,hire me to provide them with something good to eat。”

228 “Is this so?”said I,turning to the turnkey。

229 He said it was。

230 “Well then,”said I,slipping some silver into the grub-man’s hands(for sothey called him)。“I want you to give particular attention to my friend therelet him have the best dinner you can get。And you must be as polite to him as possible。”

231 “Introduce me,will you?”said the grub-man,looking at me withan expression which seem to say he was all impatience for an opportunity to give a specimenof his breeding。

232 Thinking it would prove of benefit to the scrivener,I acquiescedand,asking the grub-man his name,went up with him to Bartleby。

233 “Bartleby,this is Mr。Cutletsyou will find him very useful toyou。”

234 “Your sarvant,sir,your sarvant,”said the grub-man,making a low salutation behind his apron。“Hope you find it pleasant here,sirspacious grounds—cool apartments,sir—hope you’ll stay with us some time—try to make it agreeable。What will you have for dinner to-day?”

235 “I prefer not to dine to-day,”said Bartleby,turning away。“Itwould disagree with meI am unused to dinners。”So saying,he slowly moved to the other side of the inclosure,and took up a position fronting the dead-wall。

236 “How’s this?”said the grub-man,addressing me with a stare of astonishment。“He’s odd,aint he?”

237 “I think he is a little deranged,”said I,sadly。

238 “Deranged?deranged is it?Well,now,upon my word,I thought that friend ofyourn was a gentleman forgerthey are always pale and genteel-like,them forgers。I can’t help pity’em—can’t help it,sir。Did you know Monroe Edwards?”he added,touchingly,and paused。Then,laying his hand pityingly on my shoulder,sighed,“he died of consumption at Sing-Sing。So you weren’t acquainted with Monroe?”

239 “No,I was never socially acquainted with any forgers。But I cannot stop longer。Look to my friend yonder。You will not lose by it。I will see you again。”

240 Some few days after this,I again obtained admission to the Tombs,and went through the corridors in quest of Bartlebybut without finding him。

241 “I saw him coming from his cell not long ago,”said a turnkey,“maybe he’s gone to loiter in the yards。”




inclosure n。围墙




loiter:v。徘徊242 So I went in that direction。

243 “Are you looking for the silent man?”said another turnkey,passing me。“Yonder he lies—sleeping in the yard there。’Tis not twenty minutes since I saw him lie down。”

244 The yard was entirely quiet。It was not accessible to the commonprisoners。The surrounding walls,of amazing thickness,kept off all sounds behind them。The Egyptian character of the masonry weighed upon me with its gloom。But a soft imprisoned turf grew under foot。The heart of the eternal pyramids,it seemed,wherein,by some strange magic,through the clefts,grass-seed,dropped by birds,had sprung。

245 Strangely huddled at the base of the wall,his knees drawn up,and lying onhis side,his head touching the cold stones,I saw the wasted Bartleby。But nothing stirred。I pausedthen went close up to himstooped over,and saw that his dim eyes were openotherwise he seemed profoundly sleeping。Something prompted me to touch him。I felt his hand,when a tingling shiver ran up my arm and down my spine to my feet。

246 The round face of the grub-man peered upon me now。“His dinner is ready。Won’t he dine to-day,either?Or does he live without dining?”

247 “Lives without dining,”said I,and closed the eyes。

248 “Eh!—He’s asleep,aint he?”

249 “With kings and counsellors,”murmured I。

250 There would seem little need for proceeding further in this history。Imagination will readily supply the meagre recital of poor Bartleby’sinterment。But,ere parting with the reader,let me say,that if this little narrative has sufficiently interested him,to awaken curiosity as to who Bartleby was,and what manner of life he led prior to the present narrator’s making his acquaintance,I canonly reply,that in such curiosity I fully share,but am wholly unable to gratify it。Yet here I hardly know whether I should divulge one little item of rumor,which came to my ear a few months after the scrivener’s decease。Upon what basis it rested,I could never ascertainand hence,how true it is I cannot now tell。But,inasmuch as this vague report has not been without a certain strange suggestive interest to me,however sad,it may prove the same with some othersand so I will briefly mention it。The report was this:that Bartleby had been a subordinate clerk in the Dead Letter Office at Washington,from which he had been suddenly removed by a change in the administration。When I think over this rumor,I cannot adequately express the emotions which seize me。

Dead letters!Does it not sound like dead men?Conceive a man by nature and misfortune prone to a pallid hopelessness,can any business seem more fitted to heighten it than that of continually handling these dead letters,and assorting them for the flames?For by the cart-load they are annually burned。Sometimes from out the folded paper thepale clerk takes a ring—the finger it was meant for,perhaps,moulders in the gravea bank-note sent in swiftest charity—he whom it would relieve,nor eatsnor hungers any morepardon for those who died despairinghope for those who died unhopinggood tidings for those who died stifled by unrelieved calamities。On errands of life,these letters speed to death。


251 Ah,Bartleby!Ah,humanity!





asleep with kings and counselors:是“死去”之意








prone to:倾向于……


Comprehension Exercises:

1.Find out the descriptions of the walls in the passage and try to explain the reason why the author accounts for them。

2.Discuss the meaning of the last sentence。
